Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Doo, dee dum dum, doooo.
Monday, March 30, 2009
soooooooooo. hehehe.
okay okay. today. yep. today.
assembly was rather annoying cos this teacher pronounces 'c' (in bm way like ch. example cacat and all) as 'tz' so all the 'c' was like... 'tingkatan 1 dihendaki mengambil kerusi di depan 1 tzerdik (cerdik) selepas perhimpunan.' and there was this girl who went on stage to recite a poem (i think she is raimi's friend) and it was so weird and she pronounce 'j' like 'tz' also. 'ta'tz'uk (tajuk)(pronounce the tz together like ta-tzuk. not tat-zuk) saya pada hari ini ialah
jeff was weird. jun rui gave me cookie by shaking my hand so that teacher cant see, sou mun wanted also, so he gave her by passing to me and i just passed it to her. haha. and we had to play one lame game where u scissors paper stone and the winner like points to a direction and the loser must point his/her head another direction and if his/her head goes the same way as the finger, he/she loses. so the beginning, everyone was shy shy, then at the ending ppl keep going in front just to beat the other person ==
sou mun, amirah and MEEEE (ahaha) played something stupid and made me laugh like mad. amirah spoke in BM, sou mun spoje in chinese and me, english. and we pretended not to understand each other. example:
amirah sou mun yuejen
saya, *points at herself*, amirah. ah-mee-rah. awak?
me? my name? oh, umm, its yuejen.
my name sou mun. sou mun.
and then we try to pronouce each others name
saya (again), amirah. ah-meeee-rah.
ya. ah-meee
ya. rah.
tak tak, RAH
ya. amirah.
*points at herself* sou mun.
sao man?
sao man.
*shakes her hand like saying no* sss
AH(its like a yes kind of AH)! oww (the sOU mun part)
tzzz.. (dunno what happened! i laugh like crazy at that part)
sou mun
sssao mun.. sao mun.
so whats ur fave colour?
KAH-LER. kah-ler..
no no no. colour.
kah-ler.. oh! (and says chinese stuff which i cant spell that says 'tea. i like tea'
ahh.. umm.. oh tats green right?
*thinks for a while* YEAAAA! (say it with those heavy chinese accents)
and other conversations we had....
saya *points at herself and shows number 1 with her finger and 4 and repeat several times*
you? 41 years old? wow, thats old.
ya ya. *shows 14 again*
*points at amirah and show the action like 'old'*
tak! saya *shows 14*
oh oh oh! ur 14 yrs old?
ya. *shows 14 again* awak? *points at me*
oh me? i am 14 also *shows 14*
*points at herself and shows 14*
and then i did something.. probably laughed thhat made amirah say to sou mun:
dia ni gila.
*thinks for a while* YEAAA!
bla bla bla. funny funny. then everything i say sou mun doesnt understand, she will think for a while and then go YEAAAAA!! again. == then seing yee joined in and spoke in cantonese. and bla bla bla. and then blah somemore...
and me and sou mun made an incomplete song for earth day cos we saw a poster about it while w8ing for amirah to come out from the toilet. the song is skipped to parts many times btw. (song adapted fromo hsm3 'now or never')
60, 60, 60 minutes left till the lights are on. 60, 60, 60 minutes more lights on!
the way we off tonight
is what we leave behind,
it comes down now right now
its up to us
so whats we gonna be?
TEAM team!
and then we skip furthur cos the song too long, so we use small parts from the song.
right now i can hardly see
OOH, u can do it, just know that i believe
then thats all i really need
so cmon, make me strong its time to turn it up, lights on!
and we stopped cos amirah came out and i saw christina, so we joined her. not really actually. we found her, but she went somewhere else with other ppl. found lyn xie, natasha, shi lin and others in canteeeeeeeeeeeeeen! lol.
and thats all i am telling here about what happened todaaaay. earth was good for the earth ( :
gooood byezsxts! : D
Sunday, March 29, 2009
HEY HO! erf day!
