this is gonna be a long post, so pls prepare. i hope u will read it ==
yesterday was SPORTS DAY! boy, was it HAWT! so, pictures say a thousand words, so give it up for THE PICS! (p/s: i will obviously say a short discription of the pics)
i came and saw these large balloonsssss!
upclose balloons.
meow. cute lah, this cat. i think this my 1st time seeing it sleep. i usually see it walking around and all...
kiarans preparing for march past in general science lab...

this is gonna be a long post, so pls prepare. i hope u will read it ==
yesterday was SPORTS DAY! boy, was it HAWT! so, pictures say a thousand words, so give it up for THE PICS! (p/s: i will obviously say a short discription of the pics)

cheryl(brown one) and peg kee(yellow). peg kee really look damn pretty/princess-sey! : D
naaaatasha. or should i say PRINCESS NATASHA! all hail ==
the kiaran decoration. largh chunks of dried ice was put in to make it SMOKE.
see the dead? yea. they are 'deco' for the house while judges r judging the house deco. they r wearing face paint (part of their costume in march past)
cemara house. nice lah. fan-see. but i like to ask cemarans to go die in this grave, its already set for them.
saga house. the spartans. 'FEAR THE SPARTANS!' oo, they are SOOO scary == that was sarcasm, obviously.
see it upclose and personal.
(say it like a gay) oo! a happy couple! tralalala~
kel-vin hiding behind his ultraman balloon == its so that he wont get lost. if he did, the kids with the same balloons will be gathered and BAM! he is found. my auntie actually wanted spongbob, but it was out..
jas-min trying to avoid he camera. TOUGH LUCK XD
kexin, jas-mins bestie XD
my ice-cream. i got one cos i called thyannand an ice-cream man (he was giving the KIDDIES icecream) and he said 'shut up!' and gave me one == but i kesian the kids, jic they dont have enough, then he opened another big box and i took one. lol.
ken min. his shirt is wet cos he took my water and splashed at himself.
shi lin in large sunnies. lol.
supposed to take pic of shi lin, but natasha suddenly appear there XD I LOVE THIS PIC! hahahaaa!
chrysty!!! she came on sports day with annabelle.
natasha classroom bathing.
cik tinaaaa in the kiaran boys crown!
cik hani. wa, pose!
puan zaimah with lil girl. haha.
en. kishore. lol. when i put the crown on him, he tried to shake it off like there was a fly on his head ==
teachers' tug-of-war! secondary vs primary. secondary teachers wooooon! lol.
see? the cikgu-cikgu sit UNDER that thing. not on it. lol. probably cos its hot.
and the balloon flew to the ceiling. couldnt get it down. maybe tmw the 1cekap ppl will see it jumping on the ground or bobbing on the ceiling. cos the air sure come out. or maybe its still up there, or somebody got it down ==
margosa let go of their balloons. natasha didnt want them to cos her balloon got up the ceiling XD
anyways, there, u have seen the pics from sports day yesterday. i wanted to upload the cheerleaders performance, buuuuuut, i didnt. somehow the radio got stuck, so they had to stay in their position for a long time until the player started the next song (the remix lah. short parts of 3 songs) and then 1st the song girlfriend(avril lavigne) then it stopped, then they shout shout and stunt stunt, then the player got stuck! so they stood in their positions (bent down) for a long time and the gf song played like.. 3 times.. then w8ted.. w8ted.. then finally the next song started and they dance and then the song stopped and the shout shout and then all for one played and dance and then BOOOOOOM! they ended it == natasha and grace is.. how u say it.. carried up by their base ppl and they pose and then 2 ppl go in front, split and held a banner with out school name.
we had to stand in the middle of the feild(marching) under the oven (sun) for a long time and so did the cheerleaderrrsss. we had to stand longer tho. 1st march pass, march march march, group by group. pengawas, scouts, st johns, cemara, saga, margosa then kiara. maybe got more, but i dunno lah. thats all i remember. then school song, sports oath, some boring guy gave a speech, PON goes that pon thingy, cherrleaders came out and finish their performance, then we could go group by group again, march out in order...
lol. got percussion while we MASSUKKK BARIS! and SEDIAAA! and dunno whaaat. and when it finished, the march pass started.
anyways, there were other schools who came and race. our school won! whoo!
we r the? BEST BEST BEST! we r the? BEST BEST BEST! we r the? BEST BEST BEST! who the best? BESTARI! who the best? BESTARI!! who the best? BESTARI BESTARI BESTARI!!!
