okay, u will know what arrived later. or would you? anyways. my holiday started (: tuition is over. and well. idk. it was raining heavily just now. and now its still rining but now as heavy. i like rain.. its somehow raining alot these daays. hmm. i want it to continue raining until late midnight. sleeping time. nice u know.
my swimming pool is full (i wanna swim!! but i cant) and many puddles everywhere.
oh anyways. see these pics lah.
scotty and chopsticks

choppy(up) can flop down anywhere. even when shes walking. funny (: oh and btw, they are locked in ken min's shower...

ken min's hair XDD he was like.. slowly sliding down for some reason. next pic has ken min's foot there.
(down) see the flooded grass? haha. u can see the rain drops on the water if u look closely or enlarge. and choppy is playing in the rain. ken min is playing with her in his swimsuit cuz he wanna swim later.

oh and THIS is the ARRIVAL :DDD look! its boo-tifool! okay fine, its not bootifool, but just look at it :D it finally arrived after.. 3 weeks. well, i dont blame its slowness. from US u know! haha. u can see its front part and the back part.

i bet u wanna know whats in it. WELL HAHA cuz ur not gonna know (; lol, jk. i havent even opened it. hint: its a book. and ur probably thinking "pfft. just a book? l-a-m-e. u waited 3 weeks for a book? what a waste"
well if u are thinking that, then u wouldnt need to know whats in there ==
u dont even know what book is it! "books have KINDS?" yes. they do. as in like.. what book is it. "pssh, u mean the TITLE isit??" no no, not that. its like.. type. "books have TYPES?" YES!!! SHEESH!!! (ha-ha. okay. i know. ur not that dumb. i just made the questions and all sound dumb)
the kinds means u wouldnt know if its a storybook, a workbook, business book, piano book, art book or any book. well ofc u would know its not a business one. why would i want a business one? my dad would.. haha. nola. he would want HIS book. lol.
anyways. when i opened it and i wanna upload it here, u would know then. meanwhile, u may guess (;
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