sorry didnt update for.. 4 days... seems rather long tho. until i counted the days XD
anyways. i have like... pictures to upload == but lazy lah. so just type TEXT! lols.
ummm........... okaaay. we(soumuna n me) went to school on saturday.
me and soumun went to school for class deco. actually, we only made props, but did not put it up. and while we did the stuff, we have to rest for a while right? haha. not really. but we wanted to. sssooooooooo. soumun was playing music from her phone and sometimes we sang loudly(soumun's dream come true) and dance like crazy XD it was fuuuuun. soumun usually dance and skip around the class XD and when we sang when there was me and you(from hsm1) we emphasize on the miserable-ity. lols. but other songs, craziness unleashed XD kinda....
okay. so that was saturday highlights. theeen...
umm. sunday.. wake up, eat abit, go 1U, go see my grandma's new single storey house(my mom wanna measure smtng), go temple, go ikano, then come back. do the bday list name thingy.. and.. all? wtv.
MONDAAAY! yesterday... ummm... do stuffs, then hand the cardboard earth thingy up on the ceiling. how? haha. take table, put chair up there and kah sing climbed it. then he was too short, so key zhoun went up instead, but the tape wont stick, so kah sing wanted to go up again, so he did. then we decided to tie it to the string thingies hanging down from the ceiling, so there it is. then during lunch, we stayed in class to do some stuff, then aimran, darren and amirul came in. they tried to vandalize, but darren claimed he didnt (i dont really care, cos he helped us and says he doesnt vandalize his/our class). and aimran is stupid. all of them go try to jump and reach the earth and threw stuffs on it and took our permission slip and tear it and... jump jump around like ppl lack of intelligence and think thats 'cool'. its lame and no use. then amirul go jump to and tore off the plastic thing with signatures on it (but didnt tear it, just pulled the stapler bullet out) so i got fed up with them, i asked elaine for the blade and i went for him, but he ran off, so i just took the stapler and put it back. etc, then after lunch got this maths and science spelling bee, which was soooo boring. i dont even know why do we have to be there! me and christina and soumun sat against the PA system room wall, and got form3 ppl beside christina screeching like hell. anyways, after a while, we got bored listening to the form 3 screeching, so i moved to beside natasha and lx. played with lx's shoe. and awl. etc.
TUESDAY! (today) soumun finished her moon made of scrunched newpaper and tissued with pvc glue. and painted it. the we stayed during break, and then lunch. after break, got math and science quiz, but soumun pontenged it. it ended rather quickly confused to yesterday's event. then lunch: aimran was playing with the syrofoam(dunno how to spell ==) and then seing yee was screaming at him, elaine was quiet, soumun was eating and i was ready to throw the pencil at him. and then darren tried to help us get it back, aimran still played with it and, cant remember how, he left. haha. then me and soumun created this very pitiful story about a boy and his sweet 16 bday. haha. tell u bout it some other time. it is hilarious. i told my bro and he laughed like HAHAHAH and then my dadday and my bro and my dadday laughed like HAHAHA also and they edited also. lols.
argh. i hate THAT class. no, i hate THAT teacher. she is soo.. ARRRHHH!!! i go in(with soumun) and she was like ***********1*********(p/s: that is cencor to what THAT said) and then i wanted to borrow paint and crayon and she was like ****************2************** so i wanetd to ask and that nard(nerd) keep talking so i shut him up and asked to borrow smtng and she(not THAT, a friend) let, but hers was downstairs(tq, friend), so i asked got anyone else, then a boy told them not to(cos he knew we wanted it for class deco) and then THAT said 'looks like no body is interested in lending u anything' so i wanted to say okay, tq. but then got some ppl laughing, so i said it louder 'OKAY THANK YOU' and then when i went out, that--i mean-- THAT said sarcastically to come again, and i also sarcastically and unhappily wave like queen == then soumun told me she went back to return the thing, and she was like 'what u want NOW?'
i hate THAT. sorry to those whom are not involved here. like.. those who did nothing, unlike THAT and some suckish chatterboxes.
clues to waht THAT said:
1*: we BORROWED smtng and someone changed the story saying that we took it.
2*: i wanted to borrow paint and crayon so she was like "BORROW somemore!!!?"
why so many ppl like her(THAT)? it is claimed by the friend that let me borrow bcos she 'understands' them. just cos she is the kind of tacher who gossips and says bad stuff behind ppl. i swear that whenever i wanna go to that class and THAT is teaching, i wont go in.
2Cemerlang was kind enough, when we went in and asked to borrow those stuffs, they were using, yet they offered me some stuff. but i ddint accept cos at least they offered but they were using, so i let them use.
2 cerdik NALINI is copying our deco. i wanted to write behind all the copied deco COPYCATTERS and such. lx gave me an idea. draw an ugly person and say that is NALINI. nothing original isit? i tell u, our class is gonna be nicer cos our ideas are ORIGINAL unlike HERS! bcos of u, NALINI, ur class is gonna be known as the COPYCATTERS. sorry 2 cerdik ppl who arent involved in this PLAGARIZING. but my curse is going to all of u other ppl. lx told me that they made something and say they LONG TIME think about it already. long time already, now only do arh? SHIT U ALL LAH. we buy styrofoam, we saw they also buyed after a couple of days, then we do the styrofoam thing already(cut out and all), today soumun saw they ALSO did a conical flask and test tube as one of their deco. then soumun did the moon, and now lx told me they did smtng similar(also scrunched paper and glued tissues) and thats the thing they thought of LONG TIME EDI.
(p/s: only those involved in my ARGH-ness.)
those involved: THAT and NALINI(<-- that colour is known as shit green since several years ago. probably when we were std 4, by lyn xie and me. i like that colour tho, i love all the colours, but since its known as SHIT GREEN, it shall be shitted on her.)
3cerdas damn nice. great job. we r trying to make our class nicer....
that girl ah, she sometimes okay, but when it comes to competiton(eg: there is competiton for classes, like class deco or speeling bee or wtv), either she is in a different class or different group, she will go *********bla****************bla*******(too frustrating for words) to the other class or group. the * and bla's up there are like... saying to us how great her group is and all. insulting -- but wtv. like i care what she does. mock us all u want, cos even if u are greater, there is at least ABIT of things u cant do or dont have. >: P
ahaha. during moral, we had to do this thingy for presentation and then in the middle of it, shi lin came in our class to borrow scissors and some ppl(especially jun rui) were like 'cekap ppl!' lols. we lent it to her.
( :
i may post another thing tmw. if there is nothing else today. heheheh. it would be happier and more : D in the next post ^^
1 comment:
exuse ay mua!!!
i was there la when u and christina and the
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