gosh, ahaha.
well, okay. today is our teachers day celebration, so we celebrated. 1st, we went to the primary section and watch some performances. got the secondary choir club. sucks. they sing so soft cannot hear anything besides the piano sound at the background.
the primary choir club. so much better... they sang bibbity bobbity boo and some winne the pooh song. haha. then got some diabolo thingy. tere-nya!! then then then... got this guy azeem, sing a song while playing guitar.. aaaaaaaaah.. okay-lah. like typical boy voice without training, he cant reach slightly high pitch properly. but he is okay. soumun say her bulu stand up XD
pengawas choir. aaaaaaah.... werid lah. they sing then rao went our and gave a short poem-ish speech thing while the background goes 'ooooooooooh oooooooooooh' kacau lah. then they siad once a bestarian, always a bestarian. RIP OFF!!! from where? u guess lah.
some std5 girls dance to the song dancing queen. nothing much lah. very few moves.
hmmm what else? poem recitation, speeches.. what i mentioned wasnt in order. i couldnt remember the order. lol. then we went back to secondary(primary got their own thing, but the games different from ours http://cookie-loves-you.blogspot.com) and then got teachers vs students in netball and footsal :D
i watched netball. the teachers so damn pro. the student also. they play very fast. then pn nadia cheered 'go teachers go, go teachers go' and then cik hani came and join her then they discussed. cik hani said 'eh, go teachers go tak best lah.' then she suggested something i cant remember. then pn nadia whispered something and they started 1, 2, 3: 'go teachers, blah budak go! go teachers, blah budak go! haha! i cheered with them. and cheered whenever either side scores. en rosli and pn halijah then came. then pn halijah imitated uztazah/pn hasnah. haha! and they continued cheering.
its on the new netball court, btw. and we havent played netball for so long =..= hopefully can play soon lah ( :
en rosli was like trying to spell out 'cikgu' with his body. so weird!! he is so round and like.. haha! very cute lah. the teachers all very cute today. and en rosli was yelling at them 'woih! mesti hormat cikgu! bagi cikgu bola!' and all. haha! he was yelling at them while laughing.
then got a giant koala came. its a man in a suit. everyone was saying hi to it, then when it can down from downstairs, i asked why was it here and the man leading the mani n suit said to deliver the teachers something. and i pressed the koala's nose twice and the man said 'eh, dont lah.' and ppl was laughing at me XD then he went dwonstairs, and we wanted to see him take off the koala head, and he was holding the head and walking as far as possible until he reached his car, he took off the head and quickly go inside the car XDD
then the form5 did acting. its about a new teacher who came in class and met this gangster boy named chris. the principle told him this boy was caught selling drugs and had been in many juvenile cases and his parent left him. so the teacher tried to change him by talking. then the mafia came and wanted to kill chris and the teacher came and fought them and they killed the teacher and since then the boy changed. sheesh.
then the form5 arranged a game where they divided all the teachers into 8 groups. we watched like 2 minutes of a bollywood production. so much dancing and india-ness. the teachers are supposed to act what they think happened b4 all those dancing. only 1 group managed to do the acting the others no time. they have 5 minuted to discuss what they wanna do among themselves.
i lazy to described what they did lah... but i will ( : the mother(cik norlezah) was complaining to her 2 daughters (cik tina and 1 more teacher whose name i forgot. someone remind me pls) that they both are already 27 and 32 and they are still not married. then cik tina say theres one guy who is so.. blablabla very good looking and sangat bulat. and en shamsul was standing there posing diff poses. then he went to the women and the mom commented 'wah. mmg bulat'. then the mom ask who he wants. he couldnt decide and then cik tina and the other teacher were fighting and saying 'dia sy punya!' and like.. fight, hahah XD and en shamsul said 'sy nak mak!!!' which was so obvious he chose the mom. then thats all. lol. everyone wanted at least 1 more group to act, but the teachers gave lame excuses and they are gonna do it after holidays.
then 2(girl and boy) ppl sang on stage 'no boundaries' while playing guitar. cannot hear the guitar sound(even when theres 2) and the voice can hear sometimes, then sometimes soft cos they are strumming guitar, so they move and not directly in front of the mike all the time. ya get me? nvm.
i gave all the teachers who teaches me flowers btw. but i wont upload it now. haha.
okay... so... happy holidays everyone ( :
umm... i forgot what i wanted to blog about.. but anyways ( :
i might update later. but most likely not. i will update tmw XD
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