Hi there. Just an update about December and stuff and Singapore and stuff.
some strange pink dragon i made for Jas-Min's birthday. Kel-Vin's present is way overdue but Ihave no idea what to make for him. I don't even feel like making anything. I wanna paint! but what..... hm..
Thats Scott, wrestling with Ken Min for the Greenies.
Have you guys ever seen a chestnut BEFORE its been packaged and sold and eaten and cooked and etc?? WELL BEHOLD! THE CHESTNUT:
yes, thats what it looks like when its on the tree. those things are sharp as needles, no kidding. although it does look like some toilet scrub.
christmas tree!
SOOO SINGAPOOORE. YKNOW nothing much. Stayed in Sentosa. So Im just gonna post pictures from the underwater word. Nothing new.
Super friendly and large sting rays.
father feeding le stingrays.
some bongkok fish. i don't think its supposed to be like that. anyway the fish is super big, it just looks small on camera.
Christmas tree in the tube tunnel thing where people stand on the conveyor belt.
shark-ray!! at least it looks like one. half sting ray, half shark.
lol fish butt!
unicorn fish. i didn't know it was seriously called the unicorn fish until i saw the info thing. i practically named it!
fan hats. so fashionable.
see the large shark balloon?
apparently its remote controlled. the clown fish too. its not the one in the picture, the remote controlled clown fish is much bigger.
super big turtle which doesn't look big in the camera. there are quite a few of them.
NOOOW THE DOLPHIN AND FUR SEAL SHOW(also in underwater world.)
Seals first. Click to enlarge. it's probably harder to see in this size cause it camouflages with the audience.
seal waving "hi"
The seal was supposed to jump and touch the pink thing but it went to hug the other seal instead.
thats the seal swimming like its a torpedo. whoosh.
seal catching rings. accuracy 100%
it went to receive some love and applause.
it case the image failed to explain itself, the seal is standing on its front flippers.
The silly dolphin stole the box of fish and gave it to the other trainers.
Uncle Laurence has a new toy shop in Katong Mall! or its new name, 112 Katong. its smaller than the one in Funan buuut its doing much better (:
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