this post is about today only lah. the hari anugerah one is gonna be.. laaaater
so today, the highlight is a scene when we were doing taekwondo in the primary concourse ( :
let see. okay.
director: aaaand were on aair!!
newperson(me): ehem *shifts position abit to more comfortable seating*
*news song*
good day, and welcome to news. today we are reporting about a gaasping incident. here it is. *camera moves to the large screen(ur imagination) that shows the scene*
1st, we were doing taekwondo. then..
SER SIANG is the star, no w8.. its his MOM. he is the starring character. watak sampingan.
okok. start.
so ser siang got into this fight with eddie, so i think he fought too much already, or this time is paling serious. so the teacher go call his mom.
his mom came after school. then there was this scolding, which caught my bro's attention.
then teachers started coming. pn lee, pn normah, and.. en rosli.
yeah i dont know why the primary teachers (exp en rosli and pn rosnahs [appearance later]) were involved..
anyways. keep reading.
then what caught my attention, and many others, ser siang tried to run away from school.
so at 1st he used that small gate, but he realized that the gate was locked. thus, he slammed it once and jumped down and headed for the main gate.
newsperson(me): and theres true drama later on. were be right back!
director: aaaaaand were out! take 10 everybody!
newsperson(me): wooh. lets go getta drink.
(advertisement) [ps: this ad is like those badly dubbed shows]
man: sigh. no signal! *looks up the sky*
*the clouds changed to a shape of a handphone*
man: *gasp and smiles and looks to his left*
woman: *came walking towards him*
man: hi.
woman: hello.
man and woman: *looks up the sky again*
*the clouds changed from the shape of a phone to the word "celcom"*
narrator: with celcom, u can connect wherever u are!
man: *looks at his phone* *gasp! and smiles cos his phone changed to celcom*
woman: *smiles* wow, nice phone.
man: wow! my phone has signal now! great!
woman and man: *just laughs and smiles and looks up the sky*
narrator:and were back to news.
*news song*
director: positions everybody!! in 3, 2, 1!
newsperson(me): *drops on the chair, the chair slided abit, turned around, i pushed it back to the table, turned around* AND HELLO EVERYONE! were back in and were moving on the news!
*camera moves to the big screen*
ser siang slammed the door and jumped down and he ran for the main gate. he ran.. yes, he did.
and etc. then mr vasu from far heard her, and for once the guard was useful. he quickly dragged the gate shut and then the teachers caught ser siang.
i dont know when. but he did try to DRIVE his moms car. but the door was locked, so he tried to force it open, it wouldnt open, duh, so he started whacking the car.
then en rosli brought him under a tree and counselled him or something.
then the mom started crying. and then pn normah pujuk her and all, then got pn lee, pn zarinah and all. then the mom went like this(which caught all of our attention):
"I AM A SINGLE PARENT!!! A SINGLE PARENT!!!" sob sob sob "A SINGLE PARENT!! I AM A SINGLE PARENT!!" sob sob sob, sob sob sob. and then pn normah pujuk her somemore, thenen zaimir and pn rosnah went to talk to ser siang also.
and the mom is still sobbing.then.. donno what happened. donminic and someone[cant remember his name, lol] talked to teacher, and donminic has a video of ser siang fighting, and he showed it to the mom and teachers. and the mom went: sob sob sob
then something happened, didnt see. theen.. i saw en rosli said something to the mom, the mom got up and like cried somemore and walked a few step while crying and.. donnoh.
then they left.
newsperson(me): and thats it for todays news. thank you, and good day!
director: aaaand were out! CUT! applause everyone.
everyone(camera crews, stage crews, backstage crews, me, lighting crews and etc): *claps*
man: *walks along the roadside* sigh.. no cars.. *stopped walking and put down his guitar case and took out his guitar and started playing it*
*suddenly all around him changed to a playground*
man: *happy shocked face*
ppl(joggers, kids, grannies and grampies, etc): *smiles at him, greeted him, and enjoyed his performance*
man: *smiles and plays more*
woman: *took a pic of him*
man: *saw the woman and smiled*
woman: *went to him and took a pic with him too*
narrator: with the new canon camera, u can take aby picture, just about anywhere and ppl around u will smile.
thats it for the news thing XD
aaah.. igtg now. got more to blog : /
but nvm..
got violin =..= aaah...
go to for few more updates ( :
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
fast post. just copy and paste only XD
The AggressiveOutgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellentkisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is veryimportant to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving.Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue toprove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the mostwonderful people in the world.
The TrampAggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a goodfight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for thelove of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times ofneed. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They canbe self centered and if they want something they will do anything to getit. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to messwith. Are the most attractive people on earth!
The TwinNice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusingpeople... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminiswill not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people whatthey should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish attimes and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud.Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautifulsmile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
The BeautyMOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life.Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfullyspeaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. AnUltimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party.Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts whereyou will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyondcompare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your ass good if itcomes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!
The LionGreat talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy butwhen unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomeseveryone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to bemonotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything.Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive.Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not oneto mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
The One that WaitsDominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wantsthe last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everythingyou ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and takechances. Needs to have the last say in everything. They think they knoweverything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quicklylose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them andnever regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one andonly.
The Lame OneNice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun andsweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet!However, not the kind of person you want to mess with... you might endup crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithfulfriends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone youwant on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sportsfanatics. Kinda dumb at times.
The AddictEXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will tryalmost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable.GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Loves being inlong relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to theextreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it butjust as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARDworkers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, thefriendship will end. Romantic. Caring.
The Promiscuous OneSpontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being inlong relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time.Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FARaway. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Lovesdeeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness.Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defendsloved ones will all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one tomess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. TheirLove is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal.Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kindof person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.
The Passionate LoverLove to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times andannoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find ajob or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud,understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Alwaysgets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signsespecially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out toeat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.
Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being inlong-term relationships. C an be clumsy at times but tries hard. Willtake on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messyand unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're notsleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more then theirfamily. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain ortell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not aFighter but will Knock your lights out
The Partner for LifeCaring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. Messy at times andirresponsible! Smart but lazy. High appeal. Has the last word. Good tofind, hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Tootrusting at times and gets hurt easily.. Lover of animals. VERYcaring, make wonderful nurses or doctors. They always try to do theright thing sometimes get the short end of the stick. They sometimesget used by others and hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weirdbut in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets whathe or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Goodfriend to other but need to be choosy on who they allow their friends tobe.
its rather accurate ( :
i posted another one a while agooo
and this is another one i recieved by email =w=
quik post lah. just copy and paste only.
i dont think i allowed to blog.. donno.
but! still! i did.
not like i typed out anything much, buuut.. cpy and pste and this typing, thats all : D
soooo byebye.
if your wondering why i didnt update much, its bcos: (read the previous post)
and i got the password cos i had to send the sejarah thingy to amirah to print and so he gave me the password.. he is in sarawak btw. and he is coming back today. lol. at midnight.
urh. he saw me computering yesterday XD he was cctv-ing. well, i was getting ready for violin. no its not online, i just need it to play the cd as accompanyment. hehe.
piano today was good ( : teacher was in a good mood : D
probably cos i improved. lol.
ok, i shall publish now. if i have updates, i will post it next time.
The AggressiveOutgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellentkisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is veryimportant to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving.Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue toprove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the mostwonderful people in the world.
The TrampAggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a goodfight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for thelove of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times ofneed. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They canbe self centered and if they want something they will do anything to getit. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to messwith. Are the most attractive people on earth!
The TwinNice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusingpeople... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminiswill not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people whatthey should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish attimes and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud.Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautifulsmile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.
The BeautyMOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life.Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfullyspeaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. AnUltimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party.Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts whereyou will remain forever. Cancers make love with a passion beyondcompare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your ass good if itcomes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!
The LionGreat talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy butwhen unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomeseveryone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to bemonotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything.Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive.Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not oneto mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
The One that WaitsDominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wantsthe last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everythingyou ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and takechances. Needs to have the last say in everything. They think they knoweverything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quicklylose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them andnever regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one andonly.
The Lame OneNice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun andsweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet!However, not the kind of person you want to mess with... you might endup crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithfulfriends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone youwant on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sportsfanatics. Kinda dumb at times.
The AddictEXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will tryalmost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable.GREAT kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Loves being inlong relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to theextreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it butjust as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARDworkers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, thefriendship will end. Romantic. Caring.
The Promiscuous OneSpontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being inlong relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time.Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FARaway. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Lovesdeeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness.Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defendsloved ones will all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one tomess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. TheirLove is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal.Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kindof person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.
The Passionate LoverLove to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times andannoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find ajob or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud,understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Alwaysgets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signsespecially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out toeat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.
Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being inlong-term relationships. C an be clumsy at times but tries hard. Willtake on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messyand unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're notsleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more then theirfamily. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain ortell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not aFighter but will Knock your lights out
The Partner for LifeCaring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. Messy at times andirresponsible! Smart but lazy. High appeal. Has the last word. Good tofind, hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Tootrusting at times and gets hurt easily.. Lover of animals. VERYcaring, make wonderful nurses or doctors. They always try to do theright thing sometimes get the short end of the stick. They sometimesget used by others and hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weirdbut in a good way. Good Sense of Humor!!! Thoughtful. Always gets whathe or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Goodfriend to other but need to be choosy on who they allow their friends tobe.
its rather accurate ( :
i posted another one a while agooo
and this is another one i recieved by email =w=
quik post lah. just copy and paste only.
i dont think i allowed to blog.. donno.
but! still! i did.
not like i typed out anything much, buuut.. cpy and pste and this typing, thats all : D
soooo byebye.
if your wondering why i didnt update much, its bcos: (read the previous post)
and i got the password cos i had to send the sejarah thingy to amirah to print and so he gave me the password.. he is in sarawak btw. and he is coming back today. lol. at midnight.
urh. he saw me computering yesterday XD he was cctv-ing. well, i was getting ready for violin. no its not online, i just need it to play the cd as accompanyment. hehe.
piano today was good ( : teacher was in a good mood : D
probably cos i improved. lol.
ok, i shall publish now. if i have updates, i will post it next time.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
yeah, i didnt update for quite a while already.. why? cos i am banned or something from compy. my dad put a password with no hint.. so we tyried hacking and once we tried too much and it logged off =..= sooo.. we tried somemore. but not so many times lah. then asked for clue. and days passed, we had 3 clues. but still couldnt gettit. until on friday, i went shopping with my mom and dad and m bro was bored at home(he was sick and still is. not h1n1, tqvm. doctor has confirmed) so he gave my bro the password and then i know it and so does my bro. then my dad changed it and i saw some parts and etctec, i got it right just b4 i went to 1U just now XD lols. the password isnt changed yet, so here i am ( : i think my dad is probably gonna change it soon..
- update about hari anugerah when i get more pics from seing yee so can upload all at once ( :
- update about a few other stuffs later on together with the hari.a post
- yes, it will be long as usual
- yes, there will be pics.
- i noticed that when i didnt upload pics for a long time, i can see my posts in my blog when i visit it.
- then i started uploading and again, i couldnt see my posts. just the right side where all the stuffs are and the blog title.
- last time i didnt know why i couldnt see my posts, and now i know cos i stopped the pics, then can see, then i upload againm. then cannot.
- so i know lah XD
- i watched pink panther 2 just now. it was ossum ( :
- i bought guilty pleasure album last friday while shopping and listened to a few songs yesterday.
- i listened to more today, but still not yet finished
- so far, its GREAT!! :DD
- yeah.. i will update with pictures later when i can ( :
byebyeh ( :
Monday, July 13, 2009
i am in school
XD yes i am.
hhaha ( :
and.. twitter-ing.. kinda.. abit. showing soumun some of the tweets made by zee actors XD
soumun made twitter! haha. i think its just so she can follow the actors : /
donno lah.
URF! so fast?! gtg =..=
byebye : P
hhaha ( :
and.. twitter-ing.. kinda.. abit. showing soumun some of the tweets made by zee actors XD
soumun made twitter! haha. i think its just so she can follow the actors : /
donno lah.
