soooo okay
saturday and sunday, i went to cheer competiton
can i blog about that tmw? haha ( :
cos now i am rather lazy
i will just talk about today
and then later u can see some club penguin pics that i uploaded.
if u scoll down, u can find a post which i was writing while seeing what changes has CP made after 1 yr XD
okaay. so today.
not many ppl came today.
most of the cheerleaders were absent
yesterday and day b4 were so tiring
who want to come?
sooooo.. during assembly had less ppl XD
b4 that, the MORNING assembly.
after all their announcements
girls had to stay back to see pn rosnah about attire.
1st about hair
so she find some ppl for example.
1st she chose 3 ppl who didnt tie their hair cos they tot it was short enough to not tie
but it was toughing their shoulder
so pn rosnah call them on stage to example for us XD
call girls with long fringes that didnt clip up.
3 girls got called up.
then sou mun kena XD
pn rosnah call her and then go pin her hair up on stage : P
and corinne was like hiding behind me.
lyn xie actually lagi teruk.
but she didnt kena.
(p/s: she think her hair so nice XD)
then then then.. uuh.. talk to us about ppls comments and how ppl will judge us just by out appearance and all.
then we get to go back.
then after break
assembly =..=
then.... AHAHAH!!
he poke poke her with his rotan and all.
then she clip UP lah.
or else she just put the clip there
so dumb : P
or should i say GOBLOK
then got public speaking =..=
go back class
more blabla
got spelling XD
so teacher say words we have never heard b4 and we spell.
1 of them is GOBLOK
lolh ( :
got many funny words.
then we laugh at it,
teacher laugh at us
and all
then then
teacher gave the same words to form3
the lowest they got was 2 over 15
and the highest is 13 over 15
and i got 12 XD
and i say "wah. i so pro mcm form3 je"
hehehe =..=
there were ppl who got.. 13 oso.
14 is the highest i think.
and then we wanted to know hat does GOBLOK mean XD
so we ask teacher and teacher says
if we wanna know, search in the dictionary.
and seing yee ran there to find
it means
sangat bodoh
so since we found out, we have been saying that to whoever who comes in the class and all XD
nad i was reading they describe bodoh
and it say.. u find urself lah XD
and on the same page
i found the word BO-LUI
and i thought
"like "no money" only.."
so i see the meaning:
"tiada wang"
and we laughed at that
and tried finding other words : P
then.. umm..
skip details lah.
except 1.
lun xie said:
"dont tough my hair! my cute, adorable hair"
and we were like coughing and coughing and choking XD
and lx was laughing.
after that..
en rosli came in.
he explain explain
after a while
i began to feel very sleepy
yet i still listen
soumun was equally sleepy
except she wasnt listning at all
seing yee oso wanted to sleep
i think the whole class bored lah.
we had to do our peka again =..=
all the -metrik -grafik wan wan
its the only way my hp can wave around in front of en rosli's face XD
in my dragon phone cover thing XD
i had it for many many yrs
and this yr only i tot of putting my phone in it so no one would see
and i hooked in on my bag when bell rang
and en rosli was standing there
and i just treat it like a keychain/toy i just hanged on my bag XD
and nothing happened, duh =..=
well, i have been bringing my dragon thing since..
donno when.
want a pic?
want a pic?
or you have seen it?
ofc u have
or not?
wtv : P
i will take a pic and... upload it.
OK! so now CP!!
club penguin ( :

then that script thingy in the theathre thing. click to enlarge and read : D

then there was this new game
some kind of dancing game in the club
and i pressed easy mode cos i didnt know what to do in the game until the arrows came out then i know had to press the arrows. lol.
but since i was pressing the print screen button
and another window keep coming out
i missed alot of arrows XD
anyways, this is what i took:

haheh0 ( :
i blog tmw about cheer. haha.
bb =w=
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