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    Monday, December 28, 2009

    ok, this is long.

    cambodia part.. 3 right?

    this post was due to publish 2 days ago, but i wasnt done so yesterday i continued uploading and then i didnt want to put in text. *lazy*

    yeaahhhhh.. so now its out here in my blog, with text. yipee.


    i think THIS was ta phrom.. yeahh.. maaaybe.

    (down) i think it used to be a moat. see that im not sure of everything 8D

    it merged with the wall :O

    dinosaurs! even ppl then knew about its exsistence and carved it out.

    no specific definition.

    (down) ya know what ur supposed to be seeing?

    this!! stacked stones ==

    mm hmm. my ingenious posing idea.

    see where that pose came from?

    termite nest!! wait, make that BIG termite nest!

    i find this cute somehow (: i think so did ken min.

    yay! (he is looking at another camera)

    some place meant to be for photo taking. probably cus of the tree behind.

    that people, is an outline of what used to be a 3D buddha. until the ppl then wanted to convert this place into a hindu temple, they cut out the buddhas, leaving its outline.

    the tree grew AROUND the face. power.. [flower-power]

    see? the tree cut in half still can grow. magic. nolah. if u see properly, the roots are joined with the other still-growing tree.

    grass!! fyi, this kind of places is covered with stones and sand, so grass is... cool.

    no definition either.

    (below) handicapped men who's legs got bombed D: read in the 2nd photo.

    (below) HOT-AIR BALLOON!!!

    angor wat. view from da balloon (zoomed in lah)

    (below) chickens!!

    uhh. 1 more hot air ballon.

    the place where we climb all the way up too watch the sunset.

    ken min climbing. i think this place has no wooden stairs, so everyone has to climb up the original steps (narrow and high)

    mm yeah. there are alot of these around. probably meditating chambers. cus in each is a small space, like a room. can fit 1 meditating man.

    view from.. quarterway up?

    i dont remember.

    view from somewhere else up in the same ruin.

    so we came down and started walking back cus we know its gunna be too dark if we go back any later. see those people? yeah u see em (:
    theres probably guna be 1 more post bout cambodia, then i will upload all those scenery and all pictures and then something.. something.. you like scenery? sure u do. nice to see :D canot be held or sold*, so its only nice to see.
    * if you dont get it, the common line for breakable items in the shops is nice to see, nice to hold, once broken, consider sold. get it?

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