URF! so fast?! gtg =..=
byebye : P
Saturday, July 11, 2009
youtube-ing now..
watching ppl sing..
tiffany alvord has this new original song she composed and it sooooo good ( : touching..
want the link? sure.
then theres this girl singingt the climb.. its faster than the original, but her voice is amazing..
and lastly theres.. CONNIE TALBOT!! :DD
omg omg omg! this 8 yr old girl :DDDD
shes sooo ucte :DDDDDDDD
and and and... her voice is sooo mature and awesome! listening to her sing "i will always love you"
ooh.. i wanna buy her album now!! but i only like some songs.. her voice very shaky ( : haha.
fine. i will download connies version of i will always love you. yes. thats good...
now shes only 8, imagine how profesional she can be when shes 18++
oo... *thinks*
okaaay... and comedians:
nigahiga, the classic must-watch-everything-he-uploads
hahha!! <3 that/those guy(s) ( :
and.. davedays.. yeah. i watched he sang 1 song i forgot.. haha. something to do if he was a girl.. hmm.. he is a musician and a comedian.. jic u didnt know XD
nothing else.. soo.. publish lah ( : haha.
watching ppl sing..
tiffany alvord has this new original song she composed and it sooooo good ( : touching..
want the link? sure.
then theres this girl singingt the climb.. its faster than the original, but her voice is amazing..
and lastly theres.. CONNIE TALBOT!! :DD
omg omg omg! this 8 yr old girl :DDDD
shes sooo ucte :DDDDDDDD
and and and... her voice is sooo mature and awesome! listening to her sing "i will always love you"
ooh.. i wanna buy her album now!! but i only like some songs.. her voice very shaky ( : haha.
fine. i will download connies version of i will always love you. yes. thats good...
now shes only 8, imagine how profesional she can be when shes 18++
oo... *thinks*
okaaay... and comedians:
nigahiga, the classic must-watch-everything-he-uploads
hahha!! <3 that/those guy(s) ( :
and.. davedays.. yeah. i watched he sang 1 song i forgot.. haha. something to do if he was a girl.. hmm.. he is a musician and a comedian.. jic u didnt know XD
nothing else.. soo.. publish lah ( : haha.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
i wanna blog yet i dont.
oooh. i am layzeeh to blog
but i will
it wont be long long as usual
yipee says you
anyways.. lets start off with some pictures ( :

okaaay. so u see ppl sleeping : D
then after that, i think mei yan sang like 1 or 2 lines of love story
then seing yee continued 1 or 2 lines
then aimran continue oso- but in hardcore way XD
then mei yan oso started yelling for a while. haha.
then some ppl bangun from their sleep, some still sleeping or some baru sleep.
then mei yan started yelling another song for a short while,
then the class just continue noisy-ing.
until pn nadia come in again for civic ( :
(b4 that was art, she came in, then CIK AZU, then civic loh)
anyways blahblah.
umm.. canteen closed. going to be closed for a few more days cooos... some kid got disease, so they getting health ppl to check whether got some.. disease in the canteen. thus, closed down. out of bounds, etc.
bring own food lah. and we can order either fried rice or mcd chicken burger.
i only had RM5, so just nice for nasi goreng. i bought then didnt get COS NO MORE. stupid ppl.
seing yee and mei yan went down to collect our orders that has arrived, so seing yee wanted to take all the rice together at 1 go, then en yoges siad it was too much, come second round.
so she went up with half 1st then went down again. when she got down, FINISHED! darns.
okaay. that was yesterday.. yeah, that line. i didnt finish blogging, so now i am continue-ing. so its gonna be longer. cos now im not so lazy XD
but i will
it wont be long long as usual
yipee says you
anyways.. lets start off with some pictures ( :
orang tido
haha. secretly took these in class : P
no teacher whuut.
if u know ppl of 2cerdas well,
u try to teka who is who lah. lol.

that one soumun wanted to sleep, but she knows i wanna take the pic, so she faster bangun XD
btw, donno why my phone camera like that. the white white part come out. anyways, i like this pic cos her face half gone XD
ILL BET UR WONDERING WERE I GOT THIS SOUMUN since u couldnt find it in my phone just now XD

okaaay. so u see ppl sleeping : D
then after that, i think mei yan sang like 1 or 2 lines of love story
then seing yee continued 1 or 2 lines
then aimran continue oso- but in hardcore way XD
then mei yan oso started yelling for a while. haha.
then some ppl bangun from their sleep, some still sleeping or some baru sleep.
then mei yan started yelling another song for a short while,
then the class just continue noisy-ing.
until pn nadia come in again for civic ( :
(b4 that was art, she came in, then CIK AZU, then civic loh)
anyways blahblah.
umm.. canteen closed. going to be closed for a few more days cooos... some kid got disease, so they getting health ppl to check whether got some.. disease in the canteen. thus, closed down. out of bounds, etc.
bring own food lah. and we can order either fried rice or mcd chicken burger.
i only had RM5, so just nice for nasi goreng. i bought then didnt get COS NO MORE. stupid ppl.
seing yee and mei yan went down to collect our orders that has arrived, so seing yee wanted to take all the rice together at 1 go, then en yoges siad it was too much, come second round.
so she went up with half 1st then went down again. when she got down, FINISHED! darns.
okaay. that was yesterday.. yeah, that line. i didnt finish blogging, so now i am continue-ing. so its gonna be longer. cos now im not so lazy XD
i kena 3 times. haha.
all cos i was late to school.
1st is on wednesday.
i was late because my brother woke up at 7:20. haha.
so i got detention.
but i didnt go LOL.
2nd is yesterday(aka thursday)
late cos follow auntie hua neo.
and i attended detention this time.
all we did was sit on grass =..=
if i went on wednesday, i would have to go pick up plates and all at the canteen with other detention buddies XD
and my luck arrives!
those who didnt go on wed and was supposed to, kena double detention
but my name wasnt there :DD
3rd one is today.
auntie hua neo pick me again, so late again lah.
and we went to see en rosli for detention at the KH bengkel.
so we just waited there
donno why en rosli didnt come out of the bengkel yet XD
then after a long time,
he came and the prefects told him which didnt come
and then he dismissed us.
yeah. just like that.
we went there, stood there, and dismissed XD
no punishment. lols.
and not only that, en rosli got a doughnut XDD
aih. lazy explain why XD
: /
donno lah. i cant remember as usualll..
swimming gala was today ( :
which i was supposed to be competiting in
but too bad
something happened and i cant anymore.
congrats to the winners ( :
shi yong, michelle leong, gerard and one more guy which idk who.
heehee. and and and....
nothing lah.
you should watch shit videos.
just now me and my bro nothing to watch on youtube, and we saw this link that has gotta do with a shit twirling uncontrollably XD
and then we watched more links to shit videos
and that led us to watching kids eat shit
which was gross
haha! we laughed like SHIT. haha.
