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    Saturday, July 24, 2010

    Da Lame Game

    aka DaLaGa. which probably makes it even lamer.

    i've gotz nothing to do and i guess ur pretty much bored also, sooo. i came up w this new HARDCORE game(bahahah). but at least its somthing right? yeah, so all u pretty much have to do is guess whats that in the picture. and if u win.. then... u will win a.. prize. just pretend that thats true. idc who u are, just plaaay D:

    okeh, so what is thiiiis?
    (p/s: guess the answer in the secret msgs thingy down there, not the cbox, but if thats easier then wtv go write ur guess there)
    (p/p/s: pls be sporting enough to layan my lameness. or shall i say, my COOLTH (;)
    (p/p/p/s: it would be so insulting and embarassing if i get no response)
    (p/p/p/p/s: im kidding. but still, playing this game is better than nothing right? right? :/)

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