hehehe.. feelin older? ((:
they are non-identical twins who cheats when they were still young (:
the people are dumb enough to not know the difference between them.
some examples
during sports time, my mom will do 2 rounds of long jump(1 for herself, and the other for my auntie) and my auntie will do 2 rounds of high jump for herself and my mom. so both score points for each other. classic.
and once my auntie came and we went to desa park city to eat and then we went to the supermarket and my mom went to he cashier and my auntie was standing next to me. then we saw christina, and christina mistaken her for my mom. no, she did not do anything, cuz we just waved at each other from far. and christina told me in school that usually my mom will smile and wave also, but this time she didnt. haha. obviously cuz my auntie doesnt know her XD
last time in singapore, we were going to my aunties apartment and the guard house ppl recognize the residents. so my mom held her hair back(coz her hair is shorter than my aunties) and smile at the guard and we can go in =..=
last time in singapore, we were going to my aunties apartment and the guard house ppl recognize the residents. so my mom held her hair back(coz her hair is shorter than my aunties) and smile at the guard and we can go in =..=
oh well, who blames them? (: i mean we(my cousins and all) see them often we can tell who's who. but there IS a difference, my auntie is taller than my mom. from small my auntie has always been bigger size than my mom.
6 kids in their family. but they are all very different. the separate themselves into 2 groups when they were small. the older group: my oldest uncle(the blue shirt man in the pic) and the birthday girls. and the younger group: my younger uncle, jas-min's mom and my youngest auntie(the white shirt woman beside the red shirt man). lol.
anyways, happy birthday (: and ily both.
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