Tuesday, September 29, 2009
jaime its ur bday

Monday, September 28, 2009
christina's video
Sunday, September 27, 2009
school :|
haih nvm lah. i havent even finished the folio's.. seing yee said art folio is hard cuz very hard to find the info.. and geo i havent got all the photo's i waaant and sej, i have no idea what's there to ediiit! okay.. its okay.. aahh... i will ask and pass up the folio's day after i guess. good plan. good plan.. i think and hope.
eee! nothing.. okay. lesee the goodies of school:
- get to see friends? hmm.. thats okay i guess (;
- uuhh... get to go home after school
- and... get to see the teachers == really? yeah. we have too anyway.
- and IF we get to go to the computer lab. ALWAYS have reason why we shouldnt. i think we didnt go in for nearly 2 months already ==
and the not so great
- study boringly
- boredom
- final exam in end of october
- assembly ==
- and IF we are NOT going to the computer lab.
oh well then. school is okay i guess. some of it. some not so. pictures either later or tmw.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
PUPPIES! (puppy, actually)
scotty & chopstickz. 'em beagles.
anyhooow, enjoy these pics.

u know TWO people blowing ONE candle also cannot extinguish == so funny... happy belated bday to lyn xie and happy bday in advance jaime.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
curve and then 1U? yeasss.
i sing like crap. ahahaahaha == idk, just saying. but boring lah at redbox. 1 cos lyn xie and jaime refuses to sing, shi lin claims she dono all the songs and soumun, well.. shes just paranoid. but she did sing. lx boyfriiennnd did sing, but 1 song at the end, so soft like nothing only. so i just sang abit here and there dumbly. u can imagine the boredness unless u were there to experience it. oh well. lai ee came in and we didnt recognize her for a while. surprise.
there was a retarded bday music video which interrupted a nobody-singing-that-song song when the cake came in. there were retarded cartoon animals clapping ==
then go 1U. jalan2. i bought bday presents for lx and jaime. lx got the charm bracelet and jaime got the skinny many many bangles together(silver and blue)... and then 1 by 1 went home till its me and sm. and sm sent me home. supposed to go back with lx, but then sm something3 and so i went back with her.
im gonna upload pics later when i feel like it. shi lin was sick :/ GET WELL SOON <3
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
back from melaka

Sunday, September 20, 2009
selamat hari raya, seriously now.
im goin melaka later (:
what am i gonna do in the car? and theres probably gonna be a jam ==
u know, balik kampung.
anyways, look out sher minn and yue linn! yue jen is probably right in front of urs eyes b4 u know it :D okay, maybe not. but still.
chopstick pooped in my room ==
and u all would be like "EWW!! omg! EWW!!"
and my 1st impression was "huh? whats that blackish thing?"
and u all would be screaming "EWWWWW!!!" right now.
anyways, i go "poop? damn. chopstick actually shit in my room?"
cos theres pee on my carpet too.
and i just took my phone and snapped a couple of pictures of the poo. no need fopr the pee (;
wanna see them? next time lah.
haih, thats what u get to have a new 2 yr old un-potty trained dog. unlike scotty. scotty so good. chopstick will learn. somehow.
i havent even packed my bags :O oh well. gtg do it soon.
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir & batin!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
melaka tmw
ookaaay (: i am done. hahah. oh well. goin to sou mun's house later.
jeff plays with shit. yez. haha. on thursday after school, outside the road there where that man sells those junk. across the road, me and lx went. so ken min went also. and so did jeff == and there was this poop on the ground. and ken min took 1 branch and hit the poo. then jeff picked the branch up and threw it again. then ken min threw another stick on it. and then jeff picked the stick up and started poking the shit. poke and play. haha. then we were laughing like mad and lx felt like puking XD then after a while jeff finally felt sick playing with poop. LOL.
melakaa tmw ((: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Friday, September 18, 2009
IT ARRIVED!! yaaaay! (2nd post today)
okay, u will know what arrived later. or would you? anyways. my holiday started (: tuition is over. and well. idk. it was raining heavily just now. and now its still rining but now as heavy. i like rain.. its somehow raining alot these daays. hmm. i want it to continue raining until late midnight. sleeping time. nice u know.
my swimming pool is full (i wanna swim!! but i cant) and many puddles everywhere.
oh anyways. see these pics lah.

