im just gonna assume ur gonna read this whole short post.
really, go to my cousins blog and see that post. made me lol for some reason (: and go see the rest of her blog, wont hurt u to do so.
p/s: kurs u people who arent sporting enough to even spend a few seconds to guess what is that picture (ily natasha)
p/p/s: REALLY? you wanna guess?? :D OKAY!! just scroll down abit and its THAT POST! ffyeah :D
p/p/p/s: im probably gonna reveal the answer in the next post.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Da Lame Game
aka DaLaGa. which probably makes it even lamer.
i've gotz nothing to do and i guess ur pretty much bored also, sooo. i came up w this new HARDCORE game(bahahah). but at least its somthing right? yeah, so all u pretty much have to do is guess whats that in the picture. and if u win.. then... u will win a.. prize. just pretend that thats true. idc who u are, just plaaay D:
i've gotz nothing to do and i guess ur pretty much bored also, sooo. i came up w this new HARDCORE game(bahahah). but at least its somthing right? yeah, so all u pretty much have to do is guess whats that in the picture. and if u win.. then... u will win a.. prize. just pretend that thats true. idc who u are, just plaaay D:
(p/s: guess the answer in the secret msgs thingy down there, not the cbox, but if thats easier then wtv go write ur guess there)
(p/p/s: pls be sporting enough to layan my lameness. or shall i say, my COOLTH (;)
(p/p/p/s: it would be so insulting and embarassing if i get no response)
(p/p/p/p/s: im kidding. but still, playing this game is better than nothing right? right? :/)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
i changed my layout.. to something really simple.. yeah, the fairy was okay, but i dont really like pyzam layouts. oh well, this is nice (: and plain. plain and nice. maybe.. satisfying, thats for sure. something, something. bee boo boo, boo bao. vote the poll somewhere there ----->
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
vitagen straws
my previous post was so lame, but this is LACOOL!! yehh :D i hope.
MELTED CHOCOLATE W STRAWBERRIESSS :DD (unfortunately it doesnt taste so good[it will be abit bitter-ish tasteless kinda thing. idk] if u celup too much)
for a steamboat shop(they specialise in cheese soup :O which i dont like bcus it kinda tastes like milk) this is abit.. fffffancy.. or tacky. i forgot to upload the picture of the whole counter(includes decorative gigantic pegs) and a pic of that tree(that brown pot beside the hello kitty case).. darrrnnns.
o ya, btw, theres this poll somewhere there --->
vote em and.. uhh.. be cool 8B
i love disney, so those of u who has a problem w that, I DONT CARE! hahahah =_=
i love disney, so those of u who has a problem w that, I DONT CARE! hahahah =_=
Sunday, July 11, 2010
7 months
*news song*
newsguy(me): welcome, and this is da non-daily news. without furthur delay, we shall see what is up.
*big news logo zooms in and out*
it says here in todays newspaper that a girl(named lena) who is 9 yrs old and preganant. they didnt know until she was 7 months pregnant(her parents rushed her to the hospital bcus they thought it was a tumour). when they found out she was pregnant, the doctor performed ceasarean bcus her pelvis was too small for a normal birth.
newsguy(me): and we will be right back after this comercial. FEEL THE SUSPENCE!! and stay tuned. *smile*
son: daddy, im hungry!
dad: not now, son. we are in the subway. theres no food here!
son: aww. OH WAIT! DAD! what about THAT store??
dad: what store?
son: that one! its subway!
dad: thats the sandwich shop! hooray! we can eat now!
son: how convienient!
dad: well, thats subway for you! u can always count on em!
*dad and son smiles at the camera*
director: aaaand we're on air!!!
newsguy(me): OH! *fixes my tie* ehem, and we are back to the non-daily news! not even monthly, if u ask me *fake laughter*
so this girl gave birth to a HEALTHY 3KG BABY BOY. he's 2 months prematured, but still. her mom raised lena and gerardo(lena named him after the doctor) as brother and sister. she had another baby when she is 38 yrs old!
newsguy: i mean, imagine the age difference between the siblings! anyway, as we take a short break after "so long", dont move as we shall watch the folowing commercial *leans forward, side smile and eyebrow-wag*
mascot: *dance*
man: *sigh
mascot: *dance somemore*
*news song*
newsguy(me): welcome, and this is da non-daily news. without furthur delay, we shall see what is up.