So it was ERF DAY YESTERDAY! WOOTS! haha. of course, we off the lights on 8.30-9.30pm. jas-min and all came here for dinner cos my grandma from melaka came. so they were so excited about offing lights that they brought their glow sticks. they had the small packet, so its only a abit inside. i have a whole tube from december, so i have alot. yea yea, when we off the lights, i gave jas-min 1 or 2 more glow sticks. and as usual, kel-vin comes and I WAN OW-OW! I WAN OW-SOW! or something like that la. so here are the pictures.

soooooooo that was yesterday! lol. u know, scotty's glow thing on his neck helped. when my father went put to clean the pool or donno what, i saw a glowy thing outside, and i asked 'is that scott?' and my father called 'scott!!' and he looked (his white fur can see abit in the dark) and trotted back in. haha.
Friday, March 27, 2009
today was report card day. uh-huh. so after break, we stayed in class and when our parents come, the prefects will bring them to from3, where the movable walls are shifted to either sides of the room to become a hall, and the prefects will call us if our parents are here.. yea.. so. in class, while w8ing for our parents to come, amirah, sou mun and ME(lol) did crap stuff. haha!
heres what we did:
1) amirah and me pretend to be playing violin/take violin test (pencil as bow, eraser as rosin and ruler as violin) and soumun is the examiner.
amirah, me, sou mun, me and amirah
we take violin test, ehem.. *picks up bow*
*picks up bow also* oh! rosin! *rosins the bow*
*also rosins bow*
*take ruler as violin*
*selects multiple things and ended up with ruler also*
*prepares, shifts position, shift position again, shake shake sikit, etc etc and starts 'playing'*
*laugh too much*
*suddenly drops bow and goes : O*
*goes : O also and drops violin*
*goes : O and quickly picks up the bow and violin*
*'accidentally' picked up violin, so she play with 2 violins, rub together and say : O*
*while i 'accidentally' got the bow, so i was like bowing on a bow and goes : O*
*quickly exchanges the violin nd bow and plays until finish*
*writing down the results*
*whispers* u know the examiner very ugly
*whisper also* ya, i know!
oh! i bought a new violin!
OMG! what colour isit?
PINK! what about u?
OMG! i also have a new one. its purple.
*soft and soundless screaming and fanning*
okay here are ur results. *hands us the paper*
*snatch the fake way like 1 turn i straighten my hand and amirah pulls and then i pull and amirah straighten her hand, and i let her win*
OH! *does that fake bitchy ppl way of : O*
*flips hair* huh! *sees her results* OH! : O!!! *bends down to the other chair and ly down there*
*smacks her butt*
*pretended to fall down and crash*
*takes the paper and reads* OH! : O
and thats what happened. ahah. we both failed. amirah: alot of feeling, dropped the bow and (dono what dono what) FAIL! yuejen: laugh alot, good. droppped violin (etc etc) FAIL! ahahah!
and then i became the exmainer, nothing much la. sou mun just play like a mad woman and keep hitting amirah and amirah played with feeling again and complained to me, i ask her to continue, suddenly she put down her 'violin' and chnge to piano. haha! and sou mun suddenly change to drums and whacked them like a mad person.
then amirah became examiner. i played cello and sou mun violin again. and amirahs comment on me was: played the cello perfectly! strapless dress dropped, very nice. DISTINCTION! and i was like WTH?! and then i became examiner AGAIN *snickerzz*
my comment on amirah was: see-through dress, nice touch! DISTINCTION! and she was like eeww! muahahahah!
oh and b4 that, amirah was scaring sou mun XD sou mun call her 'dangerous' and i wrote a song which is something like sou mun is scared of amirah, she says amirah is dangerous, amirah say cocok! and etc etc.
and i wrote another song, cos after singing that previous song with a randoom melody i didnt plan, i like the cocok part, so i wrote another one:
sou mun goes 'cocok'
amirah goes 'cocok'
3 ppl goes 'cocok'
and in the end everybody does
and i just played this on my violin, so the tune goes like:
A A A, D------> G
Sou mun goes, coooooocok!
A A A, D----------> G
amirah goes coooooooooocok!
A A A, D---------> G
3 ppl goes cooooooooocok!