i bet u wanna know whats in it. WELL HAHA cuz ur not gonna know (; lol, jk. i havent even opened it. hint: its a book. and ur probably thinking "pfft. just a book? l-a-m-e. u waited 3 weeks for a book? what a waste"
well if u are thinking that, then u wouldnt need to know whats in there ==
u dont even know what book is it! "books have KINDS?" yes. they do. as in like.. what book is it. "pssh, u mean the TITLE isit??" no no, not that. its like.. type. "books have TYPES?" YES!!! SHEESH!!! (ha-ha. okay. i know. ur not that dumb. i just made the questions and all sound dumb)
the kinds means u wouldnt know if its a storybook, a workbook, business book, piano book, art book or any book. well ofc u would know its not a business one. why would i want a business one? my dad would.. haha. nola. he would want HIS book. lol.
anyways. when i opened it and i wanna upload it here, u would know then. meanwhile, u may guess (;
what happened??
dang! since its a holiday, i had to replace the whole school hours with sleeping == no really, wtf happened? whyyyy did i wake up so late? i didnt sleep THAT late last night. it was only 12-1am. dono. and i usually wake up at 8-10am..
so i didnt do my maths hw as u know. well, i thought "well since its a holiday, i will have more time to complete it than usual :D since insted of having school until 1pm by the time i get home, i will have like.. starting 8-10am to finish it! YAY" and guess what? i woke up at 1pm. SAME LAH. sheesh.
but the good thing is, its not after school so i wont be all lazy and eating and watching tv and bathing and accidentally sleeping until i have only 1hour to finish. so now while waiting for my food, i have my maths book here and i am blogging.
i cant thiiiiink!! well okay, this page23-25 i think i can do. but the page55-59 i cant think to do. daaarn.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
selamat hari raya (:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
business laughter
then when mummy 'borrowed' me to 'show' me to them. and they were like "wah, taller than u already!" == then wtv happened and she let me go and i heard her say "i guess she's too old to call u 'uncle'" and then one of them said "no, we're too young!" and then.. guess what? yez. GAWHOHOHOHOHO!!!
and so well.. now they are chatting chatting at the dining table. etc.. let em enjoy lah. laugh and chat bout stuff we kids dont really care about. business and some other stuff.. and some business humour and more laughter.. giggles. chuckles. KAWKAWKAWKAWKAW.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
kesian taylor swift
taylor won for the best music videos award. its rare that they give the prize to country singers, so she was so happy. then she just made a short acceptance speech b4.. that happened. "what happened?" that happened. "what?" that. "whats that?" ==... okay. nvm. kanye west just barges up the stage and said "i am really happy for u, but beyonce has the best music videos of all times! OF ALL TIMES!!" and then gave the mike back to taylor.
she must have felt awkward and embarrassed after kanya practically meant she didnt deserve the prize. kesian, kesian. she was just standing there, keeping quiet and.. awkwardness.
and beyonce was like : O
oh anyways. it was nice of beyonce to invite taylor on stage to relive her moment when she(beyonce) got her prize at the end.
but kanye should have just let taylor be even if he did like beyonce better. but he apologized to taylor in his blog.. but still. he said it to the world.
dont have the video. i tried finding it, but it was removed for some reason..
yez. yesterday got spotcheck suddenly ==
they took away my liquid paper, my scissors and marker. GAWH!!! aah, wtv lah ==
oh anyways. i have nothing to blog right now. i cant remember anything if i had anything i wanted to post and i did not :/
want the pic, lyn xie? i will send it to you.. somehow.
nathalie, if ur looking for lx's pic with her bf, i think u have to go to my older posts.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
wanna update yet so lazy yet i am still updating cuz i wanna (;

Saturday, September 5, 2009
scott and chopsticks
she is barking now ==
i have some.. pictures of them.. but dont want upload.. malas. maybe tmw.
she is so fat!! makes scott look slim ==
my dad says "in 1 month, she MUST loose weight!!"
haha. the previous owners not attached to her. they did seem really sad to give her away. the maid was tho XD but at the same time they are happy that chopsticks has new owners now. they are probably worried that no one wants her or something. haha.
scott is so small lah.. all the beagles bigger than him. pepper, WHOA! she is BIG. chopsticks is faaat. so bigger than him lah. then i think bagel oso bigger.. maybe longer. haku, idk. and elmo, well.. he is still a puppy. and other beagles which idk.
tonight chopsticks is gonna sleep with my maid (: her room is in the wet kitchen, so shes sleeping in the wet kitchen.