*big news logo zooms in and out*
it says here in todays newspaper that a girl(named lena) who is 9 yrs old and preganant. they didnt know until she was 7 months pregnant(her parents rushed her to the hospital bcus they thought it was a tumour). when they found out she was pregnant, the doctor performed ceasarean bcus her pelvis was too small for a normal birth.
newsguy(me): and we will be right back after this comercial. FEEL THE SUSPENCE!! and stay tuned. *smile*
son: daddy, im hungry!
dad: not now, son. we are in the subway. theres no food here!
son: aww. OH WAIT! DAD! what about THAT store??
dad: what store?
son: that one! its subway!
dad: thats the sandwich shop! hooray! we can eat now!
son: how convienient!
dad: well, thats subway for you! u can always count on em!
*dad and son smiles at the camera*
director: aaaand we're on air!!!
newsguy(me): OH! *fixes my tie* ehem, and we are back to the non-daily news! not even monthly, if u ask me *fake laughter*
so this girl gave birth to a HEALTHY 3KG BABY BOY. he's 2 months prematured, but still. her mom raised lena and gerardo(lena named him after the doctor) as brother and sister. she had another baby when she is 38 yrs old!
newsguy: i mean, imagine the age difference between the siblings! anyway, as we take a short break after "so long", dont move as we shall watch the folowing commercial *leans forward, side smile and eyebrow-wag*
mascot: *dance*
man: *sigh
mascot: *dance somemore*
man: *sigh somemore*
narrator: wanna be happy like some people?
narrator: wanna be happy like some people?
man: *looks into camera and nods*
narrator: then sign up for a family holiday fun-pax with your family!
mascot: *thumbs up*
man: ALRIGHT! thats just what i needed!
narrator: for furthur information, visit our website at
director: aaand we're back on 5, 4, 3, 2...
newsguy: *gulps down water and wipes mouth and runs back to my seat* welcome back! hope u didnt have to wait TOO long! after all, whats news if there's nothing u wanna hear about? ha-ha-ha! right.
btw, lena got her period when she was 8 months old. shocking. its due to hormone disorder, so her ovaries fully developed when she not even 1 yr old :O
newsguy: and thats all for todays news! be sure to catch more next time, remember: dont forget! ha-ha-ha!
*news logo zooms in and out*
*theme song*
director: aaaaand... cut! good job everybody!
*everyody claps*
AAANYWAAAY, thats all. i just wanna say that, lol. oh and 1 more thing! click any of these random links and find out where they lead to: click this, or maybe this, and this :3
narrator: then sign up for a family holiday fun-pax with your family!
mascot: *thumbs up*
man: ALRIGHT! thats just what i needed!
narrator: for furthur information, visit our website at
director: aaand we're back on 5, 4, 3, 2...
newsguy: *gulps down water and wipes mouth and runs back to my seat* welcome back! hope u didnt have to wait TOO long! after all, whats news if there's nothing u wanna hear about? ha-ha-ha! right.
btw, lena got her period when she was 8 months old. shocking. its due to hormone disorder, so her ovaries fully developed when she not even 1 yr old :O
newsguy: and thats all for todays news! be sure to catch more next time, remember: dont forget! ha-ha-ha!
*news logo zooms in and out*
*theme song*
director: aaaaand... cut! good job everybody!
*everyody claps*
AAANYWAAAY, thats all. i just wanna say that, lol. oh and 1 more thing! click any of these random links and find out where they lead to: click this, or maybe this, and this :3
Monday, July 5, 2010
just some random post lah. blonde jokes :D
There once was a magic mirror which would kill you if you lied to it. One day a brunette was doing her makeup and said to herself "I think I'm the smartest woman ever!" She immediately dropped dead.
The next day a redhead was doing her hair and said to herself "I think I'm the prettiest woman alive!" She immediately dropped dead.
Finally, the following day, a blond was flossing her teeth. She stopped and said to herself "I think," and dropped dead.
