whats a grago? i have no idea.
anywaaaaaaaaaaaays.. ehem. long time no post since the OMG one. next week is teeessssttt dumdumdum! haha. ( :
go read the OMG post la(its the one before this). shocking news is fun.. i should do news more often : D
nothing much to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay la. oh and i shall post more later on if i want to or if i can. haha. byebyeeeeeeeeee.
(p/s: read the OMG post if u havent yet : D)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
why OMG? gee, i know! cos.. i got news! shocking news! horrible shocking news!
(i hope the main charater doesnt mind i put the news in here)
well, who cares, cos she doesnt know, u dont know her, she doesnt know u, its just like reading a newspaper. u get shocked and terror, but u dont know them and they dont know u ( :
here goes.
i am gonna say this nice, slow and suspendful. >: D
my neighbour.
more specific: my neighbour's daughter
even more specific: my neightbour's daughter is an adult
specificness: my neighbour's daughter who is an adult and has a fat indian boyfriend.
lets name the neighbour's daughter who is an adult and has a fat indian boyfriend X.
X has this indian boyfriend, as u already know. and X loved him(i think). now X wanted to break up with him.
narrator: we are sorry to interuupt this program for advertisment. stay tuned.
(man struggling to sleep): umph! umph! *rolls around*
(narrator): having a hard time to sleep? well then, use our new instant-sleep patch!
(man): *takes out his instant-sleep patch fromthe drawer and pastes it on his forehead* aaahhh... nyap, nyap. *snore snore*
(narrator): instant-sleep patch! make u sleep instantly!
*back to the news*
(director): and were on air!
(newsman/aka: me): huh? oh! *quickly glugs water down* ehem. now where was i?
X wanted to break up with him. and he took it too seriously. so he hired 1 man to scratch her car. but he blamed her for it and then there were 2 more men in mototrbikes who came also. the man who scratched her car asked X to winddown her window but she only out it down a little bit. then...
*psshhheeeee pssshheeeee*
(narrataor): we are facing technical problems. so stay tuned. we will be right back in 5 minutes.
*psshhheee psshhheeee*
*kweeeeeeeeeeeee kweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
*chiga chiga rofel rofel*
(director): and we are back on air!
(newsman/aka: me): okay! *glugs another glug of water* ehem. *shifts myself to a comfortable position on the chair* and welcome back to news in omg.blogspot.com ( :
then the man stabbed X on the shoulder, elbow and etc, until can see her bones. she went to the hostital and the stitched her up. the indian guy pretended to be innocent and visit her in the hospital. but X's father was suspicious. but the girl didnt believe him. the indian man then invited her to stay over at his apartment, and so she stupidly did. X wanted to go to shanghai to furthur her studies to get a master degree or something like that. so this man offered her to help her dunno do what to her passport and ic and all. so she lagi stupidly give. then he said he needed her birthcert, and she gave. (omg) and many days later he didnt give it back to her. and she asked him, he said he gave to some other guy to do. then the father is smart enough, go report to the police station and they do their job. blabla. tell him he must repocrt agin, renew X's ic and all and etc etc. then one day, she wanted her birthcert back so the man asked her to meet him in the restaurant. so X and her mom go. when they got there a man passes them an envoloupe. then they didnt check till the mother was driving and she said 'eh, check 1st. see if they really gave u ur birthcert back or not' and she checked but it was only a blank piece of paper, so they turned back.
(narrator): and we inntrupt this program for a short break. stay tuned.
kid: ayah, laparlah!
ayah: yake? aiyoh. takde tempat nak berhenti untk makan la..
(then they passed by KFC)
kid: AYAH! KFC, bolehtak?!
ayah: ada ke? oh! KFC! bolehlah.
(and they order KFC)
kid: mm! sedap la!
ayah: mmg la, ini KFC. mesti sedap!
(KFC theme song)
(newsman/aka: me): and ehem, we are back in news!
then they asked the man why isnt her birthcert in here? and the man said 'i odnt know. they pass me the enveloupe but i didnt open. so he promise that her will give it back to her the next day. so her mom entered the car, but b4 X could, 2 men came out to her and stabbed her with a knife on her head. there was alot of blood and the mom panicked and quickly drive her to the hospital. they gave her 5 stitches. and now she is traumatized and scared to go outside the house. her dad said he is gonna hire a bodyguard to protect her.
(director): and.. CUT!
(newsman/aka: me): ( :
(director, camera crew, helpers, prop managers, me, etc): *applause, applause*
: D
now i shall watch u all go OMG and all. u may express ur shockerness in my cbox ( :
(p/s: dont talk bout this too much. what goes around comes around okay? so u may express urself here and not talk bout this too much, thank u.)
haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa. and OMG! i think she is probably in the hospital and indian boy is being jailed. i dont know. but my mom said that my neighbour(father of X) came this morning or dunno when and told them everthing. i was probably still asleep.
thank u thank u.
why OMG? gee, i know! cos.. i got news! shocking news! horrible shocking news!
(i hope the main charater doesnt mind i put the news in here)
well, who cares, cos she doesnt know, u dont know her, she doesnt know u, its just like reading a newspaper. u get shocked and terror, but u dont know them and they dont know u ( :
here goes.
i am gonna say this nice, slow and suspendful. >: D
my neighbour.
more specific: my neighbour's daughter
even more specific: my neightbour's daughter is an adult
specificness: my neighbour's daughter who is an adult and has a fat indian boyfriend.
lets name the neighbour's daughter who is an adult and has a fat indian boyfriend X.
X has this indian boyfriend, as u already know. and X loved him(i think). now X wanted to break up with him.
narrator: we are sorry to interuupt this program for advertisment. stay tuned.