and got ghost shit.
this guy was pooping
and then when he was done
he wiped his butt with tissue
and got those shit stains on the tissue
but in the toilet bowl
there was NO SHIT!!
ghost shit =..=
hahahah. mad lah.
so gross XD
then we stopped watching cos kenmin wanted to so something else =..=
scott is very cute <3
shit videos are gross.
we watched some ghost videos
1 of them was sooooooooo fake.
wanna see?
i can get link.
sure you will.
go watch okay??
haha. if u read the comments
and u will see that many ppl said they laughed.
its like.. comedy XD
cos i am sure they MADE this video
so its fake and weird.
this video is called "wanna buy a ghost?"
haha. so cute XD
those ghosts i mean. go see lah.
so weird laaaah!!
so weird laaaah!!
its a short short comedy ghost video XD
not ghostly at all XDD
i wanna end this post now (:
byebey and watch those videos : D
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
: /
heyheyh : D
aah, so the cheer 2009?
yeah. i have no pics cos
1) on staurday. my phone battery was low.
2) i forgot my phone on sunday
3) i dont have a camera.
anyways.. on saturday ah?
hard to say lah.
hard to say lah.
not many ppl went on saturday
okay lah.
that damning MC
he somehow doesnt like our school
everytime he names the school cheer team, they will scream
and when its our schools turn
he skipped it and went to the next school
just b4 the falcons came out
we cheered the chapati roti tosai thing
and that MC said:
i have no idea what ur saying
and we said again
and then he says something like:
nvm. i still have no idea what it is, but its okay.
>: P
all the other school oso same whaaaat.
cannot hear them oso, go say us.
aah, etc etc.
SUNDAY! hmm..
more ppl came.
alot more.
and so did the form5's
and theeeen,
we have the falcons cheer we ae supposed to use
then the form5 came and then hannah told us that were gonna use the saga cheer.
already have cheer that we like
then go use saga cheer pulak.
even christina in saga oso say its damn stupid.
irritating lah that cheer >: /
then donno what other crappy noises
then not only that we must say that,
they oso didnt use any cheer that is meant for falcons.
we just keep using that saga thing.
but i we use like.. something OTHER than that saaaagah cheer, it would be only once.
bloody hell >:P
the friggen xavier freaks keep screaming
and somemore me and christina were stitting rather near them
and they owe us eardrums.
yalah. thats a compliment to them
but very irritating lah.
somemorethe stoopit MC guy like that
which makes them scream even more
the 2 MC's went to all the teams and had 1 person to cheer for their team in the mike.
some of them have seriously piercing voices.
and 1 girl had this heavy chinese accent and squeaky voice and went:
ahaha XD
then the MC guy called out anybody who wanna sing
and 6 ppl came out
and they all can sing very well
except 1 boy who sang a chinese song and christina said it was out of tune : /
nad this boy sang mercy by duffy
and he sound so similar to duffy
that everyone cheered for him the loudest XD
so he won
there was singing on both days, but i only say sunday.
skip skip details.
congrats to blitzers ( :
and then...
nothing lah.
cant remember XD
then.. they keep playing micheal jackson song
then they keep asking ppl do dance MJ
and and... when the MC name a celeb,
ppl cheer loudest for MJ. haha.
and then since after the cheer'09
the boys have been like.. jumpong jumping and lifting up each other.
actually why cant our school have all boys team?
yesterday oso the boys keep trying the stunts XD
today also...
heheh ( :
go faaalcons.
sure got somemore, but its either i skipped the details or..
i forgot : /
btw, this is what me and my cousin were doing.
and its still going on.

we played 3d tictactoe yesterday i think... lookie ( :

anywayh, continue.
teacher actually said during the morning assembly that we(whole secondary)
are gonna be separated into groups.
and each group will have a teacher
and that teacher will be like ur parent.
gasp D :
soooo.. whatzitfor?
i dont know either. just to get to know eacher other i guess?
and the teacher can like...
plan to meet up with her 'anak-anak' sometimes
or plan wtv activities they wanna do with us XD
and the whole day was about that.
and of all the good teachers(trust me, theres alot i dont mind)
and my luck
i had to get....
pn rohaya =..=
but soumun got en shamsul DD :
lx anak yatim.
in the list theres no teacher yet,
so they will be separated soon,
why pn rohaya??
so maaaany good good teachers(the ones i dont mind) and i get pn rohaya?
ish =..=
i got darren and yun ken as my brothers XDDD
the ones in form2 lah.
the other forms i cant remember
christina got..
pn sharifah!
okay lah she..
natasha i cant remember
but i know she got in same 'family' as shauqi XD
and and and...
others lah.
i am jealous of corinne and sheng yee XD
they get pn nadiaaaaa!!!
and i am jealous of other student who got good teachers.
the list were stiked on the walls so during break, lunch and all
many student gathering there finding thier names XDD
not soooo many. cos..
donno lah.
not crowded.
enough lists stuck everywhere to split the crowd up : D
i remember there was something other than this family thing..
our class lost RM300++ class fund =..=
cos grace put it under her desk
and then went to bbut testpad for the class
then went back to the sceince lab
and when we got back to class,
someone stole it DD:
then obviously couldnt find it
and now we all have to pay RM5 back for the loss
were not blaming her
but then seing yee says shes not admitting she lost it
but it is anywayh.
we pay RM5 each and cik tina pays RM15
and grace has to play the rest..
which is quite alot : O
hehe ( :
i think thats it,
main highlight is the family thing : P
oh well..
nothing to say.
now soumun playing CP
so i play oso lah.
i shall go now =..=
byeh : D
Monday, July 6, 2009
CP pics =..=
soooo okay
saturday and sunday, i went to cheer competiton
can i blog about that tmw? haha ( :
cos now i am rather lazy
i will just talk about today
and then later u can see some club penguin pics that i uploaded.
if u scoll down, u can find a post which i was writing while seeing what changes has CP made after 1 yr XD
okaay. so today.
not many ppl came today.
most of the cheerleaders were absent
yesterday and day b4 were so tiring
who want to come?
sooooo.. during assembly had less ppl XD
b4 that, the MORNING assembly.
after all their announcements
girls had to stay back to see pn rosnah about attire.
1st about hair
so she find some ppl for example.