(2nd 8ve) D D D D D D D
and in the end everybody goes
D-----------------> G!
haha! can play on piano also, but violin easier. i BARU JE made the violin thing. my violin is beside me. hahaha!
and then natasha and lyn xie came to our class and when thye came in, we(me amirah and sou mun) were sitting near corinne. soooo. 1st, it was BAWRING! so sou mun sang the song when there was me and u from hsm1 and i did some silly background. eg:
sou mun, me
its funny when u find urself, looking from the outside
(from the ouside)
im standing here, but all i want, is to be over there
(over theeeeeeere)
why did i let myself believe
miracles could happen
(*whisper* yeah)
cos now i have to pretend, that i dont really care
(i dont realy care)
if u find that weird, its bcos we were bored. we did that to entertain ourselves. then bla bla bla, skip skip skip, then me and amiraqh like wrestled. we stand up and push and see who won. MEEE!!! haha. then thumb war with amirah, then sou mun wanted to play, but 3 ppl cannot, but be even number. so we got lx to play! and then came natasha and we played 6 ppl! me, amirah, sou mun, lx, natasha, corinne. i found out that only even numbers can == 1 person cross their hand, the nest one dont cross, then cross, then dont cross, etc. quite easy to win! haha. when lx won me and i was trying to win soumun, i just move my 1st and middle finger on top of lx's thumb and she did the same thing and in the end, we were holding each others thumbs. haha! who won? idk. then i won sou mun and lx pretty quickly and natasha won amirah and corinne. hahah!! that was fuuuun... u should try it! haahaaaaaaa...
and bla bla bla... etc etc etc, then my mummy came! so i went, natasha followed me and then went to get report card and i already knew my mom come to get is better then my dad. my dad will question me waaaan! sheesh.. but my mom just discuss with teacher, teacher talk to me, thats all. and and and... i didnt do very well, so my dad is banning me from computer, unless its used for work == until the next test, which is 2 months away.... but i make no promises that no other posts shall appear while the next 2 months is arriving. there could be some.. muehhehehe. (thats weird..)
Congrats to christina who got 4th in her class : D she gets a laptop u knooooow!! oooooo... my persentage higher than hers(i got 24th in class.. ARGH! im not ashamed of it? well, not really.. no. i know i can do better, but its a matter of time..), but i get punisment and she get laptop! XD i dont blame her la. i am PROUD of her! haha. but i aint proud of myself. not entirely. if u ppl whom are not from sri bestari are wondering how is that possible, we r in different classes. haha.
soooooooooooooooooooo. computer-less is starting from tmw, but i still hafta do my oral script for english.. yeap. yeah. haha.
well, this post is getting long... so i shall stop HERE! ( : byebye!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
OMG! i finally have the flash player, and everything is working GREAT! : D how did i gettit? i went to install it in my dad's account. haha! ( :
so, yea. i am happy now. lol. umm well.. i found the bing and bong song! haha! but not downloadable. yea yea, childish, but so what? i am just listening to a song! its not bad. or as childish as.. umm. teletubbies song! its better, okay! : D
hahaaaaa... so now i can watch VIDEOS in youtube! YAY YAY YAY! lol.
oh and dont forget to off all lights on the 28th ( : yea! cmon! 8.30-9.30 i think. its just 1 hour. contribute to the earth! hehehe.
ahahha... well, i guess thats all for now. today. and.. yea. eheh..
Monday, March 23, 2009
most awesome:
RAIMI came to sri bestari! : O
i have alwyas wondered whatzit like when a friend not from school came to this school. and guess what? now i know. haha. when teacher announced there was a new student in form3 and her name was raimi, i was like 'raimi? omg.. is it her? naw..' and then during break time, she stopped me and asked 'r u yuejen?' and i was like 'yea...' (i couldnt recognize her cos her tudong cover) and then she said 'im raimi! from KLpac!' and i siad 'OMG! really?! HI!' and she said 'hi' and thats all. haha.
2nd awesome:
christina pierced her ears! : D wooow! i wanna make earrings for her.. haha. maybe in her bday! yay! haha.