(man struggling to sleep): umph! umph! *rolls around*
(narrator): having a hard time to sleep? well then, use our new instant-sleep patch!
(man): *takes out his instant-sleep patch fromthe drawer and pastes it on his forehead* aaahhh... nyap, nyap. *snore snore*
(narrator): instant-sleep patch! make u sleep instantly!
*back to the news*
(director): and were on air!
(newsman/aka: me): huh? oh! *quickly glugs water down* ehem. now where was i?
X wanted to break up with him. and he took it too seriously. so he hired 1 man to scratch her car. but he blamed her for it and then there were 2 more men in mototrbikes who came also. the man who scratched her car asked X to winddown her window but she only out it down a little bit. then...
*psshhheeeee pssshheeeee*
(narrataor): we are facing technical problems. so stay tuned. we will be right back in 5 minutes.
*psshhheee psshhheeee*
*kweeeeeeeeeeeee kweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
*chiga chiga rofel rofel*
(director): and we are back on air!
(newsman/aka: me): okay! *glugs another glug of water* ehem. *shifts myself to a comfortable position on the chair* and welcome back to news in omg.blogspot.com ( :
then the man stabbed X on the shoulder, elbow and etc, until can see her bones. she went to the hostital and the stitched her up. the indian guy pretended to be innocent and visit her in the hospital. but X's father was suspicious. but the girl didnt believe him. the indian man then invited her to stay over at his apartment, and so she stupidly did. X wanted to go to shanghai to furthur her studies to get a master degree or something like that. so this man offered her to help her dunno do what to her passport and ic and all. so she lagi stupidly give. then he said he needed her birthcert, and she gave. (omg) and many days later he didnt give it back to her. and she asked him, he said he gave to some other guy to do. then the father is smart enough, go report to the police station and they do their job. blabla. tell him he must repocrt agin, renew X's ic and all and etc etc. then one day, she wanted her birthcert back so the man asked her to meet him in the restaurant. so X and her mom go. when they got there a man passes them an envoloupe. then they didnt check till the mother was driving and she said 'eh, check 1st. see if they really gave u ur birthcert back or not' and she checked but it was only a blank piece of paper, so they turned back.
(narrator): and we inntrupt this program for a short break. stay tuned.
kid: ayah, laparlah!
ayah: yake? aiyoh. takde tempat nak berhenti untk makan la..
(then they passed by KFC)
kid: AYAH! KFC, bolehtak?!
ayah: ada ke? oh! KFC! bolehlah.
(and they order KFC)
kid: mm! sedap la!
ayah: mmg la, ini KFC. mesti sedap!
(KFC theme song)
(newsman/aka: me): and ehem, we are back in news!
then they asked the man why isnt her birthcert in here? and the man said 'i odnt know. they pass me the enveloupe but i didnt open. so he promise that her will give it back to her the next day. so her mom entered the car, but b4 X could, 2 men came out to her and stabbed her with a knife on her head. there was alot of blood and the mom panicked and quickly drive her to the hospital. they gave her 5 stitches. and now she is traumatized and scared to go outside the house. her dad said he is gonna hire a bodyguard to protect her.
(director): and.. CUT!
(newsman/aka: me): ( :
(director, camera crew, helpers, prop managers, me, etc): *applause, applause*
: D
now i shall watch u all go OMG and all. u may express ur shockerness in my cbox ( :
(p/s: dont talk bout this too much. what goes around comes around okay? so u may express urself here and not talk bout this too much, thank u.)
haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaa. and OMG! i think she is probably in the hospital and indian boy is being jailed. i dont know. but my mom said that my neighbour(father of X) came this morning or dunno when and told them everthing. i was probably still asleep.
thank u thank u.
do the math.
okay, whaddelse? ummmmmmm. yea! last might my mother cooked/baked LAGSANA!!! oo, mm, aah... delicious. lo. its a layer of: mashed potatoes, lagsana(+tomato sauce+minced chicken), mashed potatoes again and CHEESE!!! niiiiceee.... and there was also salad. she is gonna make it again tmw(cos she is goignt to singapore on monday- wednesday AGAIN(the last time she went was last week on tuesday-thursday) and i can eat moorree.
: 9 and this morning, my mom cooked sausages (3 different types; small ones, cheesy ones, and normal ones) and there was ham, salad leaves, bread and MASHED POTATOES!! ( : i ate mostly mashed potatoes and sausages. 2 breads with hams(sandwich which was a normal square bread cut into quarters. so became 4. i ate two of those, which means i ate.. half a bread : D) some salads. thats all XD it hink. yea. mayonaise(i put some on the salad leaves : D)! and... i dont know. i ate until i was FULL! yeaaa! XD
i cant really think of anything else to write.. hmmmmmmmmm. heheheeeeeeeeeeee. maybe if i think of something, i shall write. DUH.
dingus(no idea what is that)
okay, whaddelse? ummmmmmm. yea! last might my mother cooked/baked LAGSANA!!! oo, mm, aah... delicious. lo. its a layer of: mashed potatoes, lagsana(+tomato sauce+minced chicken), mashed potatoes again and CHEESE!!! niiiiceee.... and there was also salad. she is gonna make it again tmw(cos she is goignt to singapore on monday- wednesday AGAIN(the last time she went was last week on tuesday-thursday) and i can eat moorree.