1st she chose 3 ppl who didnt tie their hair cos they tot it was short enough to not tie
but it was toughing their shoulder
so pn rosnah call them on stage to example for us XD
call girls with long fringes that didnt clip up.
3 girls got called up.
then sou mun kena XD
pn rosnah call her and then go pin her hair up on stage : P
and corinne was like hiding behind me.
lyn xie actually lagi teruk.
but she didnt kena.
(p/s: she think her hair so nice XD)
then then then.. uuh.. talk to us about ppls comments and how ppl will judge us just by out appearance and all.
then we get to go back.
then after break
assembly =..=
then.... AHAHAH!!
he poke poke her with his rotan and all.
then she clip UP lah.
or else she just put the clip there
so dumb : P
or should i say GOBLOK
then got public speaking =..=
go back class
more blabla
got spelling XD
so teacher say words we have never heard b4 and we spell.
1 of them is GOBLOK
lolh ( :
got many funny words.
then we laugh at it,
teacher laugh at us
and all
then then
teacher gave the same words to form3
the lowest they got was 2 over 15
and the highest is 13 over 15
and i got 12 XD
and i say "wah. i so pro mcm form3 je"
hehehe =..=
there were ppl who got.. 13 oso.
14 is the highest i think.
and then we wanted to know hat does GOBLOK mean XD
so we ask teacher and teacher says
if we wanna know, search in the dictionary.
and seing yee ran there to find
it means
sangat bodoh
so since we found out, we have been saying that to whoever who comes in the class and all XD
nad i was reading they describe bodoh
and it say.. u find urself lah XD
and on the same page
i found the word BO-LUI
and i thought
"like "no money" only.."
so i see the meaning:
"tiada wang"
and we laughed at that
and tried finding other words : P
then.. umm..
skip details lah.
except 1.
lun xie said:
"dont tough my hair! my cute, adorable hair"
and we were like coughing and coughing and choking XD
and lx was laughing.
after that..
en rosli came in.
he explain explain
after a while
i began to feel very sleepy
yet i still listen
soumun was equally sleepy
except she wasnt listning at all
seing yee oso wanted to sleep
i think the whole class bored lah.
we had to do our peka again =..=
all the -metrik -grafik wan wan
its the only way my hp can wave around in front of en rosli's face XD
in my dragon phone cover thing XD
i had it for many many yrs
and this yr only i tot of putting my phone in it so no one would see
and i hooked in on my bag when bell rang
and en rosli was standing there
and i just treat it like a keychain/toy i just hanged on my bag XD
and nothing happened, duh =..=
well, i have been bringing my dragon thing since..
donno when.
want a pic?
want a pic?
or you have seen it?
ofc u have
or not?
wtv : P
i will take a pic and... upload it.
OK! so now CP!!
club penguin ( :

then that script thingy in the theathre thing. click to enlarge and read : D

then there was this new game
some kind of dancing game in the club
and i pressed easy mode cos i didnt know what to do in the game until the arrows came out then i know had to press the arrows. lol.
but since i was pressing the print screen button
and another window keep coming out
i missed alot of arrows XD
anyways, this is what i took:

haheh0 ( :
i blog tmw about cheer. haha.
bb =w=
Friday, July 3, 2009
hahahah!!! i am on club penguin now XDD
after like.. 1 or 2 years of not playing.
i am using my old penguin.. i wanna create a new one.. but all my stuff are here!!! tho i need to be a member or else i cant wear them... AAAHH!!
theres this dress i nvr knew i had and I WANT TO WEAR IT!! hahahaha! and they are selling these awesome stuff... but must be member sooo =..=
soumun asked me to play, but by the time i can, she is off to tuition. she is on-ing again laters. haha. so childish XD
aihs. play oso lah. lets be childish together XD
soumun wants to be a member.. but she says later. now she earn money 1st.
lol!! tmw is cheer competition. once more i wish all cheer leaders good luck ( :
today we stayed back to learn what to cheer tmw.
F-A-L-C, O-N, S fly up high, Fly Up High, FLY UP HIGH! haha.
and 2 other cheers : 3
hehehe... umm....
LOL! i am reading something in club penguin. the story in the theatre. so cute XD they changed everything ( :
aah.. urf. nothing to say =..=
aha. looking at puffles now XD i just simply said there was a new white puffle before soumun started playing, and she said there really was one! ahaha. gonna check..
oooo!! there really IS a white puffle : DD
andi am back at the theatre/stage. and i am reading the script. so cute/funny XD
heehee. i can upload the pics of the script : D
but i will do it.. now? but it will appear on top =..=
i will upload later. and maybe some other pics in CP.
im in the dance club! woo!
pfft. nobody here oso.
well, its my fault. i picked the server with veryy few ppl.
donno why. i just press enter dance contest (its a clipboard on a table)
now its loading(clearing dance floor)
what happens next?? haha.
this girl penguin is asking me to wait =..=
i will.
duh. u cant NOT wait. cos.. theres no way to do it.
SO CUTE! hahaha! the dance is so cute XD
just have to press the arrows.
i have some pics of my 1st round.
i did badly cos i was pressing the print screen button and as another window open to show the pic i took, i missed alot of arrows. my 2nd time was awesome : D
cos i picked easy, ofc it was awesome =..=
the dance moves got more. the ones i took got less cos i missed many arrows XD
heehee......... =..=
ah, i will publish now lah.
play CP for a while more..
then do other things ( :
remember: feel free to play CP with us. nothing is TOO childish XD
and soumun claims "i feel childish. like i want to do childish things"
me says "like play club penguin.."
soumun says "eh, CP is not childish, its a serious matter"
hahaha ( :
after like.. 1 or 2 years of not playing.
i am using my old penguin.. i wanna create a new one.. but all my stuff are here!!! tho i need to be a member or else i cant wear them... AAAHH!!
theres this dress i nvr knew i had and I WANT TO WEAR IT!! hahahaha! and they are selling these awesome stuff... but must be member sooo =..=
soumun asked me to play, but by the time i can, she is off to tuition. she is on-ing again laters. haha. so childish XD
aihs. play oso lah. lets be childish together XD
soumun wants to be a member.. but she says later. now she earn money 1st.
lol!! tmw is cheer competition. once more i wish all cheer leaders good luck ( :
today we stayed back to learn what to cheer tmw.
F-A-L-C, O-N, S fly up high, Fly Up High, FLY UP HIGH! haha.
and 2 other cheers : 3
hehehe... umm....