LOL! she keeps folllowing scott and scott is trying to avoid her! so funny beagles rox =w=
i wanna get a yellow bell for chopsticks. heheheh...
auntie liane coming tmw ((:
actually i think she came to malaysia today but didnt come here.
LOLLLLL again! scott jumped on the table since chopsticks keep disturbing him XDD he is safe up there! haha!
my leg and hands are quite okay now(still got abit).. my left betis cramped yesterday night! my god how it hurts. i was like rolling around sqeezing my leg and i did say (not scream, but u know.. in a sceaming-whisper or wtv) "OH MY GAAAWD!!!" and toss and turned and.. u know, the typical. feel pain. until a while before the pain lessened, then i went back to sleep. then in the morning got slight wee cramp pain on my leg. i think now its less, but can feel aaaabit.
oh well (:
thats it for now! (or so u wish)
Friday, September 4, 2009
DD: the video cannot upload! damned thing. i will try again later on.
so guess what?
yeah, my thighs and arms are slightly better.
thats not the point.
wanna know?
okay lah. i let u guess (;
okay, bolehlah. u tried already? okay. if ur answer matches this key word, ur right: beagle.
hahaha. so cool! so unexpected. so random.
u know chopsticks? sure u dont. haha. shi lin should kow i think.. that dog lives near her house.
so anyways, the owner and his family are going back to africa(matsaleh lah, dont think african natives) so they wanna give away their dog cos very.. mafan u know. quarantine lah, check her, check there, and all. so just givvit away...
donno they sad or not. but for sure the maid sad XD
she will be going back to filipines, and she says if she could take the dog back, she would. haha. kesian2.
sooooo, we are adopting her (:
scott will have a friend tmw!!
haha. luckily scott is okay with chopsticks. why? maybe cos she isnt so hyper. unlike pepper.. ahaha. she is hyper so he dont like lah.
and guess what again? dont want let u guess. scott has no idea whats going on XDD
eeheeheheeeeee! ==
oh well.. idk what else to say.. hmmph.
except that.
just suddenly thought of that.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
and i say YES! ME! I HAVE TUITION =..=
howh, anyways.
gawh. my muscles hurrtt..
yeaah.. its like the pain where u press a blue-black.. only more.. pain..
somehow the pain is rather fun sometimes XDD
my pain is at the thigh and the other side of the elbow.. yeah.. that part.. know which part? nvm.
christina also has the same pain.. but i dont think she has the pain on her the-other-side-of-the-elbow part.
hard to walk upstairs. walk downstairs harder and more retarded.
stand up from sitting down, sit down from standing up all also will be like "AUUGH!! OMG.. OMG... oh.. goodness, gawh!..."
okaay. soo.. i wanna upload yue linn's bday video! but havent make so cannot yet XD i will.. somehow.. soon. maybe tmw :D
wei lun puked in class today ==
at 1st it was like.. nothing.. then suddenly there was this "SPLASH!" and mei yan. seing yee and the boys sitting in front of them were like "WHOA!!" and backed-off.
then more ppl were like holding their breath and getting out of class. and wei lun was just lying down on his table. someone got him a plastic bag and then they brought him to toilet and then he went to the sickbed.
it happened right after pn halija came in our class and then.. BLLRGGGHHH!! came out his lunch.
then we were all waiting outside while some ppl went to find a cleaner. meanwhile we 'borrowed' next class. they werent in :P then after that we went back to our class ==
oh well. sooo.. hmm.. : 3
oh yaah!!!
I BOUGHT A PIANO BOOK :DD taaylor swift <3
but must wait for 1-3 weeks for shipment to arrive ==
or else $6 for 1 month to w8. $10 for 1-3 weeks or $32 for 2-4 days. 2-4 days so expensive!! so $10 wan lah (:
i finally will have a book (:
i want classical piece oso.. but dono a good one. AMIRAH! YES AMIRAH! u should know XD lol, nvm.
i kena detention... but i mmg lucky wan :D
the 1st time i kena, i didnt go.
then 2nd time i went, but the canteen was closed so no cleaning canteen, just sit there.