: 9 and this morning, my mom cooked sausages (3 different types; small ones, cheesy ones, and normal ones) and there was ham, salad leaves, bread and MASHED POTATOES!! ( : i ate mostly mashed potatoes and sausages. 2 breads with hams(sandwich which was a normal square bread cut into quarters. so became 4. i ate two of those, which means i ate.. half a bread : D) some salads. thats all XD it hink. yea. mayonaise(i put some on the salad leaves : D)! and... i dont know. i ate until i was FULL! yeaaa! XD
i cant really think of anything else to write.. hmmmmmmmmm. heheheeeeeeeeeeee. maybe if i think of something, i shall write. DUH.
dingus(no idea what is that)
Friday, February 20, 2009
ehehe.. there is nothing that is lie right now : D i just feel like saying that, cos i watched drake and josh and they said it just now XD its the episode where they fought over a foam finger that drake bought eight yrs ago XD and he asked 'i wonder what its like wehn we are 80 yrs old' and the oatmeal and the wheat thingy and megan threw that cookie again like when drake and josh were 8 yrs old then josh accused drake of thumping him or something and drake said 'thats a lie!' haha. ( :
i am now watching the simpsons now... and i am bored. haha. well i am bored, so that is why i am posting this. DO YOU HAVE A BLOG?! tell me if i dont know about it! : D
SHOW YOURSELF!!!! as in llike... SHOW YOURSELF!!! ehem... sorry. i am just bored. while watching the simpsons XD and SHOW YOURSELF!! argh. read the other posts lah.
i am now watching the simpsons now... and i am bored. haha. well i am bored, so that is why i am posting this. DO YOU HAVE A BLOG?! tell me if i dont know about it! : D
SHOW YOURSELF!!!! as in llike... SHOW YOURSELF!!! ehem... sorry. i am just bored. while watching the simpsons XD and SHOW YOURSELF!! argh. read the other posts lah.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
copy her la.
woits. sou mun wrote this panjang(not so panjang) blog post in her blog bout friends and all, well, ya. i copy her la. write bout friends also XD
To me la, friends are like.. umm............ fruits! no w8.. they are not. i dont know. that sentense was random, and since it was random, so is my answer. lol. forget it. lets get on with life.
fake friends only pretend to like u, but they backstab alot(u probably know that already). but have u noticed that fake friends actually have liked u b4 or at random times? i mean like, they always say "i hate her/him" "damn ****er and a ***** la her/him" "she/he is so damn belagak la. i hate her/him" etc... yea, u probably know that. but they have like that hated friend b4. at certain times, they will forget that they hate u and like u for a while, then after u do smtng slight that annoyed them abit, it will like, drop ur friendship meter until the hate part again. ya, we kids are like that. but if adults? business stuff:
workerA: hey, u mixed this column contents with that other one!
workerB: no, i didnt.
A: yea, sure. i will go tell the boss unless u admit.
B: u need human resources.
A: *gasp* take that back!!
B; make me!
A: OH! so its that way huh?! i will tell the boss about ur column mistakes and demote u to trainee!
A: oh, yes i did! in fact, not only will u be trainee, u will also be part-time sweeper!
B: oh yea, well.. well.. well, what makes u think boss will listen to u?!
A: OMG! take that BACK!!! he trusts me more than any co-workers he ever had!
B: i thought his trustie was his consultant?
A: nope. thats where u are wrong. AGAIN!
B: what?! nah-hah! i hear he wanted to promote u, but since u r about to report some bad things bout me, he aint gonna do it!
A: pfft, he will promote me twice once i give u in!!! AHAHAH!!!
B: u r so childish.
A: ur childish, child.
B: baby
A: feteus
B: egg
A: nothing yet.
B: admit defeat, sukkkkaaaaaaa!!!
A: in ur dreams! oh, w8! in fact, make that in ur FANTASIES! cos it aint happening. nevaaaaaa!!!
B: pffffffttttt
A: psssshhhh
B: ppttthhhh
A: tttssspppsss
B: urgh
(*slaps each other with the hands while facing away. i think u should know that attack)
well, that was childish. not adult-ish. aahahhaaaaaaaaa.....
anyways, its about loyalty and trusting. u shouldnt be too jealous or anything of the other person. u have ur own things that he/she doesnt!! sont be too sensitive also la. that way everyoone also u hate. eveyone has their faults and goodness. just accept it. faults can be changed to be better. and make ur friend a better person!
fake friend: lets u do anything u want without helping u
friend: helps u sometimes and cheats on u sometimes also
good friend: cares about ur actions and always ready to help.
u know its very hurting right, when u help ur friend and they say like 'wtv' or dont care. u feel very unappreciated riiiight? or if they dont say thank you or even show abit of appreciation. well, since u know how it feels, dont do that to ur friend. if u dont know how it feels, u will, SOONER OR LATER!!! (muahahaha)
what about if u have a big fat ugly argument?!
OMG! that is sooo.... unfriendly =.=
eh, once a friend, never an enemy okay. in fact, u will barely have enemies. they are just ppl whom u dislike.
actually, why do ppl hate others so much? did they eva did anything to u? well, maybe they did, but u dont have to hate them until u say "u suck so bad, that even a baby sucking a pacifier cant challenge you!!" for no reason. but that is ur own problem la. maybe u seriously hate each other until when just a normal day, u feel like kicking him/her is the ass so hardly.
but what really bothers me is ppl hating celebrities. uve neva met them right? unless u have, then this paragraph is none of ur bbusiness. u have never met them and u just simply hate them for no reason. dont like is okay la, but u dont need to hate until "ur such a slut and a sucker that i dont even wanna know why anyone accepts u for ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!!" if u dont like, just leave them alone la. dont bother. support those whom u love. etc.
aiiihhh. boring la. nothing else much to say... hmm... how bout.. friends are... important. duh. u eed them for almost.. anything! u need them for company, supporting u, helping u, play with u and etc. in fact, i think all those i mentioned also alot already. haha. family is important also. OF COURSE!!!
i love my family, relatives, friends and MORE. hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i am stuck right now la. cant think of anything else, so.... stop for now : D
u know ur own definitions of friends.
