MY BLOG ISNT DEAD!!! seems long since i updated doesnt it? feels long too. but if i say my last post was 2 weeks ago, it sounds short. but what if i say 2 weeks is half a month?! does it sound longer? no? nvm.
i bet u missed me :D and my solameuntilitsverycoolkindofblogging!
i bet u missed me :D and my solameuntilitsverycoolkindofblogging!

spot teh odd one out.

(below) idk why, but my brother finds this leaf gross.

(below) loooook!! ladybug's shedded shell...
(below) chopstick licking her foot.
(below) scott is so good, he allow my dad to clean his ears.
(below) unlike scott, chopstick doesnt like her ears being cleaned. just when she sees my dad take out the bottle of ear cleaner, she tries to run away, but my dad will catch her and clean her ears and this is what she does after that:
ok. here are some stuff in words.
- i thought of a lame joke just now. what did the momma dino say to her baby? "you are so a-roar-able!" lol! fail :D
- there was supposed to be a long long written thing below, but halfway there was no internet connection(so means it wont auto save and publish) but i still could type, which i did. and then when i was done, i thought of a way to save it, then after a while i forgotten, i accidentally pressed the publish button and then POOF!! i knew all hope was lost. it managed to save until these points(just before i started typing alot alot about something i saw on tv). but i edited this point and changed to this just to let u know.
- somehow i feel like promoting some youtube videos..
- asdf movie
- asdf movie 2
- the assumption song
- otters holding hands
- thing to do when you're bored at home
- things to do when you're bored in the elevator.
you know, i seldom type so long and of all those posts, it so happens that the internet didnt want such long essays so it didnt allow me to publish :/ coincidence ya know? it could autosave RIGHT BEFORE i started writing that much before the internet connections were lost. boo.
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