LOL! i am reading something in club penguin. the story in the theatre. so cute XD they changed everything ( :
aah.. urf. nothing to say =..=
aha. looking at puffles now XD i just simply said there was a new white puffle before soumun started playing, and she said there really was one! ahaha. gonna check..
oooo!! there really IS a white puffle : DD
andi am back at the theatre/stage. and i am reading the script. so cute/funny XD
heehee. i can upload the pics of the script : D
but i will do it.. now? but it will appear on top =..=
i will upload later. and maybe some other pics in CP.
im in the dance club! woo!
pfft. nobody here oso.
well, its my fault. i picked the server with veryy few ppl.
donno why. i just press enter dance contest (its a clipboard on a table)
now its loading(clearing dance floor)
what happens next?? haha.
this girl penguin is asking me to wait =..=
i will.
duh. u cant NOT wait. cos.. theres no way to do it.
SO CUTE! hahaha! the dance is so cute XD
just have to press the arrows.
i have some pics of my 1st round.
i did badly cos i was pressing the print screen button and as another window open to show the pic i took, i missed alot of arrows. my 2nd time was awesome : D
cos i picked easy, ofc it was awesome =..=
the dance moves got more. the ones i took got less cos i missed many arrows XD
heehee......... =..=
ah, i will publish now lah.
play CP for a while more..
then do other things ( :
remember: feel free to play CP with us. nothing is TOO childish XD
and soumun claims "i feel childish. like i want to do childish things"
me says "like play club penguin.."
soumun says "eh, CP is not childish, its a serious matter"
hahaha ( :
Thursday, July 2, 2009
2nd july =w=
its 1 day after my bday =..=
sheesh. my bday has ended. lol.
and today is elaine mom and ashley tisdale's bday.
anyways, just now i went for piano.
apparently teacher hates me XD
i think.
she says i dont have enough practise.
and she keeps reminding that my left hand should be softer and my right hand is louder, but sorry if i cant control my hands THAT well.
she says i am the worst student XD (ofc she mentioned my bro)
but i am even worse cos i am taking exam =..=
well, she says that she doesnt want to teach me anymore after my exam cos i am that teruk.
and there are other students more worth it than me
and can take my time.
funny, cos after i left, i felt that i am even willing to quit
for the sake of saving money, saving teachers time, making teacher happy teacher student more worth it and all. hehe.
but even if i WANTED to, i still couldnt.
cos.. donno why.
i mean, i dont hate piano. i love it.
but if the teacher hates me, what for make her angry everytime?
i mean even if quit, my sightreading is good enough to learn songs by myself while.. something happens. and my skill will grow. but obviously i will maybe learn wrongly and all..
seriously lah. i am not used to this.
my previous teacher was so lame that she didnt care wtv i do.
so i am not used to it =..=
anyways, now idk.
but nvm lah. maaaaybe thing will change : /
another topic.
what happened? sure got something say..
or maybe not...
donno lah XD
anyways, i was searching for karaoke songs for soumun to sing... i oso waaant!! haha. jk. if she sing at corinnes house or anything so we just join lah. obviously.
and i found 16 already.
but the hardest one to find is new classic =..=
dont even think of finding instrumental version lah.
all the ones which have lyrics on screen oso must have something wrong.
finally i found 1.
haha ( :
then... during sports we wanted to play netball, but cos NALINI(jackass) wanted to play futsal, everyone has to. i think leiya oso lah. and some ppl. so soumun complaining as usual "YEEEE!!! WHY? u all promise this week pplay netball! YEEE!!" and teacher said "sy plaing benci budak suka lawan dgn kita lah. bcos u want to play, everyone must play?" then she said fine fine, we wanna play netball, but for the whole perios we must. but i already went to christina who went to corinne and chloe, and then hui jing they all were gonna play volleyball, so me and christina went to join them. aaha.
then lynxie and soumun followed us after a while. then from far can see those ppl donno doing what. complaining about the behaviour of kids who dont get their way or wtv lah. then lx and sm went away, me and christina were still simply whcking the ball left and right with the other ppl XD skip skip skip details... then times up.
we went to class. then soumun complain to pn hana "teeaacher!! i miss u lah." and teachers goes "kenapa?" and soumun goes "last week they promise us to play netball, but then they go play futsal again just bcos nalini wants to play!" and pn hana goes "eh, mana bloeh begitu? promise means promise lah.." and which means pn hana is on soumuns side =..=
then we went to the computer lab for reading so we had to find short stories in the net, no going anywhere else. but soumun still went to blogger and youtube. she hide lah. with myyy plaaaan. haha. lazy to explain =..= next tiime.. or not. lol.
lol.. soooo... whadelse?
and and and. soumun suddenly wanna play club penguin again. she ask me to play oso XD cos last time we were remembering the times our membership lasted. haha.
and we talk talk talk until she wants to play again. hahha!!!
she created her penguin already (she didnt want to use her old penguin cos... donno. i think she say so old already XD)
she ask me to create oso. but i think i create tmw if i want lah.
LOL. we are sooooo childish XD
but wth? its just a game to entertain us. haha.
feel free to join us in CP : 9
but memebership need to pay for =..=
sooooo. donno lah. play 1st and see : D
joing us ah, U HAVE TO!!!
heheh. jk. up to you. the more the merrier.
more what? more childish ppl XD
cheer 2009 is coming in 2 days. saturday.
good luck to all cheerleaders ( :
i will be watching you.....
and so will everyone else XD
aihh.. tmw must stay back to practise what to cheer for the ppl.
like last yr, i bet no matter how loud u shout, u wont be able to hear yourself XD
i think i can stay back : /
lol. me and soumun aret trying not to watch the cheerleaders practise cos we want it to be a surprise. soumun can only come for saturday, not sunday =..=
i am partner-ing with lynxie in the bus : D
hahahaaaa...... i wanna paint my face =..=
but the paint sure can peel our once its dry XD
nvm lah. paint for fun ( :
draw dots all over ur face. ACNE! hahaha.
our fingers so fat, can only do acne, cannot do pimples XD
jk lah.
aaah. i think thats all and i will go now : 3
byebye : 9
p/s: my posts these days are so boring and long somemore XD not much colour or pics. haha.
i will find pics to upload if there are any. actually there are alot, but i am lazy to =..=
they are pointless pictures anyway lah.. haha. just for fun :P
but i odnt want to. so maybe i get pics like cheer 09, and upload, or maybe not.. heehee.