To me la, friends are like.. umm............ fruits! no w8.. they are not. i dont know. that sentense was random, and since it was random, so is my answer. lol. forget it. lets get on with life.
fake friends only pretend to like u, but they backstab alot(u probably know that already). but have u noticed that fake friends actually have liked u b4 or at random times? i mean like, they always say "i hate her/him" "damn ****er and a ***** la her/him" "she/he is so damn belagak la. i hate her/him" etc... yea, u probably know that. but they have like that hated friend b4. at certain times, they will forget that they hate u and like u for a while, then after u do smtng slight that annoyed them abit, it will like, drop ur friendship meter until the hate part again. ya, we kids are like that. but if adults? business stuff:
workerA: hey, u mixed this column contents with that other one!
workerB: no, i didnt.
A: yea, sure. i will go tell the boss unless u admit.
B: u need human resources.
A: *gasp* take that back!!
B; make me!
A: OH! so its that way huh?! i will tell the boss about ur column mistakes and demote u to trainee!
A: oh, yes i did! in fact, not only will u be trainee, u will also be part-time sweeper!
B: oh yea, well.. well.. well, what makes u think boss will listen to u?!
A: OMG! take that BACK!!! he trusts me more than any co-workers he ever had!
B: i thought his trustie was his consultant?
A: nope. thats where u are wrong. AGAIN!
B: what?! nah-hah! i hear he wanted to promote u, but since u r about to report some bad things bout me, he aint gonna do it!
A: pfft, he will promote me twice once i give u in!!! AHAHAH!!!
B: u r so childish.
A: ur childish, child.
B: baby
A: feteus
B: egg
A: nothing yet.
B: admit defeat, sukkkkaaaaaaa!!!
A: in ur dreams! oh, w8! in fact, make that in ur FANTASIES! cos it aint happening. nevaaaaaa!!!
B: pffffffttttt
A: psssshhhh
B: ppttthhhh
A: tttssspppsss
B: urgh
(*slaps each other with the hands while facing away. i think u should know that attack)
well, that was childish. not adult-ish. aahahhaaaaaaaaa.....
anyways, its about loyalty and trusting. u shouldnt be too jealous or anything of the other person. u have ur own things that he/she doesnt!! sont be too sensitive also la. that way everyoone also u hate. eveyone has their faults and goodness. just accept it. faults can be changed to be better. and make ur friend a better person!
fake friend: lets u do anything u want without helping u
friend: helps u sometimes and cheats on u sometimes also
good friend: cares about ur actions and always ready to help.
u know its very hurting right, when u help ur friend and they say like 'wtv' or dont care. u feel very unappreciated riiiight? or if they dont say thank you or even show abit of appreciation. well, since u know how it feels, dont do that to ur friend. if u dont know how it feels, u will, SOONER OR LATER!!! (muahahaha)
what about if u have a big fat ugly argument?!
OMG! that is sooo.... unfriendly =.=
eh, once a friend, never an enemy okay. in fact, u will barely have enemies. they are just ppl whom u dislike.
actually, why do ppl hate others so much? did they eva did anything to u? well, maybe they did, but u dont have to hate them until u say "u suck so bad, that even a baby sucking a pacifier cant challenge you!!" for no reason. but that is ur own problem la. maybe u seriously hate each other until when just a normal day, u feel like kicking him/her is the ass so hardly.
but what really bothers me is ppl hating celebrities. uve neva met them right? unless u have, then this paragraph is none of ur bbusiness. u have never met them and u just simply hate them for no reason. dont like is okay la, but u dont need to hate until "ur such a slut and a sucker that i dont even wanna know why anyone accepts u for ANYTHING AT ALL!!!!!" if u dont like, just leave them alone la. dont bother. support those whom u love. etc.
aiiihhh. boring la. nothing else much to say... hmm... how bout.. friends are... important. duh. u eed them for almost.. anything! u need them for company, supporting u, helping u, play with u and etc. in fact, i think all those i mentioned also alot already. haha. family is important also. OF COURSE!!!
i love my family, relatives, friends and MORE. hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i am stuck right now la. cant think of anything else, so.... stop for now : D
u know ur own definitions of friends.
random badum!
ee.. i still have no idea of what to write as a title XD
okaaaay, so todays barang-barang(adapted/transalated from the word "things")
1st. lyn xie damn emo. what is wrong with u?? she wont tell meeee. or anyone else. just fold her arms and unhappy face. not to forget slouching on the chair and while walking, emo-ing. ursh. etc.
2nd. kimbs, CHILL! tell me bout this miss lady-la-lo, and maaaaybe i can help. but if its just a typical: freind(very good and loyal) and then after 3 yrs, 'friend'(demanding, snobbish and bla bla), then i might have to just say like what i said in ur blog. : D
3rd. amirah came to school today. cooooooooool. lol.
4th. i played long jump/lompat jauh with sou mun after netball(more bout that later on), cacat la! i lack practise. i was just 1 step to the line. ONE!!!! i neeeeeeeeeed practise. haha.
5th. netball. yea, my shooting also cacat already .==. so i traded placed with seing yeeeeeeee(goal attack) and then traded with nathalie(center). so i became center. hahaha! i am so used to being goal shooter, which means just staying in the D and do nothing till the ball comes. but now i played center, alot of running, but no D. so opposite XD but i kinda like it. i like all the positions la. goal keeper, ee. i dont like that position XD but why do i care, i dont become GK anymore anyways! XD
6th. art. we were supposed to draw these human figures with the measurement of 8heads or dunno wat la. and after drawing that, draw the baju. then must paste material u know?! what material do i have?! must go either find 1 or buy. lol.
