haha. jk. no w8. i am serious. lol. whatever ur comfortable with.
here are the pictures (oh and some of these pics were taken either a while ago, or quite a long time ago. some were taken yesterday. haha) :

look! round thingies. the taste like keropok. so its technically a keropok ball ( : (tis was taken yesterday)

scotty's 2 favourite toysss! the duck and that green bottle lookng thing ( :

scott sitting on the chair. cant remember for what reason. he always sits on chairs. in fact, i think he has sat on every chair/couch/sofa we have.. hmm. no w8! he hasnt sat on chairs that are in the bedrooms. haha.

scottaroo! a scott that looks like a kangaroooo. haha.

scott sitting-up in ken min's school uniform. hahaaaa!

scott sitting in the sink waiting for his bath. this was taken yesterdaaaay.

he is sleeping beside my leg. haha. i was playing pianoooo.

turtle, scott. scott, turtle. i believe u have met many times. but this is one of the times that u meet face-to-face above grond levels.

mummy's new speakers. size of a portable hand-cream. (the next few pics were taken yesterday)

can be opened for better sound.

can be closed back again and is magnet-ted together..

lol. okay. sooooo. haha.. okay. i have 4 turtles. last time 3. 1 ran away. 2 brought here when we shifted house. jas-min and my uncle gave me 1 each. so npw have 2. trust me, i have no idea how old are the 2 turtles from the old house are. probably pretty old.... scotts nose was bitten by 1 turtle b4. waaaay b4. cos he tried to drinnk the water, and i think the turtle that ran away bit his nose... lol. this is just some extra bits of eenfow, btw : D
anywaaaays. i was lazy to blog yesterday. so i didnt.
btw, those of u who noticed i wasnt in school yesterday, here's the reason. my auntie was supposed to fetch us to school tmw, but she didnt come cos she off her phone when my father sms-ed her. so she didnt fetch us. thats all ( :
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