MYSTERY!! not. hahaha. bye lah!!
its 1 day after my bday =..=
sheesh. my bday has ended. lol.
and today is elaine mom and ashley tisdale's bday.
anyways, just now i went for piano.
apparently teacher hates me XD
i think.
she says i dont have enough practise.
and she keeps reminding that my left hand should be softer and my right hand is louder, but sorry if i cant control my hands THAT well.
she says i am the worst student XD (ofc she mentioned my bro)
but i am even worse cos i am taking exam =..=
well, she says that she doesnt want to teach me anymore after my exam cos i am that teruk.
and there are other students more worth it than me
and can take my time.
funny, cos after i left, i felt that i am even willing to quit
for the sake of saving money, saving teachers time, making teacher happy teacher student more worth it and all. hehe.
but even if i WANTED to, i still couldnt.
cos.. donno why.
i mean, i dont hate piano. i love it.
but if the teacher hates me, what for make her angry everytime?
i mean even if quit, my sightreading is good enough to learn songs by myself while.. something happens. and my skill will grow. but obviously i will maybe learn wrongly and all..
seriously lah. i am not used to this.
my previous teacher was so lame that she didnt care wtv i do.
so i am not used to it =..=
anyways, now idk.
but nvm lah. maaaaybe thing will change : /
another topic.
what happened? sure got something say..
or maybe not...
donno lah XD
anyways, i was searching for karaoke songs for soumun to sing... i oso waaant!! haha. jk. if she sing at corinnes house or anything so we just join lah. obviously.
and i found 16 already.
but the hardest one to find is new classic =..=
dont even think of finding instrumental version lah.
all the ones which have lyrics on screen oso must have something wrong.
finally i found 1.
haha ( :
then... during sports we wanted to play netball, but cos NALINI(jackass) wanted to play futsal, everyone has to. i think leiya oso lah. and some ppl. so soumun complaining as usual "YEEEE!!! WHY? u all promise this week pplay netball! YEEE!!" and teacher said "sy plaing benci budak suka lawan dgn kita lah. bcos u want to play, everyone must play?" then she said fine fine, we wanna play netball, but for the whole perios we must. but i already went to christina who went to corinne and chloe, and then hui jing they all were gonna play volleyball, so me and christina went to join them. aaha.
then lynxie and soumun followed us after a while. then from far can see those ppl donno doing what. complaining about the behaviour of kids who dont get their way or wtv lah. then lx and sm went away, me and christina were still simply whcking the ball left and right with the other ppl XD skip skip skip details... then times up.
we went to class. then soumun complain to pn hana "teeaacher!! i miss u lah." and teachers goes "kenapa?" and soumun goes "last week they promise us to play netball, but then they go play futsal again just bcos nalini wants to play!" and pn hana goes "eh, mana bloeh begitu? promise means promise lah.." and which means pn hana is on soumuns side =..=
then we went to the computer lab for reading so we had to find short stories in the net, no going anywhere else. but soumun still went to blogger and youtube. she hide lah. with myyy plaaaan. haha. lazy to explain =..= next tiime.. or not. lol.
lol.. soooo... whadelse?
and and and. soumun suddenly wanna play club penguin again. she ask me to play oso XD cos last time we were remembering the times our membership lasted. haha.
and we talk talk talk until she wants to play again. hahha!!!
she created her penguin already (she didnt want to use her old penguin cos... donno. i think she say so old already XD)
she ask me to create oso. but i think i create tmw if i want lah.
LOL. we are sooooo childish XD
but wth? its just a game to entertain us. haha.
feel free to join us in CP : 9
but memebership need to pay for =..=
sooooo. donno lah. play 1st and see : D
joing us ah, U HAVE TO!!!
heheh. jk. up to you. the more the merrier.
more what? more childish ppl XD
cheer 2009 is coming in 2 days. saturday.
good luck to all cheerleaders ( :
i will be watching you.....
and so will everyone else XD
aihh.. tmw must stay back to practise what to cheer for the ppl.
like last yr, i bet no matter how loud u shout, u wont be able to hear yourself XD
i think i can stay back : /
lol. me and soumun aret trying not to watch the cheerleaders practise cos we want it to be a surprise. soumun can only come for saturday, not sunday =..=
i am partner-ing with lynxie in the bus : D
hahahaaaa...... i wanna paint my face =..=
but the paint sure can peel our once its dry XD
nvm lah. paint for fun ( :
draw dots all over ur face. ACNE! hahaha.
our fingers so fat, can only do acne, cannot do pimples XD
jk lah.
aaah. i think thats all and i will go now : 3
byebye : 9
p/s: my posts these days are so boring and long somemore XD not much colour or pics. haha.
i will find pics to upload if there are any. actually there are alot, but i am lazy to =..=
they are pointless pictures anyway lah.. haha. just for fun :P
but i odnt want to. so maybe i get pics like cheer 09, and upload, or maybe not.. heehee.
MYSTERY!! not. hahaha. bye lah!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
1st july!! <3
HAHA ( : why do i love 1st july??
ahah. u know lah. u SHOULD know XD
even if u dont, nvn lah. your gonna find out SoOn.
anyways, 1 havent been updating fr like.. 2day! OMG! i know, right??!!
ahah. i know lah. not long oso XD
okaay. i have things to update, but its as usual. have u heard the saying: malas lah!
yeah, thats it.
alrights, lets start with monday.
- we have a new maths teacher =..= no comments.
- me n soumun laugh until cannot laugh already at some inside joke. lol. read on, tell u later (*1)
- i think thats about it =..=
then tuesday/yesterday
- uuhh.. lynxie finally did taekwondo after ponteng-ing for.. ever. haha ( :
- last day of june
- i am sure i forgot something cos yesterday i also wanted to update...
- if i remember, then i will write later.
then TODAY!!
1st of all, ITS MY BDAAAAY :DD yeah, u know. i know u know that i know that u know XD
and.. it was rather boring during english (then lunch) then BM.
why? cos no one to talk to XD
i was bored.
yes i was. soumun joined the other clan to chat and laugh and.. seing yee donno what was she doing, and kar man went to join those ppl oso and zhuo sze was bored. i want to talk to her, but nothing to say to entertain her XD
then BM same thing. why dont i join them? cos they all speaking chinese which i dont completely understand, so its so.. disturbing them if i join and they have to transalate. so, no thanks ( : lets them enjoy themselves.
lol, my bday so boring XD
but i celebrated on saturday, soooo.. hehaho. haha. hehe. hoho.
lols. okay, lemme rephrase that.
my real bday in school is so boring XDD haha.