7th. i gtg for piano, so byebyeeeeeeee. i will post somemore later if i "have time" or can.
okaaaay, so todays barang-barang(adapted/transalated from the word "things")
1st. lyn xie damn emo. what is wrong with u?? she wont tell meeee. or anyone else. just fold her arms and unhappy face. not to forget slouching on the chair and while walking, emo-ing. ursh. etc.
2nd. kimbs, CHILL! tell me bout this miss lady-la-lo, and maaaaybe i can help. but if its just a typical: freind(very good and loyal) and then after 3 yrs, 'friend'(demanding, snobbish and bla bla), then i might have to just say like what i said in ur blog. : D
3rd. amirah came to school today. cooooooooool. lol.
4th. i played long jump/lompat jauh with sou mun after netball(more bout that later on), cacat la! i lack practise. i was just 1 step to the line. ONE!!!! i neeeeeeeeeed practise. haha.
5th. netball. yea, my shooting also cacat already .==. so i traded placed with seing yeeeeeeee(goal attack) and then traded with nathalie(center). so i became center. hahaha! i am so used to being goal shooter, which means just staying in the D and do nothing till the ball comes. but now i played center, alot of running, but no D. so opposite XD but i kinda like it. i like all the positions la. goal keeper, ee. i dont like that position XD but why do i care, i dont become GK anymore anyways! XD
6th. art. we were supposed to draw these human figures with the measurement of 8heads or dunno wat la. and after drawing that, draw the baju. then must paste material u know?! what material do i have?! must go either find 1 or buy. lol.
7th. i gtg for piano, so byebyeeeeeeee. i will post somemore later if i "have time" or can.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
okaaaay!!! so these are yesterday's pictures that i uploaded. i was just lazy and "no time" to upload these yesterday. so here they are:
some woman whom i saw yesterday with red spiky hair. whoa. her hair definitely cant match several colours of baju. tsk tsk.
OH MY GAWWD!!!!!!! (thats lyn xie's feet btw) SHE HAS 6 FEET!! WHOAHOAHOA!!!look at THAT!! 6 feet... hahahaaaaa.
thats also lx feet. the one who has 4 feet. SHE HAS 4-6 FEET?! (p/s: she is probably hiding the other 2 in her skirt XD) (and that feet with no shoes(socks only) is mine. ahaha. we were near the concourse and lx's 4 feet were so hilarious that i had to, HAD TO, quickly and secretly take out my handphone to snap a picture. and then we went to the toilet so that lx can unleash her other 2. hahahah!

Sunday, February 15, 2009
OKAY. i am bawred. so i am posting these craps.
(p/s: as i type each word, i plan what shall the next word be. it takes less than 3 seconds to get the next word, btw. so these are completely random and original. some of them, as i type i quickly scan whats around me and type it in XD it also takes less than 3 seconds. even i dont know what will the question and answer be until i finished typing. actually the question is more random that the answer cos after re-reading the question, i think of the answer for less than a minute.. hehehe)
what do u get if u cross a keyboard and a handphone?
if there were 2 loaves of bread in a store, which one will be bought 1st?
how should i know?!
why is there such thing as a memory card reader?
cos u cant read memory
what do u get if u morph a baboon and a rabbit?
a raboon or babbit. yea, i prefer babbit.
okay this is not random, cos i told this to ppl b4, and its created by me and my bro. but it is original.
what if a mango and banana mixed?
u get a bango or a mangnana. a bango looks like a banana, only that u skin the skin like a mango! and a mangnana is a mango that peels likes a banana XD i havent decided what they taste like. probably both taste like a mango and banana mixed =.=
well, that probably it, cos i am no longer bored. i am occupied by umaimah and her rabbit on webcam! XD i was busy and didnt type anything for a while! u wouldnt know if i nvr told u! ahaha!
well, byes.
(p/s: as i type each word, i plan what shall the next word be. it takes less than 3 seconds to get the next word, btw. so these are completely random and original. some of them, as i type i quickly scan whats around me and type it in XD it also takes less than 3 seconds. even i dont know what will the question and answer be until i finished typing. actually the question is more random that the answer cos after re-reading the question, i think of the answer for less than a minute.. hehehe)
what do u get if u cross a keyboard and a handphone?
if there were 2 loaves of bread in a store, which one will be bought 1st?
how should i know?!
why is there such thing as a memory card reader?
cos u cant read memory
what do u get if u morph a baboon and a rabbit?
a raboon or babbit. yea, i prefer babbit.
okay this is not random, cos i told this to ppl b4, and its created by me and my bro. but it is original.
what if a mango and banana mixed?
u get a bango or a mangnana. a bango looks like a banana, only that u skin the skin like a mango! and a mangnana is a mango that peels likes a banana XD i havent decided what they taste like. probably both taste like a mango and banana mixed =.=
well, that probably it, cos i am no longer bored. i am occupied by umaimah and her rabbit on webcam! XD i was busy and didnt type anything for a while! u wouldnt know if i nvr told u! ahaha!
well, byes.
fireworks/ rich ppl
yesterday there was this kids' 8th bday in the clubhouse and her dad must be super rich. cos they had this huge fireworks that was like.. huge. and lasted very long. they are literally burning RM5000 on this.
we went there to eat ad watch the fireworks. i video-ed the beggining of it and here it is:
oh yea. and trust me, i was sarcastically blinded by the lights. bom! bam! pra pra pra! shaaaaaa! bom bom bam bam!! etc.
