in.. 5-4-3-2.. action!
*spins from the chair facing from the back to the front*
gday everybody!! its meeeEEEeee again!!
reviving the dead makes a
living dead
my blog is alive once more. haha.
enjoy, chum.
*spins chair to face a tv screen and camera zooms in to the screen*
u paid for this, so deal with it.
exams. are. over. woooohoooo.
i THINK i did good for art2. good cuz i did not practise, no plans for colour and all. there was an idea, but drawing was on the spot. i will upload a pic of it when i get it back...
everything else was okay. EXCEPT mandarin! darnit! it gunna pull down muh bloody average >:/
later at 3pm is my brothers bday celebration (:
if u werent invited, its either cuz i think u wouldnt want to come or we wanted to invited afew ppl only..
oh well. im lazy to describe halloween. i'll bet ur lazy to read it too. are you? points lah.
- quieter than last year
- haunted house was better but i was blur the whole way
- the person who did the haunted house was very.. makes u wanna say "wtf? u asked for DONATIONS not entrance fee." *
- cassy came and she was wearing HEELS. wtf. haha. u know ur gunna be walking, so wear comfortable shoes lah :P
- got lotsa candies, who wants?
- i dressed as i hippie.
* the lady asked for DONATIONS in the letter. not entrance fee. i mean like, she let us in even if we didnt have money.
lady me lx
do any of you have donations?
umm. no.. i forgot to bring money. any of u have?
(they dont either)
thats bad. (blahblahblah)
(whispers) what did she say?
i dont know...
and when we went in, lx said she has RM10, so i gave it to the lady. i paid lx back :P
next year wont have a haunted house.
my mom says they dono our culture "open house"
if they wanna do it, do for the people lah. u want money and not happy when ppl dont give, then do for what?
she said that when she went to the other countries for business(duh) and they go for dinner, usually ppl like us will offer to pay, they dont. and they said they will divide the money equally whether u eat alot or not, but the other ppl just paid for THEIR part. did not share.
okaay. this was more words in this post than i expected..
u want instant updates, check my twitter up there.
haha. anyway, i shall stop.. NOW.
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