3rd time, teacher didnt come so just waiit... and then dismiss.
then they call names who didnt come for detention(my 1st time) for double detention and my name wanst there XD
that time they give detention every 1 time u are late.
now back to normal, 3 times offence then kena. so i kena lah. laaate. so then i went yesterday, but no one else did. then last minute yaw young came. but too little ppl, so postponed today. then en rosli call us go see him and he said "semalam saya dah panggil nama kamu semua kan?" and we were like yaa... and he says "so kenapa tak datang?" and i said "SAYA DATANG :D" and he checked the list of names and he said "leong yue jen eh?" and i said yes and he said "ha, pegi." so i tak kena detention :D
i so pro XDD
the end for now. needa do the hw! blog tmw and hopefully along with yue linn's slideshow video :D
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
i wanna make a slide shooooow... but no time right now. maybe later (: yeah. just wait for it. nowthe post is about.. copying? idk.
okay. so. here. are. some. mocking. i must do. haha (:
so heres the problem: i copy u, u copy me , i hate u, u hate me, lets backstab among ourselfs.
(*note: i am not mentioning any names, or any actual arguements. for example backstabbing, i will just create it myself)
how do i start...
hmm. okay..
i know! i will start with some bickering, and from that u will understand.
Nelly; Luanne; Sonnie;
(whats with the names? donno)
You know ah, sandra ah, she always say we all copy her. actually SHE is the one always copy us wan.
YALAH. SHE AH, mmg very what wan! u know ah, at 1st i start wearing the blue and black glittery shirt, then she go copy me buy the same one and say I COPY HER! she say she go buy long time edi! what lah that girl..
yer.. why so like that waan?
she mmg lah. you see lah, that time i draw the girl look like this right *draws*
she go copy you?!
YA. she copy then say i copy her. sohai(apologiez for that) lah she..
then remember that time, i go bring my phone to school, then i sms in class? YA, she go sms oso after that. DAMN HER LAH!
YA YA YA!! EH! u know that time, she come to my house, then she see in my room got poster right? ya, then i go her house next time, got poster! same singer somemore! different pose lah, but same person. LAST TIME DONT HAVE! then after she come to my house, then got edi! i tell u lah, very what lah she..
Damn that bloody asshole lah. WE ALL do 1st, then SHE copy go say WE copy HER! bitch.
so u see, u probably get the point (:
and funny cos:
u know Marnie always copy me wan. u know this girl i draw? YA, i draw 1st, then she see, then she copy. then she go tell everybody she draw herself wan. then u know i always wear that shirt got shiny shiny thing there wan right? i mmg got many shirt like that wan. then Carrie go copy. then she go say from last year she wear already! WHERE GOT? lie lah they all..
oh u guys.. dear dear ppl. if she says u copy her, u say she copy u, let it be lah. if u keep on being upset about this 'copy' thing, then live ur life miserable. cos sometimes ppl happens to have a similar idea as u and u think they copy. and u say "BUT SHE MMG DID!! i wear 1st then later she wear. she SEE 1st then after that she go wear same like me! thats copy-ing RIGHT?!" but got PROOF or not? let them copy lah! why u care so much? at least u know that ur original right?
if that person really copies ppl, then let her be! next time she will grow up being like.. copycatter. does it matter? "sure it does" uh-huh. so how does it help u if u just keep scolding them behind their backs? does it do any difference? even if u scold them face-to-face, they will object also right?
Carlie; Tiana
WHERE GOT? copy u do what?!
since 2 yrs ago i already cut my hair like that! then last time ur hair long, now u cut like me!
i want to cut like ur hair for what?!! i cut like this, later i want to cut different already!
simply blame ppl for what?! u got proof i copy u meh?!
what if i copy OTHER PPL not YOU?! perasan. your hair got so nice until i want to copy meh?
STILL COPY RIGHT? whether its me or someone else, still copy right?!
and then they go backstab each other. kesian the ppl must listen to their complain. especially if thier complain is like they are scolding the listener. haha. they want to backstab the other person then they go scold the listener. hahahaaa.. weird lah.
huuurrrgghh.. oh well. u wanna be like that, be lah. not like i mind (: those of u who like.. are involved with this kind of stuff, u know. yes yes. there are reason why u are bothered by this kind of things. but i have no idea what. maybe its just disturbing having ppl copying u what u started? but how is that a.. problem? maybe u want credit for what u started :D
wtv. but really. nobody will know who copied who cos u both will be fighting urself. unless both didnt copy, they started off by themselves and the other person accuse them of copying. theeen.. the fight will continue until.. u forget about each other. or however. idk. solve it urself. if u started it, u will know how to end it. somehow. someday. up to you. gawh.
u ppl take it like its such a big deal XD well.. idk.. nvm.. anything lah (:
i wanna make a video like i said before (;
but it will be up later on. later. hahaha.
must find time to do :D