there were normal ones, huge ones(practically cover the entire sky that our eyes can see from that view), fancy ones and some that the sparks fly down so low that it could be possible that it reaches u and etc.. ahahaha!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
(okay, so u ppl who comes to this blog often should know that i always entitle my post as something pretty irrelevant cos i have no idea what to call it. and i will post stuff that i think of, and other random thing i think off while i am typing. hehehe)
yea, well, today IS valentines day. and yes, to what megaaaaan said in her blog (www.cookie-loves-you.blogspot.com), we celebrate by having a ROAD RUN!!! yaaaay!!(pee/ass: that was sarcasm)
i didnt get exactly what u call ay... brilliant position. i got some number that.. is not top 10. duh. its already NOT A BRILLIANT POSITION. last yr a got 8th place. and this yr.. DUMDUMDUM!!! 18th.
positive side:
we r racing with form3.
negative side:
most of the top5 were form2, which means the form3 arent mad(mad as in can run like a gila man), they are either slower or similar speed as us.
but its okay ( :
heheheh... well, i dont exaclty care about valentines day. its nothing to me. but since its an occasion, i might as well wish u all. happy valentines day.
oh oh oh, and today, after the road run, after the performances(some were shitty-ish), after the prize giving and lucky draw, we all could go home already. so we sat at that table in the primary concourse and thumbs fingers toes/ hideous, horrendous(how to spell?), black, ugly, form3 glasses guy came to lyn xie and gave her flowers. and i was like woot! *clap clap* and several ppl joined in and it was like a short woot woot session. and he gave the flowers just like that, no wrapper or anything. pfft. some guy he is. so i ever so kindly helped him XD i had this tissue/napkin thingy that has pink flowers on it, so i wrapped it and hold the tissue with a safety pin. : D
btw: tumbs fingers toes/ hideous, horrendous, black, ugly, form3 glasses guy has been like following lyn xie everywhere, which means we have been seeing him often, he is like.. bisu, cannot talk wan u know?! talk also like *makes deep voice* mamamamamamam.... that way.
but according to lx, he has found a new target. a form 1 girl. (run, girl, RUN!!) that guy seriously has a weird way of tackling girls. he follows them around everwhere, u run, he run. brr.. creepy. but for lx's sake, i aint mentioning his name. i dont even know his entire name. but if u know who he is, i dont blame u cos its so freakin obvious of who he is.
anyways, i had this weird/random thought just now. i cant remember when. maybe while i was running. is there such thing as bras with sleeves?! hahahah! imagine it, imagine it!!! XD
anyways(again), there is nothing much la. nothing else to say ( :
so i shall end my post.. HERE! byebyeeeee!!
yea, well, today IS valentines day. and yes, to what megaaaaan said in her blog (www.cookie-loves-you.blogspot.com), we celebrate by having a ROAD RUN!!! yaaaay!!(pee/ass: that was sarcasm)
i didnt get exactly what u call ay... brilliant position. i got some number that.. is not top 10. duh. its already NOT A BRILLIANT POSITION. last yr a got 8th place. and this yr.. DUMDUMDUM!!! 18th.
positive side:
we r racing with form3.
negative side:
most of the top5 were form2, which means the form3 arent mad(mad as in can run like a gila man), they are either slower or similar speed as us.
but its okay ( :
heheheh... well, i dont exaclty care about valentines day. its nothing to me. but since its an occasion, i might as well wish u all. happy valentines day.
oh oh oh, and today, after the road run, after the performances(some were shitty-ish), after the prize giving and lucky draw, we all could go home already. so we sat at that table in the primary concourse and thumbs fingers toes/ hideous, horrendous(how to spell?), black, ugly, form3 glasses guy came to lyn xie and gave her flowers. and i was like woot! *clap clap* and several ppl joined in and it was like a short woot woot session. and he gave the flowers just like that, no wrapper or anything. pfft. some guy he is. so i ever so kindly helped him XD i had this tissue/napkin thingy that has pink flowers on it, so i wrapped it and hold the tissue with a safety pin. : D
btw: tumbs fingers toes/ hideous, horrendous, black, ugly, form3 glasses guy has been like following lyn xie everywhere, which means we have been seeing him often, he is like.. bisu, cannot talk wan u know?! talk also like *makes deep voice* mamamamamamam.... that way.
but according to lx, he has found a new target. a form 1 girl. (run, girl, RUN!!) that guy seriously has a weird way of tackling girls. he follows them around everwhere, u run, he run. brr.. creepy. but for lx's sake, i aint mentioning his name. i dont even know his entire name. but if u know who he is, i dont blame u cos its so freakin obvious of who he is.
anyways, i had this weird/random thought just now. i cant remember when. maybe while i was running. is there such thing as bras with sleeves?! hahahah! imagine it, imagine it!!! XD
anyways(again), there is nothing much la. nothing else to say ( :
so i shall end my post.. HERE! byebyeeeee!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
hairstyles ||"-.-''||

See these ppl? yea. u know they play with hair? like girls.. only now, the difference is, the girls play with each others hair less and the guys play with hair more. =.="
they are spiking each others hair with hairgel. if any of u in the pic happen to see this, feel free to panic ( : but i doubt they come here, so... hehehe....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Yiruma is chubby. thats all. XD
if i have time or if i am.. tak terlalu malas, i will post again l8r. hehe.
if i have time or if i am.. tak terlalu malas, i will post again l8r. hehe.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday. yes, yes thats today. okaaay.. as usual, the intro will be a little.. weird. ehem! okay! lets get down to blawgeeng!
