Why say Bye when you can say Hi??
obviously cus you can do both. but for me, i'd rather say hello 2010!! 2009, you were awesome (: rather than goodbye 2009, im gonna miss you )':
this was a good year.. i guess. sure there were ups and downs. as always lah. i see some of you *eyes a specific person* who are so worried about 2010. WHY?
u were probably scared of 2009 too! all you do is think is why next year should be a bad year. like i said, as always, as usual, everything has ups and downs. 2010 will have their downs but surely there's ups! so. deal. with. the. fact. that. you. are. just. paranoid. sure sure, say "no la. i know, cus next year no friends, PMR and all. no. its just. i just know lah." suit yourself! i want no part of this!! lalalalalalalalalalalalala!!!
(: just keeding! i feel funny lah. lol.. nyway. the point: 2009 was great. seriously.
ok, some '09 resolutions, tho i didnt state here b4.
green for achieved
blue for maybe/halfway there
red for epic fail. or just fail will do.
1. perform(acting to be exact) not really. i did perform piano as usual, violin 1st time! acting.. well. "the life and times of freddy teo" i didnt perform well, its a small but starring role. but small or not, i still went on stage right?
2. procrasinate less, study more(for exams lah) procrasinate, no. i still get the lazies. study, yes!! i have studied for exams this year much more than i ever did *victory*
3. goal/dream fulfilled i probably have fulfilled some goals. maybe didnt exactly reached my criteria, but im sure i did.. i think.
4. new skill i dont think so. not exactly a skill, but i did learn stuff. but not good enough.
5. lose weight i fluctuate daily. i think i gained weight during the holidays...
thats not so good. but they are only a few resolutions. 2010 resolutions will be up. later(probably in a few days), while i procrasinate.
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