NOOOO!!!!! why are all the from2 girl kiara-ns so LAME?!! not all. just.. THE ONES THAT cant swim BUT ONLY KNOW HOW TO GO IN AND COME OUT! aarrhg.
during assembly, the teacher called out the names that must stay back after that and see the teachers. i was called, so i went. then teacher said something about swimming on swimming gala. and obviously, i thought that the wrote my name by mistake(cos teacher oso call me o come when i wasnt sure if it was really me) so i sneak away.
then during english period, pn nadia came in and talked to me:
pn nadia me
yuejen? where is she? oh there. are you taking part in swimming gala for kiara?
then why was ur name given?
i dont know.
did u give ur name?
but can u participate in the swimming gala?
arent there other ppl who can swim?
i asked all the classes, all the girls cant swim. if u dont participate, kiara will loose..
who else kiara here?
hafiz raise his hand
corinne raises her hand
can u swim?
corinne says no
theres nobody else.
so can u take part?
so u want breaststroke or freestyle?
freestyle =..=
thank u very much.
then she left. and i think this: UUUURRRRHHHHHHHH!!!
and then.. umm..
i went on being bored.
lol ( :
and umm... ah! during science.. we went to the lab. as usual. then teacher was showing us some dissolving thingy and all. haha ( :
blahblah. eyh.. umm.. aah.. haha XD
cant remember what else to say for the previous days.
its something to do with wheels =..=
we were discussing about microphones, so i drew a mike stand with the legs like.. those violin stands. 3 stands spreaded out. but soumun wanted the base to be the round one. so at 1st i thought it was a mike with a wheel, so it was hilarious that moment. and then there was a letter given to everyone saying theres extra class next saturday to replace hari raya, so we saw it was signed by mrs tan and we gave her those wheeled mike, and wheeled chair and table and books and pencil case and the glasses(the nose past is wheels so it keeps sliding down) and etc. yes, we were mad indeed. then there was something else... but i forgot =w=
uuhh. well..
ahah. u know lah. u SHOULD know XD
even if u dont, nvn lah. your gonna find out SoOn.
anyways, 1 havent been updating fr like.. 2day! OMG! i know, right??!!
ahah. i know lah. not long oso XD
okaay. i have things to update, but its as usual. have u heard the saying: malas lah!
yeah, thats it.
alrights, lets start with monday.
- we have a new maths teacher =..= no comments.
- me n soumun laugh until cannot laugh already at some inside joke. lol. read on, tell u later (*1)
- i think thats about it =..=
then tuesday/yesterday
- uuhh.. lynxie finally did taekwondo after ponteng-ing for.. ever. haha ( :
- last day of june
- i am sure i forgot something cos yesterday i also wanted to update...
- if i remember, then i will write later.
then TODAY!!
1st of all, ITS MY BDAAAAY :DD yeah, u know. i know u know that i know that u know XD
and.. it was rather boring during english (then lunch) then BM.
why? cos no one to talk to XD
i was bored.
yes i was. soumun joined the other clan to chat and laugh and.. seing yee donno what was she doing, and kar man went to join those ppl oso and zhuo sze was bored. i want to talk to her, but nothing to say to entertain her XD
then BM same thing. why dont i join them? cos they all speaking chinese which i dont completely understand, so its so.. disturbing them if i join and they have to transalate. so, no thanks ( : lets them enjoy themselves.
lol, my bday so boring XD
but i celebrated on saturday, soooo.. hehaho. haha. hehe. hoho.
lols. okay, lemme rephrase that.
my real bday in school is so boring XDD haha.
NOOOO!!!!! why are all the from2 girl kiara-ns so LAME?!! not all. just.. THE ONES THAT cant swim BUT ONLY KNOW HOW TO GO IN AND COME OUT! aarrhg.
during assembly, the teacher called out the names that must stay back after that and see the teachers. i was called, so i went. then teacher said something about swimming on swimming gala. and obviously, i thought that the wrote my name by mistake(cos teacher oso call me o come when i wasnt sure if it was really me) so i sneak away.
then during english period, pn nadia came in and talked to me:
pn nadia me
yuejen? where is she? oh there. are you taking part in swimming gala for kiara?
then why was ur name given?
i dont know.
did u give ur name?
but can u participate in the swimming gala?
arent there other ppl who can swim?
i asked all the classes, all the girls cant swim. if u dont participate, kiara will loose..
who else kiara here?
hafiz raise his hand
corinne raises her hand
can u swim?
corinne says no
theres nobody else.
so can u take part?
so u want breaststroke or freestyle?
freestyle =..=
thank u very much.
then she left. and i think this: UUUURRRRHHHHHHHH!!!
and then.. umm..
i went on being bored.
lol ( :
and umm... ah! during science.. we went to the lab. as usual. then teacher was showing us some dissolving thingy and all. haha ( :
blahblah. eyh.. umm.. aah.. haha XD
cant remember what else to say for the previous days.
its something to do with wheels =..=
we were discussing about microphones, so i drew a mike stand with the legs like.. those violin stands. 3 stands spreaded out. but soumun wanted the base to be the round one. so at 1st i thought it was a mike with a wheel, so it was hilarious that moment. and then there was a letter given to everyone saying theres extra class next saturday to replace hari raya, so we saw it was signed by mrs tan and we gave her those wheeled mike, and wheeled chair and table and books and pencil case and the glasses(the nose past is wheels so it keeps sliding down) and etc. yes, we were mad indeed. then there was something else... but i forgot =w=
uuhh. well..
thank you to everyone who wished/going to wish me happy birthday ((:
u guys are awesome XD
thank u for remembering my bday, even if u didnt and u knew cos u heard other ppl wishing me happy bday, then its okay : D
thank u still ( :
ah well ( :
happy bday to me : D
i gotta find some karaoke songs on youtube
and burn it in a cd
and blahblah
how do i curi videos from yt?
with MAGIC!
jk lah ( :
nothing else lah.
all oso forgot XD
anyways, byebye
*<: O)
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