lets start the friday song, which most possibly only today we shall sing it.
tmw is
and the day after is
and oh, my
is a holiday
cos its... dumdumdum
okaaay... that was a really weird/lame/awkward song. though it is chronic, i kinda like the way its.. retarted. lol. and the last 2 lines, i didnt plan for it to rhyme, but when i read it again, IT DID! XD
ahaha. okie-zay! now... where was i? oh yes! i was in school!! haha. lame humor. anywyas, i actually dont have much to chatter about.. hmm. ah, yes! amirah finally came to school todaya dn the day was seriously short... hmm... thats about everything thats unusual today.. and i forgot to buy artblock.. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! ish. i will go get it somehow, either i will find one, buy one or get just 1 sheet of paper might make me happy. and t he only reason why my artblock finished so quickly is because YOU PPL TOOK IT AAAWWWLLL!!!!! argh. nvm. neva-mineee-ddd! ( :
happy thaipusam!
lets start the friday song, which most possibly only today we shall sing it.
tmw is
and the day after is
and oh, my
is a holiday
cos its... dumdumdum
okaaay... that was a really weird/lame/awkward song. though it is chronic, i kinda like the way its.. retarted. lol. and the last 2 lines, i didnt plan for it to rhyme, but when i read it again, IT DID! XD
ahaha. okie-zay! now... where was i? oh yes! i was in school!! haha. lame humor. anywyas, i actually dont have much to chatter about.. hmm. ah, yes! amirah finally came to school todaya dn the day was seriously short... hmm... thats about everything thats unusual today.. and i forgot to buy artblock.. NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! ish. i will go get it somehow, either i will find one, buy one or get just 1 sheet of paper might make me happy. and t he only reason why my artblock finished so quickly is because YOU PPL TOOK IT AAAWWWLLL!!!!! argh. nvm. neva-mineee-ddd! ( :
happy thaipusam!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
gong hay fat choy!
okay, that was weird. its from the simpsons. anyways. busy, so no updates for quite a while. heheh. but its still not that long XD.
anyways again.. lesee whats the happening...
eee.. got alot. but wtv it is, i wanna do my art hw 1st XD or maybe the more important ones 1st(cos art pass up next thursday)
amirah amirah, let go of your golden lazyness!
hawh, if u, amirah, are reading this, it doesnt make a diff cos i am writing it in a way where u and our fellow bloggies and bloggers can read it and interprate it by ur own.
she is quitting school again. which so happens to be a very goood thing cos she refuses to go to school, so quit, save money la. good right? hahah!
anyways, amirah. like i said. YOU HAVE A BIG DREAM! u love money and want to be successful. so whatcha gonna do? (yea, study is 1 thing, but lets just go with STOP BEING LAZY) well, ur mom doesnt disipline u and u urself wants to master and perfect ur art of lazyness, suit yourself. u wont even listen to a word i say, but what the heck? if urself. do whateva that makes u happy. and if u claim you can manage ur life better than i can manage mine, i dont really care actually. and u just claimed u want to listen but dont care. HAH. wtv. i still will nag like a granny. as long as she either care or wanna liste or both. just have one of those, i will.
3)sou mun/salmon
she wants maple to take over the world. what la yew. and i drew an ugly pic of her just now in class(on the whiteboard cos there is a marker there. teacher was in class. duh, but she was teaching some ppl) and everyone saw it. at first i put an arrow there that says 'salmon' and she went something like 'WOI! rub laaa!' so i rubbed. but only the word salmon and i replaced it whit 'guess who' and there were ppl going like 'yerr' and all. nathalie and seing yee knows its her cos they saw b4 i rubbed the 'salmon'. and yun ken was like 'yerr! looks like u mei yan' haha! and after school, mei yan and grace asked me 'who is that?' and i say 'u guess la. i wrote heer name just now.' and they asked 'sou mun?' and i said yes, and grace wrote her name below the 'portrait' and mei yan wrote there 'by: bad yue jen' haha! and they even wanted me to leave it there until tmw, but sou mun came and erased the whole thing with paper =..=
4)lyn xie
lynxie, lynxie. she is a.. meanish thing.
wei lun's english and maths book was left on the table. so she went and changed the answers for maths. he wrote in pen, so she also wrote it in pen. barely noticable. haha! and she wrote -8 and -2 in his math activity book. she wrote those big-ly in the boxes(subjective part. do the working and all, so got big space, thats where she wrote it.) haha! and the best one was english!! we had to copy sentences and fill in the blanks. it was easy. but he copied and planned to do it as hw, so its blank. but this one he did already. this is what she/we wrote..... (green words are what she/we changed)
1) we usually scrape our teeth twice a day.
2) throw your bags to see if there is anything missing.
3) the moon eats its light from the sun.
4) a baby stomp because its hungry or wet.
5) a mother kock her childvery much.
6)(did not change)
7)(did not change either)
8)(cant see properly)
9)(didnt change)
10)i help(<-- did not change the ans, but changed the sentence. the butt part) my parents to wash their butt everyday.
and the second page, the one he hasnt done yet(orange colour this time!!!).
1) the sun leights up the morning east and sets in the night west. XD
2) the maid eats her vegetables before she washes them.
3) mr and mrs raju kills as doctors in the general hospital.
4) i ate eight glasses of water everyday.
5) the boys often shoot football in the evenings.
6) eat up the pieces of paper on the floor!
7) nobody ghost to go to the trip because its too expensive.
8) the wong^weilun family destroyed in their new home today.
9) cats dance everytime!! (its supposed to be cats ____ great pets XD)
10) it vomits 12 hours to fly to los angeles.
i think thats about it. we laughed like crazy ppl. aah, we usually do that. heheh.
