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    Monday, March 23, 2009


    WHOA AWESOME! XD many things happened today.

    most awesome:
    RAIMI came to sri bestari! : O
    i have alwyas wondered whatzit like when a friend not from school came to this school. and guess what? now i know. haha. when teacher announced there was a new student in form3 and her name was raimi, i was like 'raimi? omg.. is it her? naw..' and then during break time, she stopped me and asked 'r u yuejen?' and i was like 'yea...' (i couldnt recognize her cos her tudong cover) and then she said 'im raimi! from KLpac!' and i siad 'OMG! really?! HI!' and she said 'hi' and thats all. haha.

    2nd awesome:
    christina pierced her ears! : D wooow! i wanna make earrings for her.. haha. maybe in her bday! yay! haha.

    3rd awesome:
    uumm... uh. sou mun created a imaginary friend named mandie michelle bailey. they had alot of fun together, says she ==. well, she claims she is not lonely anymore, so... at least thats that. they played with miiu == how does she look like? of. exactly the same as soumun. haha.

    haaahaaaaaaahaaaaa. so today was preet-tay spectacular. haha. i think. well, thats all for NOW! vote on those polls pls. cos.. awwh, just read the previous post : D byebye for now! haha.

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