now u can see all 4 of my turtles out (:
okaaaay.. down there are mini grapes which my grandma bought for us to eaaaat (: main2 je lah. for fun! 1st pic, doesnt look so tiny right? WELL IT IS!

top: my bro stuffing down the grapes == he isnt really eating hem all, he just wanna pose like that..
bottom: he actually wanted the grapes to look like they are standing on his hands by their own, but too bad.. his other hand can be seen still.

they are actually that small.. looks big-ish, but make ur fingers like that and u may see the size (:
yup.. look how my dad was playing the car game in his iphone last week. u can see scotty sleeping there (:

mummy's new coffee machine (:

so my brother wanted to make coffee(ofc my mom wouldnt let him, but he was looking for the coffee's. and i i told him its there*points there* but he couldnt see it. he keep pointing to other stuff and asking "this? that?" and i will be like "no. no. no. ur hands are just above it!" and he looks down and goes "OH!!"
and he saw that. (but without the pig)

and so he goes "ohh.. i thought it was a laptop == OKAY!!" and brings it to the island counter(beside the coffee machine)
then he opens it and.. saw that(without the pig also)

and his 1st impression on them was "SO CUTE!!!" hahaha. becos when u open them, they wobble.
okay, so if ur wondering why is there a pig in 2 of the pics if bcos:
chopstick took percy(the pig) out of my room and then someone put it outside my room. and i saw that when i got out of my room in the morning for school. so i brought it down with me and then mummy showed me her coffee stuff. so thats why the pig is there.
oh and rags(the racoon. similar to percy, but in racoon version. sherms, u remember them right?? nyway..) we came home from school and we saw rags outside == chopstick took him and brought him ourside.
MY 2 DOGGIES :DDDD (the ever b4 seen scotty and never b4 seen chopsticks (: many of u wanna see her.. scott has a blue-bell and she has a yellow-bell! 2 beagles!!! rox)

and last night.. i brought chopstick in my room cos she is sleeping there.then she jumped on my bed. then she squatted and i was like "oh no..." and i new it == she peed on my bed. GAWH!!! and i was like "awwh.. she peed on my bed.." then she walked around it and smelled her pee, then she went and sat on my pillow == then she licked it. and so its wet.
and then she went to sleep on my other pillow(the baby pillow and blanket ==) she scratched it and walked around in circles, then slept. so i slept on my comforter across my bed. obviously. why would i sleep on pee? so across lah. as far as possible. which was beside her. then i got cold.. so i covered myself with my comforter and slept on.. the licked pillow. no lah. i didnt sleep on it. i turned my pillow over. haha.
then after a while, my bro knocked on my door and chopstick woke up and her face like O.O and she looked at me so i opened the door. he wanted nail clippers... but i told him i didnt have any.. i think i do. or not. dono. so i told him choppy peed on my bed and he said "so clever. i fed her alot of water just now" and i was like "whaat?!" how did he get her to drink so much? who knows. anyways.
why cant she be like scotty? so well trained ==
haha. she will be. somehow..
okay and this is ken min's "apple city"
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