what the title says. final exam is OVAH! *boogies* hmm.. now all i gotta do is control myself from disturbing my cousin whenever she is on9 in msn... I CANT HELP IT! why cant i disturb her? bcos she has final exams. unlike me, her hasnt started yet~ it starts on halloween(31st oct) and ends on my bro's bday(4th nov).. and she is in college... so the exams must be tough.. she studies alot and get striaght As all the time, so i am positive she will do JUST FINE~
to sherms: BREAK A LEG!! you will do JUST FINE! like i said! = x
look: a luck rabbit:
(^^) -(good luck shermz!)
(sherbob spongepants)
p/s: her blog: www.muse-less-musing.blogspot.com
nothing entertaining to say.. so... ehem..
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