Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009
mummy and auntie liane

last time in singapore, we were going to my aunties apartment and the guard house ppl recognize the residents. so my mom held her hair back(coz her hair is shorter than my aunties) and smile at the guard and we can go in =..=
oh well, who blames them? (: i mean we(my cousins and all) see them often we can tell who's who. but there IS a difference, my auntie is taller than my mom. from small my auntie has always been bigger size than my mom.
6 kids in their family. but they are all very different. the separate themselves into 2 groups when they were small. the older group: my oldest uncle(the blue shirt man in the pic) and the birthday girls. and the younger group: my younger uncle, jas-min's mom and my youngest auntie(the white shirt woman beside the red shirt man). lol.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
dear scott
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
prepare for lotsa words.

Monday, October 12, 2009
comes the falling rain
okay, so heres what the falling rain washed up:

i decided that i dont wanna write about what kel-vin said. 1) its too boring for u to keep reading words and plain words(not paragraph lah, its more like dialog? or something like that) and 2) i am lazy :P ultimate excuse =..=
from the sky
whee :D no school today! and tomorrow! but day after have =..= and to make it bad, theres gunna be deepavali celebration D: darnit!! i dont like celebrations in school. its bawning(thats a word my brother created somewhere earlier this year. it means boring+yawning) and develops pained butts. okay fine, not very pained, but all the same. AND NOT TO FORGET ON THE SAME DAY, its my oh-so-very-cute puppy SCOTTY's 6th bdaaaay! ((: lol. not a puppy.
ooo. the rain is heavier now.
(p/s: wait for my more interesting post later)
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
may you(r):
- score even better results in the upcoming finals (not like straight A's can get any better, but your marks can!)
- wishes all come true
- be smarter!! (if possible lah XD)
- birthday be a good one (:
- be prettier!
- turn 14 todaaay!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
carpet bomb (and explodes out photos)

chopsticks new bed :D now the 2 doggers have 1 eaacchh..

??? whyy?? she dont want?!
nope, its becos i have this *shows the saw*
*stares at father*
nah *gives the maid the bone and went to put back his saw*
*runs to her and smell and lick the bone, then ken min put the bone on the floor, and she bite it*
chopsticks digs :O
she dig the soil with her SNOUT. not paws.
and she dig the hole, and doesnt put the bone in. funny (:
she wanted to bury scotts bone this morning
so i brought hers down(she stuffed it behind her new bed)
and nooww... well, hers is gone :/ probably hidden.
and she go chew scotts one. kesian scott. haha.
daddy go saw another half for her. till we know where she put hers =..=
YEAH! u saw her new bed up there right? yess... she slept in it yesterday :D doesnt it look nice and comfy? heheh. yeah, i put her bed on my bed (:
scott is chewing the bone now :D
Saturday, October 3, 2009
christinaaaa :D

i like the colours.. happy bday, kristeena (:
today we wnt to school and only 10 ppl came. then blahdiblahdiblah. parents come take report card and go. some kids came from home with their parent, some went home since they came to school, and darrens father talked to teacher for soooo long :O and all.
then followed mummy to pilates. i watched and laughed(snickered actually). and she slap me lightly cuz i laugh at her. and etc. i wanna follow again next week (;
happy mooncake festival (;