3rd awesome:
uumm... uh. sou mun created a imaginary friend named mandie michelle bailey. they had alot of fun together, says she ==. well, she claims she is not lonely anymore, so... at least thats that. they played with miiu == how does she look like? of. exactly the same as soumun. haha.
haaahaaaaaaahaaaaa. so today was preet-tay spectacular. haha. i think. well, thats all for NOW! vote on those polls pls. cos.. awwh, just read the previous post : D byebye for now! haha.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
but the polls are all unvoted, so pls vote again ( : thx!
and i want to add more extra stuff, but this bloody thing is somehow problem-infested so i cant get the code or the thing wont load properly, so i cant get the code. I CANT EVEN INSTALL THE FLASH PLAYER OR SHOCKWAVE PLAYER! u all are probably saying "what r u? stupid? just go to the website and press download, thats all. then u can have it"
but u know what am i gonna say? this "what r YOU? clueless? i cant! i have tried many many many times already, but i CANT! i have gone directly to the website and clicked for stupid things that says 'u need a flash/shockwave player. click here to download now!' plenty of times also, but when i press agree and install, the will direct me to another page, which so happens to be the page that is meant for u to click something else and it will start installing, but NO! there isnt anything to click to install, so I CANT!"
and not only that, i want to install new msn, NO cannot, and maybe there is an ETC.
there ( : i have made my point.
bye for now. i was just here to complaint and all. ehehhe.
Friday, March 20, 2009
aussie =u=

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
'crap and sugar?'
u know what? i am RATHER bawrd. so lets talk money baby.
jk. hmm... okay, i will make a story. no no, the story is not planned, its gonna be created as i type. random stuff will come out : D
soooo... what shall it be about? hmm. i know! i am gonna make it like a tv show! yea. so i can create some random advertisements like what i did in the OMG post : D (only that one was news. now its tv show okay? okay.) so.. lemme think of a title.. hmmmmmm. okay. i think i got one.
(say it like a game host(like those easy money game) in reality tv or somthing like that)
(eg: a raaaaaaaaandoooooooooooom shoooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!)
*Fredfurter (texan accent)
*bartender (texan accent)
*suckish stand up comedian
*frisnan (indian accent)
*other customers
*fredfurter enters the bar (btw, the bartender sells food n drinks with weird names he gave them)*
hey hey! welcome to the bazaar bar-zar!!!
uuhh.... thank you. THAK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! : D
save it kid.
ehem.. sorry.
so whatzat u want fremere(from here)?
um well... a.. crap-the-chino?
good choice. btw, that will be $12.99
itz okay man. craps' on me. so whatzis ur name?
fredfurter, my good man. and whats urs?
frankfurter? oh ahshaney.. i am buying drinks for a frankfurter... im frisnan btw. or u can call me *flips his hair that wont flip* freshman.
its FREDfurter fellah. golly great cow in a haystack barn chewing hay to meet you.. freshman.
oh, my greatest apologies friedfruters.
frayed further?
oh geez like a crazy peeg runnin' ay-bout in circles..
... ay! there is a performer! lets watch, frayed further!
urh. whats the use?
a performer is used to entertain us.
i meant the way u pronounce my name! oh goodness.
hey yall yowdy! ma name is gerz and i am a comedian. so keep laughing yall!
that wasnt funny.
so wha' did the doctor say to the crab? YOU MIGHT FEEL A LITTLE PINCH! *the drum thing that goes 'DOM DOM CHANG!'
urh.. im outa here. so long freshman.
heyhey! ur drink! its $12.99!
hes payin'
yea. i am! ( :
we inturrupt this lame program for some advertisements.
woman: ow. waw.. ow.. *rubs her feet*
man who popped out of nowhere: hey there ma'am! whats wrong?
woman: my feet hurt! just bcos of these.. lousy... shoes!
man: well, what a coincidence! i happen to have these NIKE shoes i have been wanting to sell! its womans' edition.
woman: wow! and they are pink! just like what i am wearing, so it matches!
man: yes, and its comfortable too!
woman: woooww!! its like i am wearing angels slippers!
man: yeap they are!
woman: whaaa!!and its so soft and breatheable! ill take them!
man: great doing business with u ma'am!
woman: *Tells the camera* now that i am wearing these shoes, i feel like i am full of energy!
narrator: nike. womans' edition. available in the the nearest nike store near u!
Cast of random show 2:
*grandmothers friend (the 2 grannies are very.. old and granny-ish)
*sings* im going to the prom, im going to the prom! im goin, im goin, i go go go go goin theerrreeee!!
harkey? harkey? honey?!
