but i will
it wont be long long as usual
yipee says you
anyways.. lets start off with some pictures ( :
orang tido
haha. secretly took these in class : P
no teacher whuut.
if u know ppl of 2cerdas well,
u try to teka who is who lah. lol.

that one soumun wanted to sleep, but she knows i wanna take the pic, so she faster bangun XD
btw, donno why my phone camera like that. the white white part come out. anyways, i like this pic cos her face half gone XD
ILL BET UR WONDERING WERE I GOT THIS SOUMUN since u couldnt find it in my phone just now XD

okaaay. so u see ppl sleeping : D
then after that, i think mei yan sang like 1 or 2 lines of love story
then seing yee continued 1 or 2 lines
then aimran continue oso- but in hardcore way XD
then mei yan oso started yelling for a while. haha.
then some ppl bangun from their sleep, some still sleeping or some baru sleep.
then mei yan started yelling another song for a short while,
then the class just continue noisy-ing.
until pn nadia come in again for civic ( :
(b4 that was art, she came in, then CIK AZU, then civic loh)
anyways blahblah.
umm.. canteen closed. going to be closed for a few more days cooos... some kid got disease, so they getting health ppl to check whether got some.. disease in the canteen. thus, closed down. out of bounds, etc.
bring own food lah. and we can order either fried rice or mcd chicken burger.
i only had RM5, so just nice for nasi goreng. i bought then didnt get COS NO MORE. stupid ppl.
seing yee and mei yan went down to collect our orders that has arrived, so seing yee wanted to take all the rice together at 1 go, then en yoges siad it was too much, come second round.
so she went up with half 1st then went down again. when she got down, FINISHED! darns.
okaay. that was yesterday.. yeah, that line. i didnt finish blogging, so now i am continue-ing. so its gonna be longer. cos now im not so lazy XD
i kena 3 times. haha.
all cos i was late to school.
1st is on wednesday.
i was late because my brother woke up at 7:20. haha.
so i got detention.
but i didnt go LOL.
2nd is yesterday(aka thursday)
late cos follow auntie hua neo.
and i attended detention this time.
all we did was sit on grass =..=
if i went on wednesday, i would have to go pick up plates and all at the canteen with other detention buddies XD
and my luck arrives!
those who didnt go on wed and was supposed to, kena double detention
but my name wasnt there :DD
3rd one is today.
auntie hua neo pick me again, so late again lah.
and we went to see en rosli for detention at the KH bengkel.
so we just waited there
donno why en rosli didnt come out of the bengkel yet XD
then after a long time,
he came and the prefects told him which didnt come
and then he dismissed us.
yeah. just like that.
we went there, stood there, and dismissed XD
no punishment. lols.
and not only that, en rosli got a doughnut XDD
aih. lazy explain why XD
: /
donno lah. i cant remember as usualll..
swimming gala was today ( :
which i was supposed to be competiting in
but too bad
something happened and i cant anymore.
congrats to the winners ( :
shi yong, michelle leong, gerard and one more guy which idk who.
heehee. and and and....
nothing lah.
you should watch shit videos.
just now me and my bro nothing to watch on youtube, and we saw this link that has gotta do with a shit twirling uncontrollably XD
and then we watched more links to shit videos
and that led us to watching kids eat shit
which was gross
haha! we laughed like SHIT. haha.
and got ghost shit.
this guy was pooping
and then when he was done
he wiped his butt with tissue
and got those shit stains on the tissue
but in the toilet bowl
there was NO SHIT!!
ghost shit =..=
hahahah. mad lah.
so gross XD
then we stopped watching cos kenmin wanted to so something else =..=
scott is very cute <3
shit videos are gross.
we watched some ghost videos
1 of them was sooooooooo fake.
wanna see?
i can get link.
sure you will.
go watch okay??
haha. if u read the comments
and u will see that many ppl said they laughed.
its like.. comedy XD
cos i am sure they MADE this video
so its fake and weird.
this video is called "wanna buy a ghost?"
haha. so cute XD
those ghosts i mean. go see lah.
so weird laaaah!!
so weird laaaah!!
its a short short comedy ghost video XD
not ghostly at all XDD
i wanna end this post now (:
byebey and watch those videos : D
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