seing yee, jaime and elaine said there was a SK2 model who came to out school cos her daughter studies here. then there was a woman who came to me and asked
lady me
excuse me, but have u seen my daughter, yen yen? do u know who she is?
aah... no... sorry.
then do u know where the primary studens are?
uh.. i think there are there *points to the netball court where primary ppl are*
but then somebody took her away, probably to show her to her daughter. then seing yee, jaime and elaine were looking at me like O.O and D :
seing yee jaime elaine me
r u sure its her?
yaaa. i think so
yaaa!! its mmg her! she is the SK2 star right? maybe i see wrong.
nononono, its really her!
who is she?
really ah? srsly? the SK2 star is here?
YES! i am sure its her!
YES! i am sure its her!
she is the SK2 star!
she is a model for SK2?
omg, i cant believe her daughter studies here..
OMG! i so wanna be you!!
lols. i didnt even know who she was XD and i saw her with her daughter. heheh. well, i just walked around while events were being held. walk here, walk there. walk so much until leg pain == and go around in class, out of class, talk with ppl, etc etc...
it its fairly a bad yr for kiara. yea, as usual, kiara wont get 1st (except for 1 yr i think) but we had always gotten 1st for march pass. why is it bad? cos this yr, our march pass also cacated. it would probably be a miracle if we get 1st again == bryan damn stressed lah. on the day he was like. stress lah! u know how stressed ppl r. shout shout shout, aiyoh aiyoh, sigh here, sigh there, rush rush and all. but after our marching, he calmed down. obviously.
congrats SAGA for getting 1st this yr ( :
dont give up kiara, will still can do better. in anything, even if not running, still can be better at other stuffs right? but just by trying out best is good enough ( :
good luck for next yr, for margosa and cemara ( :
winning is nothing if u dont try ur best and u dont have competition. its easy and means nothing, cos u dont deserve it. if u do try ur best among competitors ur own level, then thats something worth being proud of ( : its ur hard work, and u deseve it : D
i might upload the cheer performance later on ( :
aah... anywaaayss... here are todays stuffs:
then went to bangar shopping complex. it changed soooo much! see? this used to be a place where its full of stuffs to sell and its usually decorated according to the latest festivals and all. but its soo shiny now..
this is the toilet XD can u see its shiny-ness?! turn left and its the toiletsss.
entrance of the toilet. also shiny. both walls and floor got.
on the way to toilet. turn right and toilets.
from the.. 3rd floor(i think). this whats it looks like out the windowww... this floor still got nothing yet. the place is like.. nice(as in its not like the under construsction condition. the floor and walls are decent and goood), but no shops yet.
ken min and that vege that he keeps on playing with.
mummy's new ring. she showed me and i wore it for a while and gave it back.
see that red truck? its transparent and u can see the car inside ==

BSC changed sooooooo much! times bookshop is rearranged and the other shops either moved to a another place or they closed down and another shop it opened. but whats left the same is non other than.. the supermarket! and the shops around it on the right (when u face the supermarket)! the shopping complex even SMELLS new! : O
wow. shiny toilets and aaaaaawwwllll....
oh and i bought many new books : D
i wanted something entertaining so i bought the lat the kampung boy comic XD i will bring it to school tmw. haha. and 3 captain underpants books (1 activity book) call me childish, if u must, but its a rather entertaining book. and i bought a novel... heheh.. and... the book holder (the cardboard one where u fold into a fuinny shaped box and keep books in it) i need to organize my stuffs ( :
do u know susan boyle from britains got talent? yes? no? wtv. go watch her in youtube:
get a wake up call and start thinking looks doesnt say everything! which is soooo obvious. just
watch that video pls ( :
and we r lucky cos the upsr marks will only contribute 30% to the total result thingy. and the rest will be counted throughout the year in all the tests we take in school. GASP! dunno starting what yr... but luckily we have done our exam XD haha. or else... must work extra hard. oe-em-gee.. lols. read in news paper : O heheheh...
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