HARKEY?! harkey? sweetie? where r u? harkey?
herkey? is that u? oh.. oh.. come down here sweetie! i wanna introduce u to a friend! HARKEY?
harkey? u will be a grown moon? no no, i want u come down to meet my friend!
nobody is gonna kill and nobody is gonna be dead!
ARGH! *stomps down*
ahh, theres my sweetie harkey. harkey meet my friend luane. luane, this is my grandson harkey.
hi luane.
carkeys? where? who has carkeys?
no no, its HARkey. and nobody has carkeys now.
carkey? nobody? and u r?
ur name is harkey?
goodness? where?
ish. i will be upstairs gettin ready for prom. have fun grandma, luane.
*stomps upstairs*
we interrupt this program for a short advertisement
man: *sighs*
(knock knock)
man: *sighs and drags out from the chair to answer the door* yes?
pizzaman: hi there sir! did u order a chicken supreme delight?
man: no.
pizzaman: really? huh.. but then who did?
man: should i know?
pizzaman: hmm.. guess not. why dont u have it then! fresh from the oven!
man: yea sure, why not... y dont u join me?
pizzaman: sure! *enters his house* u look glum sir. glum glum glum. so down. like.. down.
man: yea sure. y not? lets just eat and u get out kay?
pizzaman: hmm, sure. *sits down and slices pizza and gives a slice to the man*
man: thanks *bites and suddenly his eyes open big, then he relax and dance around with the pizza in fantasy world* mmmmmm.... ahh.. mmmm.....
pizzaman: sir? hello? sir?
man: *still in fantasies with pizza* mmmmmmm!! oh! so.. mmmmmmmm.... *cheers up* this pizza is awesome!
pizzaman: *nods in happpiness and also took a slice*
*pizzahut theme song*
narator: call 1300-88-2525 for ur oven hot pizza!
*random show theme song*
okay. sorry if it was lame. i am bored, really. but now i am not! :DD i am gonna watch spongbob movie, since my brother wants to. haha. byebye.
Monday, March 16, 2009
i srsly cant upload pictures. and the mouse WAS annoying. but i found the wire mouse, and i attached it. i thought my brother was using it. lol. and starting the internet isnt much trouble la. its nothing. its just the picture uploads i cant get! why must the computer shut down when i wanna upload pics? ish.
well, i am gonna watch some videos in youtube. and i am watching the simpsons now. haha.
just to change the colour of those ARGHs upp there, the mouse probably stopped more than 10 times. ANNOYING AND FRUSTRATING! eeeeeeeeeeeeee......
so i guess no pics until this bloody problem is solved. must go ask daddy. and he may either figure it out, or not. i feel like whacking something now.. but anyways, after publishing this, i am gonna off the computer and its gonna STAY THAT WAY until we decide to do something about it.
tq, tq. im gonna go eat now. bb.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
i am back!
thats all. i malas to post post around right now. ehehehhe. i will upload la. i still have other pics to upload to D :
maybe i will just skeep most of em XD only the ones which i srsly wanna upload, i will ( :
i shall, u know, say saaaam-ting about australia later and upload pikchurs : D
( :
Sunday, March 8, 2009
hi. arent i supposed to be in australia? haha. well. mistake.
the flight is not at 9:00am. so we left at 6:40 and when we arrive at the airport, the check-in lady said its at 6:30.
haha. naw. we didnt miss the plane. in fact, we were TOO EARLY FOR IT! == so we came home again, went for dim sum.
and there was this man who has 1 leg and he was singing in a microphone with a speaker on a trolley thing(the one for workers to carry heavy loads or osmething like that) and he sang chinese songs. so ppl gave him money. SOME ppl. and he stands out side the stalls and sing, so his body is not in(that way ppl cant shoo him), but his voice goes in :DD haahaha.
