heyheyh : D
aah, so the cheer 2009?
yeah. i have no pics cos
1) on staurday. my phone battery was low.
2) i forgot my phone on sunday
3) i dont have a camera.
anyways.. on saturday ah?
hard to say lah.
hard to say lah.
not many ppl went on saturday
okay lah.
that damning MC
he somehow doesnt like our school
everytime he names the school cheer team, they will scream
and when its our schools turn
he skipped it and went to the next school
just b4 the falcons came out
we cheered the chapati roti tosai thing
and that MC said:
i have no idea what ur saying
and we said again
and then he says something like:
nvm. i still have no idea what it is, but its okay.
>: P
all the other school oso same whaaaat.
cannot hear them oso, go say us.
aah, etc etc.
SUNDAY! hmm..
more ppl came.
alot more.
and so did the form5's
and theeeen,
we have the falcons cheer we ae supposed to use
then the form5 came and then hannah told us that were gonna use the saga cheer.
already have cheer that we like
then go use saga cheer pulak.
even christina in saga oso say its damn stupid.
irritating lah that cheer >: /
then donno what other crappy noises
then not only that we must say that,
they oso didnt use any cheer that is meant for falcons.
we just keep using that saga thing.
but i we use like.. something OTHER than that saaaagah cheer, it would be only once.
bloody hell >:P
the friggen xavier freaks keep screaming
and somemore me and christina were stitting rather near them
and they owe us eardrums.
yalah. thats a compliment to them
but very irritating lah.
somemorethe stoopit MC guy like that
which makes them scream even more
the 2 MC's went to all the teams and had 1 person to cheer for their team in the mike.
some of them have seriously piercing voices.
and 1 girl had this heavy chinese accent and squeaky voice and went:
ahaha XD
then the MC guy called out anybody who wanna sing
and 6 ppl came out
and they all can sing very well
except 1 boy who sang a chinese song and christina said it was out of tune : /
nad this boy sang mercy by duffy
and he sound so similar to duffy
that everyone cheered for him the loudest XD
so he won
there was singing on both days, but i only say sunday.
skip skip details.
congrats to blitzers ( :
and then...
nothing lah.
cant remember XD
then.. they keep playing micheal jackson song
then they keep asking ppl do dance MJ
and and... when the MC name a celeb,
ppl cheer loudest for MJ. haha.
and then since after the cheer'09
the boys have been like.. jumpong jumping and lifting up each other.
actually why cant our school have all boys team?
yesterday oso the boys keep trying the stunts XD
today also...
heheh ( :
go faaalcons.
sure got somemore, but its either i skipped the details or..
i forgot : /
btw, this is what me and my cousin were doing.
and its still going on.

we played 3d tictactoe yesterday i think... lookie ( :

anywayh, continue.
teacher actually said during the morning assembly that we(whole secondary)
are gonna be separated into groups.
and each group will have a teacher
and that teacher will be like ur parent.
gasp D :
soooo.. whatzitfor?
i dont know either. just to get to know eacher other i guess?
and the teacher can like...
plan to meet up with her 'anak-anak' sometimes
or plan wtv activities they wanna do with us XD
and the whole day was about that.
and of all the good teachers(trust me, theres alot i dont mind)
and my luck
i had to get....
pn rohaya =..=
but soumun got en shamsul DD :
lx anak yatim.
in the list theres no teacher yet,
so they will be separated soon,
why pn rohaya??
so maaaany good good teachers(the ones i dont mind) and i get pn rohaya?
ish =..=
i got darren and yun ken as my brothers XDDD
the ones in form2 lah.
the other forms i cant remember
christina got..
pn sharifah!
okay lah she..
natasha i cant remember
but i know she got in same 'family' as shauqi XD
and and and...
others lah.
i am jealous of corinne and sheng yee XD
they get pn nadiaaaaa!!!
and i am jealous of other student who got good teachers.
the list were stiked on the walls so during break, lunch and all
many student gathering there finding thier names XDD
not soooo many. cos..
donno lah.
not crowded.
enough lists stuck everywhere to split the crowd up : D
i remember there was something other than this family thing..
our class lost RM300++ class fund =..=
cos grace put it under her desk
and then went to bbut testpad for the class
then went back to the sceince lab
and when we got back to class,
someone stole it DD:
then obviously couldnt find it
and now we all have to pay RM5 back for the loss
were not blaming her
but then seing yee says shes not admitting she lost it
but it is anywayh.
we pay RM5 each and cik tina pays RM15
and grace has to play the rest..
which is quite alot : O
hehe ( :
i think thats it,
main highlight is the family thing : P
oh well..
nothing to say.
now soumun playing CP
so i play oso lah.
i shall go now =..=
byeh : D
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