kel-vin on a... couple swing(as i call it)
easy on the chopped garlic XD (*1(scroll down until the end later)
i burst out laughing at this.. dunno why.. KOOKIJA! XD
teacher's compass -- huge. lols.
sleepover after bbq on nsaturday(no pics)
but sleepover got lah : D
kimberly doing hw(sej) == she is in sri cempaka, so they use macbooks : O
natasha XD
ameeeeee-rah! (amirah)
kimberly refering to textbook, while natasha is helping her. i think.
km playing counter-strike i think. must be. yeah.
kimbery(the PC) and natasha(mac) were chatting in msn together ==" they talking crap and laughing like mad ppl...
natasha XD so... we played more computer, listened to the stupid song 'shoes' and kimberly was like dancing with it and so was i, then i chatted with them on msn in this computer(natasha on the PC and kimberly is mac) then we went upstairs and wanted to make stupid videos, but kimbs mac got problem, so heres what we did:
kimberly. hers is the neatest and nicest. i liked it : D (i did the left side and natasha did the right. amirah doesnt want to play == pity. her hair is the longest..)
meeeeee!!! crazy lah, my hair! natasha did the right and kimbs, the left. YOU SEEE?? the 1st pic. my hair standing. haha!! i rather liked it ( :
natasha's ( : i did right and kimbs did left. can see amirah's pic on natasha's hair in the 1st pic? lol!
kimberly has all the nice pics and weird ones too... haha!!! got video like.. take 1 pic and another and another and play it, it will be a video. haha!! its so weird.. i will ask her to send it to me ( : and maybe post it up XD
christina's house study thing. we went there to study(yesterday)...

natasha sitting on the yellow thing so christina cant lay it out properly XD

yes christina, nice face == i gave her that toy for her bday : D i am taking it as she loves it XD
then study loh.

then after study: natasha and a mini bicycle.. the breaks really works : D and the pedals and all.. like a real bike.

crash! accident ==

run over the bear! *shock! horror!*

mini chair : D

bear sitting on chair

then go coffee bean... christina: pure vanilla ice blended, natasha: double choco ice blended, me: hazelnut ice blended
then go playground... so cool XD


look at natasha : D

hahah! ( ; anyways... supposed to have videos but i accidentally deleted them == i will upload them again after this.
easy on the chopped garlic
chef almonds guest star(umm... uh.. oprah winfrey)
*chops garlic very hard. sweat, chop like crazy, sweat*
hello chef almonds : D (audience cheers)
whooo *wipes sweat* hello there oprah!
what are u doing there?
oh, i am chopping garlic ( : *gasps, sighs*
well, its more like ur chopping stones! (audience laughs)
well, i DO want it to be perfect.
well then, *the camera zooms in to her, she faces the camera*
EASY ON THE CHOPPED GARLICS! *flashes a smile*
hahah! okay. that was fun ( :
tata ( :
-videos will be uploaded after this-
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