arrhh. i am actually lazy to blog, but what the heck?
the following:
random pictures, not-so-random pictures
some guy who does durian ice-cream in 1U. its in the chestnut shop i think.. or wtv that shop is beside the purplecane or... the tea shop. aah. he scrapes the ice-cream on the chopping board like... scrape scrape. swish swish. scrape. and scrape it together. and tadaa.

some cat i found in the temple. holy cat : D i touched it. haha. jasmin didnt. or did she?

D :
what we did last week in KH class. do that thingy..

ken min's fruit tea. he asked me to eat all the fruits so that he can drink the tea only == but i ate only like.. abit of fruits and my dad ate the rest. haha.
class b4 finish decorating. see the earth and sun hanging? yeap.

sou muns moon. she is so proud of it...

look at those shoes. u can see my reflection taking this pic with my phone. hahah! i just noticed now. lols.

see all the tests? yeah. look at the brown one. cutest. hahah!

shhaaaark! rawr. XD
todays pictures in school! haha. descriptions below each pic.

glitter in a rectangle shape on my hand! lol. how i do? i used double sided tape and put glitter on it ==

class completed!
the deco cant really be seen, so i shall explain to u. my phone camera cant take the stuffs, so u cant see it.
behind our class walls: the 8 planets, as u can see.
the walls below the windows: numbers
ceiling: moon, earth, sun.
front walls above whiteboard: yellow stars on the left and right
walls below the whiteboard: some science universe info which cik tina helped print out.
and across the room, we tied 3 strings across.
1st string: grey stars with blue glittered outline and shooting star(u can see) after 1 star on both ends. aka, 2 shooting stars and 8 stars.
2nd string: yellow stars and 2 shooting stars also. its like.. 3 yellow stars, shooting star, 3 yellow stars, shooting star and 3 yellow stars .
3rd string: grey stars with blue glitter outine(like string1) and shooting stars after the 2 middle stars.
i am so proud of our class.... its so much nicer seeing it live, but thats the best picture i can get so far...
i would like to thank:
1) soumun(head of decoration with me)
2) ME!!! XD (head deco with soumun)
3) seing yee (asst monitor)
4) elaine
5) corinne, kar man, zhuo sze
6) cik tina
7) and the rest of the class who helped us : D
8) i dont wanna thank the lazybums
when teacher started judging, we still werent done with the stars. then michelle(from3) was walking by and told us the teacher starting to judge already. and everyone (soumun, seing yee, elaine, etc etc) we like rushing. especially the osoumun bin ladin. so we told the rest and everyone started helping. except some stupid useless and helpless ppl. everyone started cleaning the class, and it was clean suddenly(instead of the mess we made) so quickly. the power of teamwork : D and we completed the shooting stars and quickly hang them up and all. then the teacher/judge(pn.nadia) was in 2Cekap, and we were like D : and then 2Cerdik and we were like DD : and then our class. then we didnt know we had to explain our deco, so i voulenteered to do it. then the teacher asked whats the theme/title for out class and i was like (in my mind) PHEW! luckily we sticked with the planets... so i told teacher 'planets' and she said okay. and she wrote it down on the judge-paper (DUMDUMDUM) and then i explained 'behind there is the planets *names all the planets up there)* and on top is the moon, earth and sun. and there are stars around.' and teacher alsed 'so where is the maths?' and i pointed to the side of the wall and the other side where styrofoam times, divide and algebraic expression x was. and said' there, and the times, divide and algebraic thing is there and there is a corn.' haha. corn. we drew a corn for the science part of deco. it had 2 leaves on it. the di-- something leaves and mono--something leaves. then i continued 'and below there (points under the whiteboard) is info on science things.' and theacher was like 'okay. thats all? good job. keep it until merdeka okay?' and i nodded and she left. and its OVER.
NO W8!! not yet! its over when our results are revealed.. there is most competiton with the form 3..
thats pretty much it, for today. haha.
( :
the last day of april and starting of may
1 comment:
OMG is this our class? I don't believe it!
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