HAHA, i found that rather funny...
okok, um.. another one! uhh, dog joke?
The Taco Bell Chihuahua, a Doberman and a Bulldog are in a bar having adrink when a great-looking female Collie comes up to them and says, "Whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can have me."
So the Doberman says, "I love liver and cheese." The Collie replies, "That's not good enough."
The Bulldog says, "I hate liver and cheese." She says, "That's not creative enough."
Finally, the Chihuahua says, "Liver alone . . . cheese mine."
heheh, cute.
okeh, i dono. byebye :D
There once was a magic mirror which would kill you if you lied to it. One day a brunette was doing her makeup and said to herself "I think I'm the smartest woman ever!" She immediately dropped dead.
The next day a redhead was doing her hair and said to herself "I think I'm the prettiest woman alive!" She immediately dropped dead.
Finally, the following day, a blond was flossing her teeth. She stopped and said to herself "I think," and dropped dead.
HAHA, i found that rather funny...
okok, um.. another one! uhh, dog joke?
The Taco Bell Chihuahua, a Doberman and a Bulldog are in a bar having adrink when a great-looking female Collie comes up to them and says, "Whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can have me."
So the Doberman says, "I love liver and cheese." The Collie replies, "That's not good enough."
The Bulldog says, "I hate liver and cheese." She says, "That's not creative enough."
Finally, the Chihuahua says, "Liver alone . . . cheese mine."
heheh, cute.
okeh, i dono. byebye :D
Friday, July 2, 2010

2nd post, blahblahblah.
i changed my blog layout(FINALLY) but im not exactly crazy about it. its okay, pretty good. but if i can find a better one, ofc i'll change again(which would probably be a long time)
(p/s: if u scroll all the way down, u can see the fairy's ass, HAHA)\
i changed my blog layout(FINALLY) but im not exactly crazy about it. its okay, pretty good. but if i can find a better one, ofc i'll change again(which would probably be a long time)
(p/s: if u scroll all the way down, u can see the fairy's ass, HAHA)\
(p/p/s: my formspring is efin inactive. mind helping me by posting stuff there (:?)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
1st july (blogged yesterday, published today)
Hi (; my first blog of this month. and its now 1st of july, june is over, its exactly in the middle of the yr, etc etc. thats not the point. HAHAH (:
you know what is?? I KNOW U KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT U KNOW!!! :D
nyway, theres nothing much to blog bout today.. JUST KIDDING AND U KNOW IT BECAUSE TODAY IS... dangdangdang...
anyway, sher minn gave me my bday present like.. 2 weeks ago and didnt allow me to open it till my bday, so i opened it today. i obeyed her orders. LOL.
its reeeallly light and if u shake it theres a veeeryy soft sound that goes tingalingaling. the sound like.. a muffled keychain.. chain, which it makes when u shake it. and i was hoping it was something handmade by her. HOPING. and sooo..
you know what is?? I KNOW U KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT U KNOW!!! :D
nyway, theres nothing much to blog bout today.. JUST KIDDING AND U KNOW IT BECAUSE TODAY IS... dangdangdang...
anyway, sher minn gave me my bday present like.. 2 weeks ago and didnt allow me to open it till my bday, so i opened it today. i obeyed her orders. LOL.
its reeeallly light and if u shake it theres a veeeryy soft sound that goes tingalingaling. the sound like.. a muffled keychain.. chain, which it makes when u shake it. and i was hoping it was something handmade by her. HOPING. and sooo..
the present looks like this.
and like i said i was hoping for something handmade and i was like.. *unwrap finally*
okaaay.. didnt come out as i hoped :/ but what was it anyway?? *curious* sooo... *opens*
HANDMADE PIGGYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! ofc i scream silently lah, im not mad... right? i didnt remove the plastic, not yet anyway. soo.. maybe i can get a clearer picture later (:
back view is not really clear.. but if u like.. squint.. and tilt ur head abit to the right.. u can see a curly tail!! LOL (:
YEAH, and thank you to you people who whished me (: it was awesome...
to those of u who didnt, grrr.... I KID, OKAY? :D
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