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    Saturday, May 26, 2012

    music lessons with master music

    greetings, young grasshopper. and welcome to Music Class. *bows*
    i am your teacher, Master Music. but you can call me Master Music.

    'ever wished you were musically talented?
    'ever looked up to a maracas player and wished you were just like them?
    ever wanted to be part of a Mariachi band?

    well, wish no more and its time to let others admire you because today, you will learn how to play the


    but first, a simple intro to the world of maracas;
    the maracas is a beautiful and elegant instrument.

    okay, lets get on with class.

    STEP 1: holding your maracas
    there are many ways to hold a maracas and its pretty much up to you. here are some ways to hold a maracas.

    be creative and hold it however you feel comfortable. thats another thing about the maracas; it doesn't restrain you and make you hold it in a certain way. the maracas is a free instrument.

    i know what you're thinking. "WOAH WOAH WOAH. SLOW DOWN. we're making music already? but i just got started!"

    yes, indeed. you just started but so far, i think you've made excellent progress. looks like somebody has natural talent!

    for me, Master Music, i choose to hold my maracas this way.


    first, tilt your maracas back like so:

    good! wow, looks like we've got a fast learner over here!

    next, tilt it forward like so:

    almost there! try again!


    now repeat the first step and the second step. you will find that you're making a cha cha sound. keep doing that and you'll be able to make cha cha cha cha cha cha.
    amazing, isn't it? this is called shaking. if you shake your maracas, it will make sound.

    its actually really simple. keep practising and you'll get the hang of it.

    Q: is that the only way to play the maracas?
    A: no, there are many other ways. you just got to have at least 2 motions.

    for example:

    tricky, i know. but like i said, the maracas is a free instrument. shake it however you like and if you find that sound is coming out, then you're doing it right!

    well, thats it for todays class! watch online videos for more advanced lessons and you're on your way to be a part of a mariachi band! good luck, young grasshopper and may our paths cross again.

    i am Master Music, and this is Music Class.

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