so now i am at home. yea. leaving at about 4:30pm like that. it hink. somewhere there. huh. i guess things happen for a reason.. like on friday! i went to soumuns house, and when i came home, i fell asleep until somehwere around 8 something pm and i missed grainy chicken rice, which was good, i think. and scott ran out. so he didnt come back for a while. and since i slept for a while already, i wasnt sleepy and i stayed up. at 1:00am, i heard scott barking. not barking at ppl or anything, barking like he was calling us XD like a short bark to tell us he is home. ahha. so i went out, an so did my mom(she didnt hear his bark, cos scott went and bark nearer at my room. so she came out cos she wondered why wasnt i asleep yet and she heard me open my door and she figured, scott must have come back) so she checked the front door and i checked the back door. but no scott. then i went to the sun room/tv area and opened the sliding door and there came scotty, happily trotting in. i washed his legs and he went upstairs. and my dad was asleep so my dog climb on the side on his bed and my dad patted him while he was trying to sleep and scott was like manja-ing and rubbing himself on my dad's hand or something like that. i asked him to go out, but he still wanted to play. then i told him 'daddy will play with u tmw' and he looked at my dads hand, looked down, think, and came trotting out. then he slept in my room :D in his basket. haha.
sherms bday thing starts here!________________________________________________________________
Happy bday, sher minn! wooot! wooooooooot! woooohooooooo! :DD
u r officially an adult. right? 18 ys old? haha.
lets sing a song!!!
happy bday sher minn,
happy bday sher minn!!!
happy bday, happy bday,
happy 18th bday!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
(p/s: sing that in the normal bday tune. lol)
btw sherms, that plasticine thing in ur blog is AWESOME! so sexay! haha! sculpted by yuels? coooool. ( : the chinese brocolli, ooh.. scary. alien-like and spiky XD and aedan lookin good. haha.. glamour-nya. pose with style and.. coolness? haha. finish up those work XD while i shout quotes at u!
"go! u can do it"
"its nothing, finish it up like ur eating chicken!"
"go go go"
hahah! jk. :D happy bday anyways.
p/s: pls watch the tuzki video! :D just scroll down and u should be able to find it ( :
p/p/s: sorry yuels! XD (you will understand why if u finish watching the video. i think.) ehehe c -`.`- lol.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
sooo...... yeaterday i went to soumun's house and so did natasha. and tmw, u=i am off to australia. 1st time out of malaysia(singapore not counted cos it used to be in msia, haha)
and i will be back on.. next saturday? i think. yea. so i am skipping like 1 week of school and the following week is a holiday, so i have like technically 2 weeks of holidays XD
anyways, i think i will be uploading pictures when i come back.. i hope i can and i will. hehehe. lotsa pictures. lol.
my grandmother will be staying here when we are gone( i am not sure if my grandpa is coming along to stay here.. haha), so scotty will be sleeping in her room XD ahaha. my cousin just left to go to genting and she and her parents(my auntie and uncle, duh XD) will be back here tmw, stay overnight here, and back to penang on monday i think. yeap, thats it. :D
heh. im not even packed yet == haha! i think i will do it tonight.. must wake up early tmw and leave early.. i think leave at bout 6:30am.. lol.
huh, well... goodbye : D australia tmw. ee.. about 5-6 hours on the planee.. and i thought 3 hours to sabah was long. double. haha. i will write more when i am back XD byebyeeeeeeeeee.
Friday, March 6, 2009
i am currently in soumuns house and so is natashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! and sou muin is stripping. slowly. sexily. no la. jk. and soumun is wearing sexy pabts. short short one. lol. nothing.
okay la. natasha is spliting and all ==
we gila here. i post someomre when i go home..i think. muaahaha.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
HEY YALL!! ya sure, i made a video. go watch it!! : DD
sooooo!!! did u like it?! yea.. yea... its great. lol. high profile XD
i love tuzkies(and so does shermss!!!) and savage chickenssss!! they rooool. and i like the dancing stick men also. haha!!
this is my 2nd video. 1st one i created was yesterday. i didnt even know i had the windows movie maker until jas-min accidentally clicked it yesterday( thanks jasmin!) and so now i know. (( :
ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
(p/s: this video took me SO LONG to prosess, so U BETTER WATCH IT! u WILL watch it and u WILL LIKE IT!!!!!)
1) its mei yan's bday, so HAPPY BDAY MEI YAN!
3) tmw is the 1st monthly test. lol.
4) haha. this colour can arely be seen... nvm ( :
5) oh and natasha has a new blog!! !! i helped her do all the gadgets u know!! and name her url. NABOOOO!! lol. high profile. ( :