5) CNY celebration in school
okay, so celebrate, celebrate. speech, singing, fashion show, LION DANCE! teacher anounced hat there will be a lion dance and everyone was like 'woot!!' and then later there were these 4 kids who went up on stage(posed as lion dancers, one in front and one hold his waist behind) and they were like stretching their hands reaching out for something and like eating it and then finished. everyone was like 'huh? thats it?' and the bigger secondary ppl were all sarcastic and like 'woot!! that was amazing!! woot!' and clap clap. and then some were dissaponted and all. until we saw IT. what was.. IT? well, It is the actual lion dance. haha! there was a glod lion and a PINK one. the pink lion's back legs werent matching. they were red. hehe! so the dance and did something weird. XD
6) this post seems rather long.. soooooooo. huh. okay. oh yea! and i wanna post pics! but.. haaaah!!! lazy laaaaaaaaa! and too much work, so i shall see when can i do it, and i will. heheh!! byebye for nows.
anyways again.. lesee whats the happening...
eee.. got alot. but wtv it is, i wanna do my art hw 1st XD or maybe the more important ones 1st(cos art pass up next thursday)
amirah amirah, let go of your golden lazyness!
hawh, if u, amirah, are reading this, it doesnt make a diff cos i am writing it in a way where u and our fellow bloggies and bloggers can read it and interprate it by ur own.
she is quitting school again. which so happens to be a very goood thing cos she refuses to go to school, so quit, save money la. good right? hahah!
anyways, amirah. like i said. YOU HAVE A BIG DREAM! u love money and want to be successful. so whatcha gonna do? (yea, study is 1 thing, but lets just go with STOP BEING LAZY) well, ur mom doesnt disipline u and u urself wants to master and perfect ur art of lazyness, suit yourself. u wont even listen to a word i say, but what the heck? if urself. do whateva that makes u happy. and if u claim you can manage ur life better than i can manage mine, i dont really care actually. and u just claimed u want to listen but dont care. HAH. wtv. i still will nag like a granny. as long as she either care or wanna liste or both. just have one of those, i will.
3)sou mun/salmon
she wants maple to take over the world. what la yew. and i drew an ugly pic of her just now in class(on the whiteboard cos there is a marker there. teacher was in class. duh, but she was teaching some ppl) and everyone saw it. at first i put an arrow there that says 'salmon' and she went something like 'WOI! rub laaa!' so i rubbed. but only the word salmon and i replaced it whit 'guess who' and there were ppl going like 'yerr' and all. nathalie and seing yee knows its her cos they saw b4 i rubbed the 'salmon'. and yun ken was like 'yerr! looks like u mei yan' haha! and after school, mei yan and grace asked me 'who is that?' and i say 'u guess la. i wrote heer name just now.' and they asked 'sou mun?' and i said yes, and grace wrote her name below the 'portrait' and mei yan wrote there 'by: bad yue jen' haha! and they even wanted me to leave it there until tmw, but sou mun came and erased the whole thing with paper =..=
4)lyn xie
lynxie, lynxie. she is a.. meanish thing.
wei lun's english and maths book was left on the table. so she went and changed the answers for maths. he wrote in pen, so she also wrote it in pen. barely noticable. haha! and she wrote -8 and -2 in his math activity book. she wrote those big-ly in the boxes(subjective part. do the working and all, so got big space, thats where she wrote it.) haha! and the best one was english!! we had to copy sentences and fill in the blanks. it was easy. but he copied and planned to do it as hw, so its blank. but this one he did already. this is what she/we wrote..... (green words are what she/we changed)
1) we usually scrape our teeth twice a day.
2) throw your bags to see if there is anything missing.
3) the moon eats its light from the sun.
4) a baby stomp because its hungry or wet.
5) a mother kock her childvery much.
6)(did not change)
7)(did not change either)
8)(cant see properly)
9)(didnt change)
10)i help(<-- did not change the ans, but changed the sentence. the butt part) my parents to wash their butt everyday.
and the second page, the one he hasnt done yet(orange colour this time!!!).
1) the sun leights up the morning east and sets in the night west. XD
2) the maid eats her vegetables before she washes them.
3) mr and mrs raju kills as doctors in the general hospital.
4) i ate eight glasses of water everyday.
5) the boys often shoot football in the evenings.
6) eat up the pieces of paper on the floor!
7) nobody ghost to go to the trip because its too expensive.
8) the wong^weilun family destroyed in their new home today.
9) cats dance everytime!! (its supposed to be cats ____ great pets XD)
10) it vomits 12 hours to fly to los angeles.
i think thats about it. we laughed like crazy ppl. aah, we usually do that. heheh.
5) CNY celebration in school
okay, so celebrate, celebrate. speech, singing, fashion show, LION DANCE! teacher anounced hat there will be a lion dance and everyone was like 'woot!!' and then later there were these 4 kids who went up on stage(posed as lion dancers, one in front and one hold his waist behind) and they were like stretching their hands reaching out for something and like eating it and then finished. everyone was like 'huh? thats it?' and the bigger secondary ppl were all sarcastic and like 'woot!! that was amazing!! woot!' and clap clap. and then some were dissaponted and all. until we saw IT. what was.. IT? well, It is the actual lion dance. haha! there was a glod lion and a PINK one. the pink lion's back legs werent matching. they were red. hehe! so the dance and did something weird. XD
6) this post seems rather long.. soooooooo. huh. okay. oh yea! and i wanna post pics! but.. haaaah!!! lazy laaaaaaaaa! and too much work, so i shall see when can i do it, and i will. heheh!! byebye for nows.
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